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3 Approaches to Personality Disorders: 3-Video Series

3 Approaches to Personality Disorders: 3-Video Series

Prepare to be enlightened by this riveting series featuring three very different yet fascinating approaches to personality disorders. Watch DBT pioneer Marsha Linehan, CBT expert Art Freeman, and psychoanalytic legend Otto Kernberg work with Alfred, a challenging client struggling with severe Axis II issues and deep ambivalence about being in therapy.
A Brush With Life

A Brush With Life

with Suzanne Hamel
Filmed over two years, A Brush with Life is the compelling portrait of Diane, a gifted artist struggling to free herself from mental illness through an innovative art therapy program at the Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital, Montréal’s largest psychiatric hospital.
A Childs Grief

A Childs Grief

with Simcha Jacobovici
Children express grief differently than adults, but their pain is just as real and their feelings equally as intense. “A Child’s Grief” takes viewers into the lives of eight children in bereavement support group. 
A Couple in Crisis: Creating Rapid Change With EFT

A Couple in Crisis: Creating Rapid Change With EFT

with Scott Woolley
How can you work effectively with couples who have grown emotionally disconnected from each other, particularly in the face of complex issues such as illness and the specter of loss? Discover a simple framework that you can start using immediately in your practice, regardless of your approach, to guide couples through challenging sessions so they may experience each other in positive, growth-enhancing ways.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker

A Day in the Life of a School Social Worker

with School Social Work Association of America
Want a surefire way to know if school social work is for you? In this video you’ll get to experience a day with several school social workers and see firsthand how they support and give voice to struggling children.
A Family at the Point of Growth

A Family at the Point of Growth

with Virginia Satir
Hone your clinical skills by watching one of family therapy’s most esteemed personalities in action. In this video, Virginia Satir consults with a family in the aftermath of a teenage brother’s assault of his sister.
A House Divided: Structural Therapy with a Black Family

A House Divided: Structural Therapy with a Black Family

with Harry Aponte
In this engaging video, Harry Aponte demonstrates his technique with a family struggling to overcome alienation, legal issues and the complications of step-family relationships. By “joining” intuitively with the family, Aponte warms the connection between everyone in the room and supports the family to identify the parents’ ability to be both a positive resource and a source of isolation.
A Mother Never Gives Up Hope: Older Mothers and Abusive Adult Sons

A Mother Never Gives Up Hope: Older Mothers and Abusive Adult Sons

with Terra Nova Films
Take a rare inside look at a support group for mothers who have been abused by their adult sons. Each tells their individual story of how they came to understand their situation, and reclaim their life.
A Paradoxical Intervention for Panic Disorder

A Paradoxical Intervention for Panic Disorder

with Reid Wilson
Anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson demonstrates a highly-effective, unique intervention in this excerpt from a live session with a woman whose panic disorder has made her life completely unmanageable.
A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

with Virginia Satir
Watch one of family therapy’s most highly regarded pioneers in action! In this video, Virginia Satir firmly but lovingly confronts a large family about their son’s longstanding substance abuse.
A Strategic Approach to Treating Social Anxiety Disorder

A Strategic Approach to Treating Social Anxiety Disorder

with Reid Wilson
What do you do when, in spite of your own best efforts, your clients are caught in a spiral of social anxiety and the shame that fuels it? In this webinar replay, renowned anxiety expert, Reid Wilson, will show you how to turn the tables on anxiety, providing you with techniques for working quickly and successfully with socially anxious clients.  
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
A Time to Dance: The Life & Work of Norma Canner

A Time to Dance: The Life & Work of Norma Canner

with Norma Canner
This unique, inspiring film provides viewers the opportunity to discover the life and work of Norma Canner, a dance teacher, therapist and pioneer in the field of dance movement therapy, and former instructor at Lesley Expressive Therapy Graduate Schools in Cambridge, MA, and Israel.
A Troubled Childs World and Her Dramatic Play Therapy

A Troubled Childs World and Her Dramatic Play Therapy

with Eleanor C. Irwin
In this initial diagnostic session, Ellie Irwin, a drama therapist and psychologist, demonstrates the benefits of using play therapy to facilitate sharing of the trauma narrative in a non-threatening manner.
Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy

Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy

with Aaron Beck
In this animated interview with the founder of Cognitive Therapy, Aaron Beck shares about the experiences, people and ideas that shaped his iconoclastic career, offering insights into the radical transformation of modern psychology over the last century.
Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety, Panic and Phobias 3-video Series

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety, Panic and Phobias 3-video Series

Trying to treat anxiety disorders therapists and clients can get stuck talking about symptoms and triggers. Learn how to use cognitive behavioral interventions that empower clients to rapidly recover from panic, phobias and other anxiety disorders.
Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety: Core Concepts

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety: Core Concepts

with Reid Wilson
Reid Wilson captivates in this dynamic presentation of his distinctive approach to treating anxiety disorders. You’ll reconsider your own strategies as you consider his paradoxical spin on the nature of anxiety and see his powerful methods in action.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Achieving Psychotherapy Effectiveness

Achieving Psychotherapy Effectiveness

with Molyn Leszcz, Clare Pain and Jon Hunter
Regardless of orientation, there are several core therapeutic elements that underscore any successful treatment. Discover what they are, and how to leverage them-- complete with lectures and clinical vignettes.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
ACT in Action: 6-Video Series

ACT in Action: 6-Video Series

If you're interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, this in-depth, 6-video series will teach you all you want to know and more. You'll be introduced to the core ACT concepts by Steven Hayes, and learn by watching numerous sessions conducted by Hayes and other leading ACT practitioners with a variety of clients. 

Action Methods in Couples Therapy

Action Methods in Couples Therapy

with Daniel Wiener
Dr. Daniel Wiener demonstrates how to energize and enhance your couples work by incorporating drama therapy techniques called Rehearsals for Growth™.
ADHD in the Classroom: Assessment and Intervention: 2-Video Series

ADHD in the Classroom: Assessment and Intervention: 2-Video Series

Watch expert ADHD psychologists assess and implement a treatment for a boy struggling with ADHD in school.
Adlerian Family Therapy

Adlerian Family Therapy

with James Bitter
Watch James Bitter masterfully demonstrate Alfred Adler’s values and techniques in an actual therapy session with a family caught in a typical power struggle, followed by a fascinating discussion of the nuances of this influential approach to helping families thrive.
Adlerian Parent Consultation

Adlerian Parent Consultation

with Jon Carlson
Watch Jon Carlson conduct an actual parent consultation session and an actual parenting group with moms who are in power struggles with their teenage children.
Adlerian Play Therapy

Adlerian Play Therapy

with Terry Kottman
Watch Adlerian child therapist Terry Kottman in an actual play therapy session with a 5-year old boy.
Adlerian Therapy

Adlerian Therapy

with Jon Carlson
Watch Jon Carlson masterfully demonstrate Adlerian Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video!
Adolescent Family Therapy

Adolescent Family Therapy

with Janet Sasson Edgette
Watch expert adolescent family therapist Janet Sasson Edgette in an actual counseling session with a single mother and her 15-year old daughter.
Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for OCD 3-video Series

Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for OCD 3-video Series

How can you provide effective and lasting relief for clients who feel defeated in their battle against OCD? Discover groundbreaking strategies for giving your OCD clients the courage and self-help skills needed to get their lives back.
Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

with G. Alan Marlatt
This conversation with Dr. Alan Marlatt details the foundation and practice of the harm reduction method while exploring the fascinating, politically charged progression of addiction theory and treatment in the US.
Albert Bandura on Behavior Therapy, Self Efficacy & Modeling

Albert Bandura on Behavior Therapy, Self Efficacy & Modeling

with Albert Bandura
In this enlightening conversation with one of the most prolific and influential psychologists of all time, Dr. Albert Bandura relates the breakthrough moments leading to the development of social cognitive theory and his theories of social learning, guided mastery, and self-efficacy.
Albert Bandura: From Laboratory to World Stage

Albert Bandura: From Laboratory to World Stage

with Albert Bandura
As a pioneering researcher, clinician and social change agent, Albert Bandura’s contributions to the field of psychology far transcend his early laboratory experiments on modeling. Through evocative conversation and video demonstrations, this giant of psychology will enhance your clinical outcomes by addressing the role of guided mastery, behavioral regulation, self-efficacy and moral agency in the treatment of a wide range of individual and societal concerns.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Albert Ellis on REBT

Albert Ellis on REBT

with Albert Ellis
In these lively and occasionally outrageous interviews, Albert Ellis, who many consider the founder of cognitive behavioral therapy, shares about the life experiences and intellectual influences that shaped his career and led him to create Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).
An Archived ITR Graphic Narrative Session

An Archived ITR Graphic Narrative Session

with Linda Gantt
This session demonstrates the core of ITR for treating trauma. Linda helps Diane to create a “Graphic Narrative” – a trauma story done in a series of drawings on separate pieces of paper, based on the Instinctual Trauma Response – ITR. A “before” and an “after” drawing serve as bookends to make the story complete and – most importantly – to finally bring the trauma to an end.
Anger Management in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Anger Management in Counseling and Psychotherapy

with Raymond Chip Tafrate, Howard Kassinove
Watch anger experts Howard Kassinove and Chip Tafrate demystify the challenging work of anger management in this indispensable video! Whatever your professional setting, you’ll breathe easier with this practical, empirically validated showcase of exercises, live sessions, and tools to strengthen your practice.
Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

with Lisa Sabey and Robert Blair
Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among US adolescents, but it has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. In this video about the devastating impact of anorexia on parents, see how Family-Based Therapy (FBT) actively engages parents in effective treatment.
Arnold Lazarus on Multimodal Therapy

Arnold Lazarus on Multimodal Therapy

with Arnold Lazarus
Arnold Lazarus’s drive to produce improved clinical outcomes is evident as he explains the rationale of using a wide variety of therapeutic techniques while maintaining a behavioral theoretical framework. This unique approach, called Multimodal Therapy, is characteristic of Lazarus’s personal style of open-mindedness and pragmatism.
Arnold Lazarus: Live Case Consultation

Arnold Lazarus: Live Case Consultation

with Arnold Lazarus
Watch as master therapist Arnold Lazarus consults with both an experienced therapist as well as a novice, who each present real, challenging therapy cases.
Art & Drama Sessions with Two Young Families

Art & Drama Sessions with Two Young Families

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Videotaped sessions from two families show similarities and differences in art and drama family sessions, but interactional patterns and conflicts are illustrated in both, including issues of dominance/submission; victim/aggressor; problem-maker/problem-solver.
Art & Drama Therapy: Child Life Inservice Workshop

Art & Drama Therapy: Child Life Inservice Workshop

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
This video shows excerpts from a workshop conducted by Judy Rubin, an art therapist, and Ellie Irwin, a drama therapist, with 9 Child Life Therapists and a Music Therapist at a Children’s Hospital. The group is led in art and drama activities, illustrating possible interventions with seriously ill children. In addition to the potential use of the specific exercises, instruction is offered throughout about basic principles for sensitivity and success in ways of incorporating art and drama more safely and effectively. Staff members are invited to raise questions during the training.
Art and Therapy: The Story of an Artist Therapist and His Film of A Pioneers Group

Art and Therapy: The Story of an Artist Therapist and His Film of A Pioneers Group

with Majie Lavergne
Filmmaker, psychotherapist and an artist Hughes (Majie) Lavergne shares his own reflections about Vera Zilzer’s unique approach as an art therapist and the role Zilzer's art therapy group impacted patient's healing process and their lives.
Art as a Therapy for the Grieving Process

Art as a Therapy for the Grieving Process

with Sandra Graves-Alcorn
Art as a Therapy for the Grieving Process focuses on highlighting professional therapists, grieving clients, and the work of professional artists whose work are rich examples of how art therapy can be utilized throughout the grieving process. In this video, several therapists including: Dr. Sandra Graves-Alcorn, Dr. Judy Rubin, and Dr. Robert Coles, hone in on how children experience grief and speak about their work in sessions with children who have lost a loved one.
Art as Therapy for Cancer

Art as Therapy for Cancer

with Janice Kaminsky, Dirk Wales
This collection regales the viewer with a visual feast of three beautifully filmed videos. Each illustrates another facet of art helping individuals to navigate their cancer experience. Art provides an irreplaceable psychological healing experience during the trauma of cancer.
Art as Therapy for Older Adults

Art as Therapy for Older Adults

with Multiple Therapists
This is a collection of short films about art as therapy for older adults. All of them share certain convictions about the value of art —the intense involvement of creating, the pleasure of manipulating the media, making decisions, playfulness, social interaction and pride. 
Art as Therapy for the Trauma of War

Art as Therapy for the Trauma of War

with Judith Aron Rubin
This is a grouping of films with the common thread of how art has been used throughout history as therapy for the trauma of war. From prisoners in World War II to those that survived the War in Vietnam, the collection shines a light on veterans who turned to art to help them process their intense feelings. 

Art as Transformation: the Life & Work of Shaun McNiff

Art as Transformation: the Life & Work of Shaun McNiff

with Hephzibah Kaplan, Shaun McNiff, Bruce Moon
This video contains two films that chronicle the contributions of Dr. Shaun McNiff in expressive arts therapies. His distinctive way of engaging and motivating groups promotes intense involvement by the participants.
Art Interviews by Child Psychiatrists

Art Interviews by Child Psychiatrists

with Multiple Therapists
In this video, several noted psychiatrists use art in their work with children, illustrating the nature of their interaction, how they develop a relationship, and their use of interpretation.
Art Programs for Individuals with Disabilities

Art Programs for Individuals with Disabilities

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video examines four different studio programs for artists with disabilities including Creative Growth in Oakland, California, The Art Therapy Studio Cleveland, Ohio, The Yamagata Fellows International Training Center in New York, and The Artists Workshop in Turin Italy.
Art Therapy at a College Counseling Center

Art Therapy at a College Counseling Center

with Sondra Geller
Sondra Geller, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, Jungian Analyst, shares her experiences from the mid 1980s as the first art therapist in the George Washington University Counseling Center with art therapy pioneer, Judith Rubin.
Art Therapy for Individuals with AIDS & Cancer

Art Therapy for Individuals with AIDS & Cancer

with Ellen Urbani
One might, at first, think that this video is about Occupational Therapy, as we view Roger, a cancer patient, discuss his project with his art therapist. But asked to talk about how therapy helped him to cope with depression, the emotional and psychological tone of the video changes. 
Art Therapy for Two Adults with Physical Disabilities

Art Therapy for Two Adults with Physical Disabilities

with Mickie McGraw, Ashok Shah
In this video is a compilation of two films about the foundational aspects of art centered therapy, including its art educative, media exploration focus.
Art Therapy for Youngsters in Schools and the Community

Art Therapy for Youngsters in Schools and the Community

with Judith Aron Rubin
Explore the implementation of art therapy interventions for students with behavioral and/or academic challenges in different school settings. Case studies of elementary and high school students are profiled at two different locations: a public school in the United States and two in England, and underscore the need for accessible interventions in schools.
Art Therapy Has Many Faces

Art Therapy Has Many Faces

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video provides an introductory glimpse into the exciting and dynamic world of art therapy. With footage from art therapy sessions conducted all over the world and spanning several decades, you’ll see the diversity of the field and the many benefits to incorporating an art therapy approach into your practice.
Art Therapy in a Military Hospital

Art Therapy in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
The Art and Activities Therapy Programs introduces participants to the power of self-expression, self-understanding and introspection, as well as helps them cope with stress, ameliorate feelings of isolation, increase self-esteem and self-worth, and solicit mutual support.
Art Therapy in the Public Schools

Art Therapy in the Public Schools

with Janet Bush
The Miami-Dade County Public Schools Clinical Art Therapy Program for grades K-12 offers opportunities to work through obstacles to educational success and helps students experience benefits such as a decrease in disruptive behaviors, experience feelings of empowerment, belonging and confidence. 
Art Therapy IS: A Film & Two Groups for Those with Chronic Mental Illness

Art Therapy IS: A Film & Two Groups for Those with Chronic Mental Illness

with Lore Baer
Witness the experiences of chronically mentally ill clients as they prepare for an exhibit. Baer talks with them as they create and review their artwork, validates their accomplishments, reminds them of past artwork, and makes observations to stimulate creative thinking. 
Art Therapy Review Session with Ed, a Cancer Survivor

Art Therapy Review Session with Ed, a Cancer Survivor

with Paula Howie
Ed, a long-term cancer survivor, discusses his therapeutic artwork. Articulate and introspective, Ed deliberates about what he was experiencing as well as the physical and psychological issues arising from his long course of treatment for testicular cancer. 
Art Therapy with Blind Children

Art Therapy with Blind Children

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video tells the story of an exploratory art program in a school for blind children with multiple disabilities. Exceeding all expectations regarding their abilities, they express powerful feelings in and through their art. 
Art Therapy with Older Adults

Art Therapy with Older Adults

with Judith Aron Rubin
Explore how art therapy can enrich and give meaning to older adults; and can affirm the wisdom and self-awareness that comes to those who have lived a full life, and developed the capacity to manage a multitude of challenges. 
Art Therapy: A Classic Film by UK Pioneers

Art Therapy: A Classic Film by UK Pioneers

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video's aim was to complement early UK publications on Art Therapy in the 1980s, and to respond to the many questions from interested members of the public, potential students and employers as to what actually happens in art therapy sessions.
Art Therapy: A Universal Language for Healing

Art Therapy: A Universal Language for Healing

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video demonstrates the power of art as a universal language for healing in all cultures. From its beginnings in Europe to its development in the US and the UK, art therapy has spread rapidly to all parts of Europe, as well as to Central and South America, Oceania, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Art Therapy: The Healing Vision

Art Therapy: The Healing Vision

with Robert E. Ault, Judith Aron Rubin
This is a compilation of films by and about Robert E. Ault, one of the pioneers in art therapy. Watch Ault as he discusses the field and its powerful healing capabilities, and learn about the impact he made with those who worked with him.
Art Therapy: The Person-Centered Way

Art Therapy: The Person-Centered Way

with Liesl Silverstone
Liesl Silverstone provides the background and theory of Person-Centered Art Therapy before offering an art therapy exercise demonstrating the approach with two women and their images.
Artists Facing Cancer by Making Art

Artists Facing Cancer by Making Art

with Multiple Therapists
This video is a collection of three films that documents artists' use of painting as they face their cancer diagnoses. 
Arts in the Environment: Going to the Source

Arts in the Environment: Going to the Source

with Norma Canner
In this video, Norma Canner, a movement/dance therapist, works with a diverse group of men and women for four days in the wilderness to experience creative expression and rediscover a child's sense of wonder. 
Arts Interviews with Four Young Women

Arts Interviews with Four Young Women

with Carole Kunkle-Miller, Myra Levick, Rosemarie Perla
Two art therapists demonstrate three different approaches while working with four young women to  identify and address problems they are experiencing. Through drawing, they gain insight into the issues involved as well as ways of confronting them.
Arts Therapies for Children with Disabilities in School

Arts Therapies for Children with Disabilities in School

with Judith Aron Rubin
In this video, arts therapists with specialties in dance/movement, music, and art are seen working with special needs children of elementary school age in different schools, explaining why they work the way they do. 
Ask Me About Aspergers Syndrome

Ask Me About Aspergers Syndrome

with Michael Thompson Productions
Children with Asperger’s Syndrome can play a strong role in classrooms if professionals are attuned to their particular needs. In this video you’ll learn how to do this by hearing from autism specialists, teachers, parents—and those with Asperger’s themselves.
Assessing ADHD in the Schools

Assessing ADHD in the Schools

with George J. DuPaul, Gary Stoner
Watch expert ADHD clinicians bring a multi-method approach to assessing ADHD in a school setting.
Assessment & Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Assessment & Psychological Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

with Kay Redfield Jamison
Watch Kay Redfield Jamison, bestselling author of An Unquiet Mind and international expert on bipolar disorder, in this informative and intriguing interview that presents essential information on assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder in psychotherapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Assessment and Engagement in Family Therapy

Assessment and Engagement in Family Therapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Whether you’re new to family therapy or seeing a new family client, you need a clear and effective framework to navigate this often treacherous terrain. In this new video, legendary family therapist and genogram innovator Monica McGoldrick demonstrates how to engage and assess a family in the initial stage of treatment.
Earn 4.00 CE Credits
Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 1

Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 1

with John Sommers-Flanagan
The suicidal client is perhaps the single greatest clinical and ethical challenge for even the most seasoned mental health professional. In this, the first of a compelling three-volume series, John Sommers-Flanagan artfully teaches through live clinical demonstration how to effectively and collaboratively assess and intervene when sitting face-to-face with suicidal clients. In this video he works with a divorced mother suffering from depression, and a 22-year-old college student and veteran of the Iraq war who is struggling with family issues and alcohol use.
Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 2

Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 2

with John Sommers-Flanagan
In this, the second of a captivating three-volume series, John Sommers-Flanagan masterfully teaches us through live clinical demonstration how to effectively and collaboratively assess and intervene with suicidal clients at different phases of life. First he works with a 15-year-old experiencing stress from her parents’ marital conflict, then a middle aged woman who recently lost her husband to illness, and finally an intensely suicidal 40-year-old.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 3

Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients Volume 3

with John Sommers-Flanagan
In this, the third in an absorbing three-volume series, John Sommers-Flanagan and colleagues teach you to effectively assess and intervene with suicidal clients of varying beliefs, cultures and worldviews. He works with a suicidal gay male, and supplemental expert interviews discuss suicide in Asian-American and other cultures and coping strategies for families that have lost a loved one to suicide.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients: 3-Video Series

Assessment and Intervention with Suicidal Clients: 3-Video Series

Suicide challenges even the most seasoned mental health professional. In this richly instructive and deeply moving three-volume series, John Sommers-Flanagan and colleagues demonstrate invaluable assessment and treatment skills for working with diverse clients along the spectrum of suicidality.
Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Disorders: 8-Video Series

Assessment and Treatment of Psychological Disorders: 8-Video Series

See a full course of treatment from a variety of therapeutic approaches with different populations and disorders in this one-of-a kind series.
At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

with Terra Nova Films
In this video you’ll experience the most heartbreaking and joyful moments in the lives of several families caring for a loved one with dementia. Watch to see how families struggle, compromise, and learn to connect through this difficult life transition.
Bearing Witness

Bearing Witness

with Mary Andrus
What happens to art therapy clients when they move from a private therapeutic setting to the public realm to further understand, explore and resolve their trauma?
Becoming a Social Worker: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

Becoming a Social Worker: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

with Judith R. Smith
Follow several first-year social work students as they experience field placements, clients, and supervision, while learning about themselves along the way.
Becoming a Therapist: Inside the Learning Curve

Becoming a Therapist: Inside the Learning Curve

with Erik Sween
In this candid video a group of new therapists reveal the challenges they faced during their first year of seeing clients. Especially useful for preparing beginning therapy students.
Behavioral Couples Therapy

Behavioral Couples Therapy

with Richard Stuart
Richard Stuart demonstrates his integrative approach to Behavioral Couples Therapy in an actual couples therapy session. 
Behind Closed Doors: Children Who Witness Violence

Behind Closed Doors: Children Who Witness Violence

with Victoria Women's Transition House Society
This eye-opening video offers strong clinical information on how children are affected by witnessing violence, and outlines useful interventions proven to be effective in the healing process.
Bessel van der Kolk on Understanding Trauma

Bessel van der Kolk on Understanding Trauma

with Bessel van der Kolk
Each year, thousands of people are traumatized, many of whom will seek relief through therapy. Learn from renowned and outspoken researcher and clinician Bessel van der Kolk how to improve your clinical effectiveness with these clients by remembering that “the body keeps the score.”
Blended Family with a Troubled Boy

Blended Family with a Troubled Boy

with Virginia Satir
Watch one of family therapy’s most esteemed pioneers in action! In this engaging video, Virginia Satir helps a blended family of four untangle longstanding parenting and communication issues.
Bowenian Family Therapy

Bowenian Family Therapy

with Philip Guerin
Watch Dr. Guerin masterfully conducting a live family therapy session, followed by an illuminating discussion about his innovative and sophisticated approach to Bowenian Family Therapy.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Breaking the Code of Romantic Love

Breaking the Code of Romantic Love

with Sue Johnson
Over the last 30 years, Dr. Sue Johnson and her colleagues have “cracked the code" of romantic love through the development of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). By watching this video, couples will to learn to improve their relationships and therapists will find useful ideas and training techniques.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Breakthrough: Art, Analysis, and the Liberation of the Creative Spirit

Breakthrough: Art, Analysis, and the Liberation of the Creative Spirit

with Judith Aron Rubin
This film, sponsored by the Lucy Daniels Foundation, captures the intimate experience of eight artists who have had psychoanalytic treatment. 
Brief Art Therapy with a College Senior

Brief Art Therapy with a College Senior

with Sondra Geller
This film offers the opportunity to view Sondra Geller, MA, ATR-BC, LPC, LCPAT as she meets for multiple art therapy sessions with a graduating senior at the George Washington University Counseling Center.
Brief Psychoeducation for Chronic Pain

Brief Psychoeducation for Chronic Pain

with Ronald D. Siegel
Discover a grounded, accessible approach for helping your clients struggling with chronic pain by using psychoeducation and mindfulness techniques. 
Brief Therapy for Addictions: 7-Video Series

Brief Therapy for Addictions: 7-Video Series

A 7-Video series featuring some of the great addiction and brief therapy experts of our time. See how leading addictions counselors use different tools and techniques in treating this challenging population.
Building a Successful Career in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Building a Successful Career in Counseling and Psychotherapy

with Sherry Smith, PhD & Susan Smith, LPC
Amid an ever-changing field, what are the most important things a beginning therapist should know? In this video, six seasoned clinicians discuss career paths, benefits and pitfalls of the work, successful business practices, and ways to prevent burnout.
Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 1

Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 1

with Molyn Leszcz
A strong therapeutic alliance is key to a successful outcome, regardless of your clinical approach. DIscover the key factors to developing this crucial aspect of therapy with even the most difficult clients.
Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 2

Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 2

with Molyn Leszcz
Dive deeper into the basic, yet critical, techniques for successfully treating highly resistant clients that work across the spectrum of approaches and orientations.
Building Confidence in Motivational Interviewing

Building Confidence in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Having a plan isn't enough. Learn to help clients build the confidence they need to put a change plan into action. Cathy Cole works with three clients who lack confidence in their ability to achieve their goals.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Career Counseling in Action: Tools and Techniques

Career Counseling in Action: Tools and Techniques

with Spencer G. Niles, EdD and Norman Amundson, PhD
Learn to utilize your counseling and therapy skills to help clients gain clarity and direction in their careers by watching several experienced career counselors work with actual clients.
Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

with Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers was one of the most influential psychologists and psychotherapists of our time. In this singular presentation, Rogers’ biographer, Howard Kirschenbaum, guides us through Rogers’ life and work and the development of the “client-centered” and “person-centered” approach to counseling, education, group work, and human relationships.
Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy

Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy

with Carl Rogers, Natalie Rogers
The founder of the person-centered approach reflects on his major contributions and explores his provocative opinions on psychotherapy, education, and social change.
Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults

Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults

with James Consoli & Robert Ault
Featuring noted art therapists James Consoli and Robert Ault, Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults shows experts working with adult clients in art therapy. Consoli works with a woman with a phobia that kept her from working and going to school, while Ault’s client, also a young woman, was able to draw how she felt at times and was eventually able to overcome her urges to injure herself through regular participation in art therapy sessions. Through interviews and excerpts of sessions we watch as lives are changed.
CBT for Personality Disorders

CBT for Personality Disorders

with Arthur Freeman
In this final installment of our comprehensive Three Approaches to Personality Disorders video series, watch renowned CBT expert Art Freeman assess cognitive schemas and set concrete therapeutic goals for Alfred, a challenging client who demonstrates significant Axis II issues and suicidal inclinations after being left by his girlfriend.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Chelsea: Surrendered to the State

Chelsea: Surrendered to the State

with Calamari Productions
After countless failed efforts, a mother makes the difficult decision to turn over custody of her volatile nine-year-old daughter to the state in an effort to get her the help she needs.
Child Abuse and Neglect: 2-Video Series

Child Abuse and Neglect: 2-Video Series

Learn the signs of child abuse and neglect, as well as how to assess and treat families where it occurs, in this important 2-video set.
Child Protection Casework: 2-Video series

Child Protection Casework: 2-Video series

One of the more challenging jobs of a social worker is ensuring a child’s safety following in-home violence, and it's best done by including the whole family in the process. These videos take you step-by-step through the process in an accessible and straight-forward way that includes the child’s input.
Child Therapy Case Consultation

Child Therapy Case Consultation

with Violet Oaklander
In this live consultation, you will get a tangible sense of how Violet Oaklander works with a variety of children, while gaining practical skills to bring back to your own clients immediately.
Child Therapy with the Experts: 11-Video Series

Child Therapy with the Experts: 11-Video Series

See many of the world's leading experts in child therapy and counseling conduct actual sessions. This one-of-a-kind series allows you to compare the theories and techniques of a wide range of approaches, including CBT, Gestalt, Narrative, Object Relations, and others.
Child Therapy: Tools, Toys and Techniques

Child Therapy: Tools, Toys and Techniques

with Paris Goodyear-Brown, Scott Riviere and Janine Shelby
Simply learning the theories of child development and therapy does not make us better or even more effective child therapists. Watch and learn from a talented trio of child clinicians as they demonstrate 10 playful, creative and interactive techniques for connecting with children and helping them cope with sadness, anger, anxiety and trauma.
Children in Crisis: 3-Video Series

Children in Crisis: 3-Video Series

Witness three different families as they journey through the juvenile justice and foster care system with their social work and mental health care teams.
Children of the Camps: The Documentary

Children of the Camps: The Documentary

with Satsuki Ina
A powerful, thought-provoking video perfect for use in cultural competency and awareness classes. We are sure it will provide you and your students a deeper understanding of the impact of racism, and discussions that travel far outside the classroom.
Classroom Interventions for ADHD

Classroom Interventions for ADHD

with George J. DuPaul, Gary Stoner
Watch psychologist and ADHD expert Russel Barkley implement a treatment plan in a school setting for a boy struggling with ADHD.
Clinical Art Therapy with Families

Clinical Art Therapy with Families

with Maxine Junge, Helen B. Landgarten, Shirley Riley
Being a real family art therapist is different than just using art with the family,” states Maxine Junge, Ph.D, ATR-BC, HLM who hosts this historic look at the work of three premier family art therapists. Learn from these pioneers’ actual art therapy sessions with families in need. 
Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
How do you do an assessment, collect historical data, develop a treatment plan and create a warm working alliance with clients all in the first session? Learn from experts John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan how to quickly create the foundation for a successful therapy and engage clients collaboratively in the treatment process.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Cognitive Behavioral Perspective on Aggression: An Interview with Dr. Donald Meichenbaum

Cognitive Behavioral Perspective on Aggression: An Interview with Dr. Donald Meichenbaum

with Donald Meichenbaum
In this engaging interview with CBT and aggression expert Dr. Donald Meichenbaum discusses violence and aggression, from origin to treatment.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

with Mark Fefergrad and Peggy Richter
How can therapists help clients regain perspective about their most anxiety-inducing beliefs? In this video featuring clear didactics and clinical vignettes, discover CBT’s powerful tools for curbing panicked thoughts and supporting behavioral change.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

with Ari Zaretsky and Mark Fefergrad
When depression mires clients in self-critical thoughts, how do you help them regain a sense of balance and hope? Discover effective tools from a cognitive-behavioral lens in this instructional video, complete with clinical vignettes.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Cognitive Defusion

Cognitive Defusion

with Steven Hayes
In this third video of the ACT in Action series, you will learn about the core ACT principle of cognitive defusion—a process of de-fusing from your thoughts and learning to accept them without struggle so that you are free engage with life more consciously and intentionally. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Cognitive Therapy for Addictions

Cognitive Therapy for Addictions

with Bruce S. Liese
See Bruce S. Liese utilize his Cognitive Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Cognitive Therapy for Obsessions

Cognitive Therapy for Obsessions

with Reid Wilson
In these live sessions with a patient suffering from obsessive thinking, Reid Wilson demonstrates tools and techniques of cognitive therapy that clinicians can begin to apply immediately.
Earn 2.75 CE Credits
Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder

Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder

with Reid Wilson
In this live session with a real patient, anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson applies a provocative cognitive behavioral approach to one of the most vexing problems therapists encounter: panic disorder.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Cognitive Therapy for Weight Loss: A Coaching Session

Cognitive Therapy for Weight Loss: A Coaching Session

with Judith Beck
In this video of an actual cognitive therapy session, Dr. Judith Beck works with Anne to develop practical skills that will enable her to lose weight and make enduring changes to her lifestyle.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

with Bruce Masek
Watch Cognitive Behavioral child therapist Bruce Masek in an actual counseling session with a 6-year old girl and her mother.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Donald Meichenbaum

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Donald Meichenbaum

with Donald Meichenbaum
Donald Meichenbaum expertly demonstrates his refined and renowned Cognitive-Behavioral approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with John Krumboltz

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with John Krumboltz

with John Krumboltz
Watch John Krumboltz masterfully demonstrate his approach to cognitive-behavioral therapy in this actual therapy session with a woman struggling with a difficult relationship with her mother.
Coming Out: Voices of Gay and Lesbian Teens and their Families

Coming Out: Voices of Gay and Lesbian Teens and their Families

with Karin Heller
Thought provoking and accessible, this video is invaluable for all parents, teachers, and professionals working with teenagers.
Conducting a Mental Status Examination

Conducting a Mental Status Examination

with Brad Hagen
How do you get the essential mental status information you need from patients who mistrust your intentions? Featuring two contrasting scenarios, this video offers practical and relational tools you can use to assess patients who are difficult to engage.
Conducting an Effective Mental Status Exam

Conducting an Effective Mental Status Exam

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Learn how to elicit important information from clients during the initial stages of treatment, while leveraging therapeutic listening, empathy and intuition to deepen rapport and create therapeutic alliance.
Confronting Death and Other Existential Issues in Psychotherapy

Confronting Death and Other Existential Issues in Psychotherapy

with Irvin Yalom
Here’s a chance to have a front row seat as Dr. Irvin Yalom talks to a packed room of therapists about a topic rarely discussed in our field: death. Sharing ideas from his most recent book, Staring at the Sun Yalom shows us how to confront death in order to invigorate and enhance our own lives and the lives of our patients.
Connecting with Our Kids

Connecting with Our Kids

with George Papageorge
George Papageorge offers principles and tools for raising healthy kids without resorting to quick-fix parenting fads or unrealistic expectations. 
Consultation: Creating School Based Interventions

Consultation: Creating School Based Interventions

with Jon Carlson and Don Dinkmeyer, Jr.
If your work involves children—either directly or indirectly—understanding how to consult with parents and teachers is a crucial clinical task. Here, watch two seasoned experts present key ideas and interventions for conducting successful school-based consultations.
Control and Acceptance

Control and Acceptance

with Steven Hayes
In this second video of the ACT in Action series, you will learn how ACT takes on the power of our unruly thoughts and unwanted feelings.  
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One: An REBT Approach

Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One: An REBT Approach

with Albert Ellis
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) from the man who developed the method in a therapy session with Roseanne, whose husband committed suicide in front of her and her baby daughter ten years ago. 
Core Concepts and Interventions in EFT

Core Concepts and Interventions in EFT

with Rebecca Jorgensen
Do you feel overwhelmed in your work with couples? In this groundbreaking new series with leading EFT trainer Rebecca Jorgensen, you’ll learn an empirically validated approach that will greatly enhance your success in working with couples.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Expert MI trainer Cathy Cole discusses the principles and spirit of MI, along with core concepts and techniques and ingredients for change.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Counseling Adolescents: Exploring Intersections of Race and Sexuality

Counseling Adolescents: Exploring Intersections of Race and Sexuality

with Sam Steen
How can you work effectively with a young client who is no longer a child but not yet a teenager, especially when complex issues of sexuality and race arise? Learn how to build effective therapeutic alliances with your adolescent clients that will create a safe space for exploration, insight, and growth.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Counseling African American Men, 3-video Series

Counseling African American Men, 3-video Series

Effective therapy with African American men requires an in-depth understanding of their current and historical struggles, and a willingness to confront topics which may require both therapists and clients to be uncomfortable. This groundbreaking online course combines numerous sessions and expert commentary that will increase your confidence and efficacy in working with Black men.
Counseling African American Men, Volume 1: Developing Cultural Competency

Counseling African American Men, Volume 1: Developing Cultural Competency

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Understand the cultural and historical challenges African American men face daily, increase your confidence and learn key skills for establishing the strong alliance necessary to work with this population.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Counseling African American Men, Volume 2: Anger and Identity

Counseling African American Men, Volume 2: Anger and Identity

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Appreciating what it means to be Black in a racialized society and the pernicious impact of racism on emotional development and identity is essential for therapeutic success with African American clients.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Counseling African American Men, Volume 3: A Complete Course of Therapy

Counseling African American Men, Volume 3: A Complete Course of Therapy

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Honest exploration of the complexities and challenges of life as an African American man requires a unique combination of empathy and insight that you will gain by watching this in-depth therapeutic encounter.
Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Finally, some examples of the major psychotherapy theories all in one video! John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan present eleven of the best-known approaches to counseling and psychotherapy side-by-side, with real therapy sessions and extensive commentary covering theory, strategy, and effective techniques.
Couples and Infertility: Moving Beyond Loss

Couples and Infertility: Moving Beyond Loss

with The Ackerman Institute
Using a clinical illustration of a family systems approach to treatment, this video offers a framework for understanding the emotional and psychological impact of infertility upon couples who have sought unsuccessfully to conceive.
Couples Art Therapy

Couples Art Therapy

with Mala Betensky
This film features Dr. Mala Betensky, one of the pioneers in art therapy, doing art therapy with a middle-aged couple struggling with relationship and communication difficulties.
Couples Art Therapy Group: One Member has ADHD

Couples Art Therapy Group: One Member has ADHD

with Diane Safran
Led by Board Certified Art Therapist and licensed marriage/family therapist, Diane Safran, this is a film of an art therapy group for couples where one partner was diagnosed with ADHD. The group met for over a decade. 
Couples Therapy for Addictions: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Couples Therapy for Addictions: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

with Barbara S. McCrady
See Barbara S. McCrady work with a couple struggling with addictions in an actual couples therapy session.
Couples Therapy with the Experts: 6-Video Series

Couples Therapy with the Experts: 6-Video Series

This unique series showcases six leading couples therapist conducting live sessions and then discussing their work. Learn from experts Sue Johnson, Pat Love, Gus Napier, Richard Stuart, James Coyne, and Richard Schwartz.
Couples Therapy: A Family Systems Approach

Couples Therapy: A Family Systems Approach

with Monica McGoldrick
Learn from seasoned family therapist Monica McGoldrick how bringing family-of-origin issues into couples therapy can help you pinpoint the root of the problem, make more targeted interventions, and ultimately “unstick” a couple struggling with insecurity and distrust.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Couples Therapy: An Introduction

Couples Therapy: An Introduction

with Ellyn Bader, Dan Wile
In this video, two renowned couples and marriage experts, Ellyn Bader and Dan Wile discuss what couples therapy is and what it is not. A valuable resource beginning therapists, and for clients this to help them get their couples therapy off on the right track.
Couples: Two Art Evaluations

Couples: Two Art Evaluations

with Carole Kunkle-Miller, Harriet Wadeson
Two art therapists, Carole Kunkle-Miller and Harriet Wadeson, conduct art therapy assessments with couples. They demonstrate that the art exercises performed enable the couples to discuss their issues. One sees how members of a couple can work nonverbally as well as how they perceive each other and wish their partner to be. 
Creating Change: Building a Legislative Coalition

Creating Change: Building a Legislative Coalition

with Influencing Social Policy
Social workers can’t do it alone! In order to be at their most effective when working to influence state policy,  they must organize and sustain effective legislative coalitions.
Creating in Confinement: Arts Therapy in Prisons & Detention Centers

Creating in Confinement: Arts Therapy in Prisons & Detention Centers

with Donald Uhlin
This film documents the use of art as therapy in a variety of prisons and detention centers for adults and adolescents across the United States. Enabling those who are locked up for long periods of time to tap into their creativity promotes a positive sense of self. In addition to the pride inmates take in their creations, the activity also provides a constructive and pleasurable way to spend leisure time as well as to learn new skills. The viewer gets a glimpse, not only of many different locations and programs, but also of the diverse working styles of different art therapists. In some settings, exhibiting their art is also a significant component of the program and its therapeutic benefit.
Creative Expression in Recovery - Puppet Dramas for Substance Abuse

Creative Expression in Recovery - Puppet Dramas for Substance Abuse

with Mary Ann Shaughnessy
When the film begins art therapist, Mary Ann Shaughnessy, has already involved substance use clients in making all types of puppets which reflect the ingenuity and uniqueness of each client. As a result of their creative efforts, viewers meet a range of exuberant characters who enact some of the challenges and issues of early recovery. In the session following viewing a videotape of their production, they critique their own work and process feelings that were evoked.
Creative Healing in Mental Health

Creative Healing in Mental Health

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Here is a rare opportunity to witness world-famous art and drama therapists working with clients from all walks of life on their journeys to healing, including an adolescent boy with Asperger’s, families affected by cancer, an Alzheimer’s patient, and combat veterans. 
Creativity & Coping: When the Therapist is Ill

Creativity & Coping: When the Therapist is Ill

with Michael A. Franklin, Harriet Wadeson
Prominent Art Therapists and their Journeys to Healing

This is a grouping of presentations from the Expressive Therapies in Medicine Institute in Alexandria, Virginia, April 2013.

Creativity, Adversity, and Resilience

Creativity, Adversity, and Resilience

with Multiple Therapists
Relevant to contemporary art therapy practice, “Creativity, Adversity, and Resilience” examines a phenomenological inquiry into the art and narratives of artists of the Holocaust––featuring four survivors and one child of a survivor––demonstrating how art can be used to cope with and counter various forms of persecution, duress, deprivation and adversity. 
Crisis Counseling: 7 Steps to Effective Intervention

Crisis Counseling: 7 Steps to Effective Intervention

with Derrick Paladino
How can you provide immediate relief to clients devastated by a crisis? This online course provides therapists and counselors with a blueprint they can use to confidently intervene, stabilize and support clients overwhelmed in the wake of crises.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Crossing Cultures: Introducing Child Art Therapy to India

Crossing Cultures: Introducing Child Art Therapy to India

with Judith Aron Rubin
The 2007 Savera Seminar in Chennai, India represents a seminal event in the development of art therapy in India. This video offers foundational information on art therapy and developmental art stages, highlighting the usefulness of engaging children in the arts as a tool to understanding their world view and experience.
Culturally Sensitive Counseling with Latinos

Culturally Sensitive Counseling with Latinos

with Patricia Arredondo
In our diverse society, therapists are increasingly likely to work with Latino clients but may lack a core understanding of their day-to-day experiences, worldview, and unique clinical needs. Through poignant discussion and live clinical demonstration, master clinician, consultant, and researcher Patricia Arredondo will fill the gaps in our knowledge and skills so that we may maximize our effectiveness with this population.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Dan Siegel on Interpersonal Neurobiology

Dan Siegel on Interpersonal Neurobiology

with Dan Siegel
The brain has evolved as an elegant and powerful tool for social connection, wired for and by experience and relationships. Psychiatrist Dan Siegel teaches us how Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) can enhance psychotherapy outcome and our clients’ lives by mindfully guiding them to “re-wire” this malleable and resilient resource.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Dance Therapy and Authentic Movement

Dance Therapy and Authentic Movement

with Janet Adler
This video includes two films: Looking At Me and Still Looking, both by Janet Adler, PhD, ADTR showcasing her pivotal work in dance therapy.
Dance Therapy Workshops

Dance Therapy Workshops

with Norma Canner, Penny Lewis
With Anne Brownell’s articulate narration, the viewer is given an intimate look at the work of two pioneers in expressive arts therapy – Norma Canner and Penny Lewis. 
Dancing on Blood

Dancing on Blood

with Arthur Robbins
Dr. Arthur Robbins, a pioneer in art therapy, demonstrates how aesthetic communication transforms psychodynamic treatment.
David Barlow on Treating Anxiety Disorders

David Barlow on Treating Anxiety Disorders

with David Barlow
This motivating conversation with distinguished anxiety expert Dr. David Barlow covers his development of a novel approach to anxiety treatment, the origins of behavioral therapy techniques, and implications for the future of psychotherapy as a whole
DBT with Suicidal Clients: 2-Video Series

DBT with Suicidal Clients: 2-Video Series

When a suicidal client is sitting across from you, how do you assess risk, negotiate no-harm agreements, and manage borderline reactivity while keeping your seat? In these riveting live demonstrations with DBT originator Marsha Linehan, learn essential strategies for working with distressed clients.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
De-Escalating Anger in Couples Therapy

De-Escalating Anger in Couples Therapy

with Rebecca Jorgensen
Do you find yourself struggling to redirect heated conflicts in your couples sessions? Learn how to use EFT techniques to effectively stop these negative cycles and redirect warring couples to a place of mutual respect, safe communication and positive change. 
Death, Dying & Grief in Psychotherapy: A Brief Psychodynamic Treatment

Death, Dying & Grief in Psychotherapy: A Brief Psychodynamic Treatment

with Milton Viederman
Over the course of four actual sessions, Milton Viederman, MD, demonstrates a psychoanalytic approach to working with grief.
Death, Dying & Grief in Psychotherapy: Hospital Consultation with Medically Ill Patients

Death, Dying & Grief in Psychotherapy: Hospital Consultation with Medically Ill Patients

with Milton Viederman
Watch Milton Viderman, MD, work psychodynamically with skill and empathy with cancer patients in a hospital setting. 
Death, Dying and Grief in Psychotherapy (2-Video Series)

Death, Dying and Grief in Psychotherapy (2-Video Series)

Watch Milton Viederman, MD, bring a psychoanalytic orientation to psychotherapy with patients struggling with grief — both in a private clinical setting and with in-hospital cancer patients—in this profound series on death and dying.
Depression: A Cognitive Therapy Approach

Depression: A Cognitive Therapy Approach

with Arthur Freeman
Arthur Freeman illustrates the foundations and key techniques of cognitive therapy in a way that’s enriching and easy to follow.
Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

with Rex Stockton
Gain new skills for leading psychotherapy groups in this video featuring seasoned group expert, Rex Stockton, supervising two students as they lead a 16-week group to deeper insight, connection, and personal engagement.
Diagnosing Anorexia, Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder

Diagnosing Anorexia, Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder

with Jason Buckles
Schizophrenia, Anorexia, and Borderline Personality Disorder are often challenging for clinicians to treat, and an accurate diagnosis is key to establishing treatment. Through a series of discussions and clinical sessions, you’ll learn specialized skills for gathering information from clients while attending to the therapeutic relationship. By laying the foundation for a strong alliance, you’ll build better outcomes for clients struggling with these difficult disorders.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

with Jason Buckles
With symptoms that often overlap, depressive disorders, bipolar, and substance use disorders can be hard to distinguish from one another. In Volume 3 of The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates you’ll learn a systematic approach to accurately diagnosing these conditions while at the same time building a solid therapeutic alliance.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

with Jason Buckles

How can clinicians obtain essential diagnostic information while establishing and maintaining therapeutic rapport? Watch clinical demonstrations of some of the most common disorders therapists encounter— Adjustment, Panic, Generalized Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders—and learn how to gather diagnostic data without compromising client care.

Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

with Marsha Linehan
Watch Marsha Linehan, founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), in action in this session with a middle-aged man with a significant personality disorder struggling with suicidal depression and anger after being left by his girlfriend. 
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques for Emotional Dysregulation

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques for Emotional Dysregulation

with Shelley McMain, PhD and Carmen Wiebe
How can you stay centered while supporting clients through periods of extreme reactivity and self-harm? In this video with Drs. Shelley McMain and Carmen Wiebe, learn to apply key tools from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to work with emotional dysregulation.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Clients Vol. 1

Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Clients Vol. 1

with Marsha Linehan
Prepare to be riveted by these live demonstrations with DBT originator Marsha Linehan. From assessing suicidality to negotiating no-harm agreements to maintaining a grounded stance, the formidable clinician offers effective strategies for working with distressed borderline clients.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Clients Vol. 2

Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Suicidal Clients Vol. 2

with Marsha Linehan
Prepare to be enthralled in these riveting live demonstrations with Dr. Marsha Linehan, creator of Dialectical Behavior Therapy. From assessing negotiating no-harm agreements to conducting a chain analysis and problem solving techniques, you’ll pick up compelling strategies for working with suicidal, borderline and emotionally dysregulated clients.
Do Not Go Gently

Do Not Go Gently

with Melissa Godoy
Narrated by Walter Cronkite, this award-winning film illustrates the benefits of incorporating creativity and expressive arts into the lives and treatment of elders. 
Don Jones: Passionate Preacher of the Power of Art

Don Jones: Passionate Preacher of the Power of Art

with Don Jones, Bruce Moon, Karen Rush Jones
This compilation of four films and two interviews delve into the life and work of Don Jones. Interviews include his interest in art and his discovery while working in a mental hospital of the spontaneous art of the patients, his portraits of them, and his time at the Menninger Foundation where he was trained by Dr. Karl Menninger. 
Don Seiden: Chicago Art Therapy Pioneer

Don Seiden: Chicago Art Therapy Pioneer

with Multiple Therapists
This video is a compilation of five short films about Don Seiden, an art therapy pioneer who lived and worked in Chicago. Don’s art, life and contributions to the field of Art Therapy are portrayed from a variety of perspectives, all illuminating how his personal creative process is central to his approach to art therapy, art making and teaching. 
Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

with Donald Meichenbaum
In this conversation with Donald Meichenbaum, the founder of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy relates the origins and ongoing evolution of his approach. He shares the method behind his ingenuity and keen clinical judgment in a way that challenges the viewer to cultivate their own openness to new ways of engaging in therapy.
Down Every Year: A Demonstration of Depth Oriented Brief Therapy

Down Every Year: A Demonstration of Depth Oriented Brief Therapy

with Bruce Ecker
An actual therapy session conducted by Depth Oriented Brief Therapy co-originator Bruce Ecker, provides an impressive demonstration of what can be accomplished in a single session by a very talented therapist
Drama Therapy and the Magic World of Pretend

Drama Therapy and the Magic World of Pretend

with Eleanor C. Irwin
Play is the language of childhood, expressed through fantasies of make-believe. Using toys and pretend can make a toy assessment interview be fun and productive. In Drama Therapy and the Magic World of Pretend is a story of good guys and bad guys, violence and greed—but balanced with kindness and generosity. Because children “talk” through their play, it’s helpful for therapists to learn to understand and “speak” the language of pretend.
Drama Therapy with Children

Drama Therapy with Children

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
In Drama Therapy with Children, Dr. Eleanor Irwin helps viewers understand the vast potential of play-acting as a tool in child psychology. Topics include spontaneous dramatic play, puppetry, body movement, storytelling, and dream exploration by children of all ages in school and community settings. 

Dramatic Play Therapy -  A Childs Hidden Language

Dramatic Play Therapy - A Childs Hidden Language

with Eleanor C. Irwin
In this video, a young child comes for his first diagnostic session-not in a playroom, but in a studio, with an unknown therapist AND two videographers trying to capture the nuances of his play. Said to be almost nonverbal, he is understandably anxious and inhibited, but he slowly, gradually, engages with the toys, and finds ways to express his troubling fantasies through his play.

The therapist narrates his play–both for herself and for him, hoping in this way to help him to gradually find coherence in his play. She “personifies” the play, speaking to the toys, as though to bring them to life. The child is thus encouraged to project life and meaning into the toy interview, hoping in this way to access the child’s hidden language of play. And while there are inevitable disruptions along the way, this inhibited, anxious child slowly, gradually, responds to the invitation to play, revealing his hidden world of worries.
Edith Kramer – Art Therapys Muse Part 1

Edith Kramer – Art Therapys Muse Part 1

with Lani Glanville, Edith Kramer, Jamie Midgley
This compilation includes two films and one interview with Edith Kramer (1994, 1999, 2005) documenting her life and work as a pioneer in the field of art therapy. 
Edith Kramer – Art Therapy’s Muse Part 2

Edith Kramer – Art Therapy’s Muse Part 2

with Elena Makarova, Judith Aron Rubin
This 2-film compilation is about pioneer art therapist, Edith Kramer, her early years working and her psychoanalytic approach to art interventions.
Edith Kramer – Art Therapy’s Muse Part 3

Edith Kramer – Art Therapy’s Muse Part 3

with David Henley, Jim Pruznick, Judith Aron Rubin
This video offers an overview of Kramer’s pioneering clinical work in art therapy with children and her unique, effective methods.
Effective Psychotherapy with Men

Effective Psychotherapy with Men

with Ronald Levant
In this dramatic recreation of key moments in a 12-session course of therapy with Raymond—a man who at mid-life cannot feel excitement at the prospect of his impending fatherhood—Dr. Levant demonstrates an unconventional, yet very effective approach to working with men. 
Effective Safety Planning in Child Protection Casework

Effective Safety Planning in Child Protection Casework

with Andrew Turnell
One of the more challenging jobs of a social worker is ensuring a child’s safety following in-home violence. This video takes you step-by-step through the process in an accessible and straight-forward way that includes the child’s input.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Effective Treatment of Violent Individuals

Effective Treatment of Violent Individuals

with The Glendon Association
This video offers an extraordinary look inside two different yet dramatically successful group therapy programs offered behind bars to men who have committed the most extreme violent acts—from assault and rape to murder.
Effectively Intervening with Violent Behavior: An Interview with Dr. Peter Fonagy

Effectively Intervening with Violent Behavior: An Interview with Dr. Peter Fonagy

with Peter Fonagy
In this lively and engaging interview, Peter Fonagy, PhD, offers both a theoretical foundation for understanding violent behaviors as well as practical tools for clinicians working with violent offenders.
EFT Masterclass Volume 1: Sexual Issues

EFT Masterclass Volume 1: Sexual Issues

with Jeff Hickey, Lisa Palmer-Olsen
In this first volume of our EFT Masterclass Series, Jeff Hickey helps a couple to reconnect sexually as they rebuild their bond of attachment.   
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 2: Addiction

EFT Masterclass Volume 2: Addiction

with Michael Barnett, Jeff Hickey
In this second demonstration in our EFT Masterclass series, Michael Barnett and Jeff Hickey help a couple step from the shadow of addiction to heal their relationship.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 3: Porn Addiction

EFT Masterclass Volume 3: Porn Addiction

with Michael Barnett
In this third demonstration in our EFT masterclass series, Michael Barnett works with Cheyne and Chava, a couple whose relationship has been derailed by the destructive impact of pornography addiction.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 4: Grief and Loss

EFT Masterclass Volume 4: Grief and Loss

with Leanne Campbell
In this final video in our EFT Masterclass series, Leanne Campbell artfully works with a couple attempting to rebuild their relationship following the earlier traumatic loss of their newborn infant.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass: Advanced Topics in Couples Counseling: 4-video series

EFT Masterclass: Advanced Topics in Couples Counseling: 4-video series

Couples therapy is already challenging, but becomes even more so when addiction, sexual issues, pornography and grief enter the clinical frame. In this richly instructive four-volume series, EFT experts and trainers demonstrate how strengthening the bonds of attachment can heal relationship wounds in these complex cases.
EFT Part 1 (Sessions 1-3)

EFT Part 1 (Sessions 1-3)

with Rebecca Jorgensen
In these first three sessions, Jorgensen works quickly to develop an alliance with Sandra and Carl and identifies their negative interaction cycle and unmet needs.
EFT Part 2 (Sessions 4-6)

EFT Part 2 (Sessions 4-6)

with Rebecca Jorgensen
In sessions 4-6, Sandra and Carl begin to internalize and recognize their negative interaction cycles and, with Jorgensen's guidance, begin to soften considerably toward one another.
EFT Part 3 (Sessions 7-10)

EFT Part 3 (Sessions 7-10)

with Rebecca Jorgensen
In sessions 7-10, Carl and Sandra move more deeply into their attachment fears, exploring their longing, fear and rejection in the atmosphere of warmth created by Jorgensen. By the final session, the groundwork is in place for a new and more hopeful future.
EFT Stage 1: Reaching De-escalation

EFT Stage 1: Reaching De-escalation

with Rebecca Jorgensen
How do you help couples get beyond blame to get them to a place of safe emotional engagement? In this second volume of our 4-video series with EFT expert Rebecca Jorgensen, learn the steps and interventions of Stage 1 leading towards complete de-escalation.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
EFT Stages 2 - 3: Deepening Engagement & Consolidation

EFT Stages 2 - 3: Deepening Engagement & Consolidation

with Rebecca Jorgensen
Once a couple has reduced their reactivity, how do you help them take it to the next level and achieve the safety and intimacy they desire? In the third of our 4-video series with EFT expert Rebecca Jorgensen, learn key techniques for promoting new levels of engagement, acceptance, and consolidation.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

with Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson demonstrates Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy in an actual couples therapy session. 
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

with Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue Johnson has been hailed as “the most original contributor to couples therapy to come along in the last 30 years.” Now you’ll have the chance to watch her conduct an actual session with a challenging couple haunted by the “echoes of war.” 
Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step (4-video series)

Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step (4-video series)

If you want to learn to be more effective in the challenging art of treating couples, this highly acclaimed series is just what you've been looking for;  consider it your own personal master class in EFT.

Emotionally Focused Therapy with Same-Sex Couples

Emotionally Focused Therapy with Same-Sex Couples

with Sue Johnson
The therapeutic needs of same-sex couples are given some long-overdue attention in this masterful video with EFT originator Dr. Sue Johnson, who offers fresh hope to a gay and a lesbian couple using her signature framework for repairing the partners’ emotional “dance.”
Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment (3-Video Series)

Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment (3-Video Series)

Deepen your understanding of Emotionally Focused Therapy by watching an entire, unedited 10-session course of therapy. For the first time ever, you’ll see how EFT unfolds through the different steps and stages.
Empathy, Neurology, and the Creative Brain

Empathy, Neurology, and the Creative Brain

with Alice Flaherty
Empathy, Neurology, & The Creative Brain is a lecture delivered by Alice Flaherty about the neurological function of both creativity and empathy as they pertain to mental illness and health. In it she offers a cogent exploration of the impact of creativity to both support and obstruct well being. 
Empowering Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Creative Arts Therapies Approach

Empowering Adults with Developmental Disabilities: A Creative Arts Therapies Approach

with Stephen Snow
Gain new tools for helping adults with developmental disabilities using creative arts therapies within Dr. Snow's unique ethnodramatherapy model.
Empowerment Family Therapy

Empowerment Family Therapy

with Frank Pittman
Do you want to be more effective at empowering your clients to make the changes in their lives that will get them what they really want? Dr. Frank Pittman is one of the most passionate therapists around when it comes to helping people take responsibility for their lives, as you’ll see in this live couples therapy session.
Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Illustrated with powerful and compelling vignettes from actual encounter groups, these videos explore how encounter groups have evolved, what we can do to improve groups and overcome pitfalls, and what the keys are to leading successful groups.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

with Rod Mullen
Learn about the origin of encounter groups and how they have evolved since the 1950s in this captivating series.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

with Rod Mullen
Watch encounter groups in action to learn what does and doesn't work when facilitating encounter groups.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

with Rod Mullen
Learn the key skills of fostering growth and change in encounter groups.
Engaging the Ambivalent OCD Client

Engaging the Ambivalent OCD Client

with Reid Wilson
Working with therapeutic resistance is often discussed in psychotherapy training, but the ambivalent OCD client poses a unique challenge for clinicians. Here, anxiety expert Reid Wilson demonstrates a counterintuitive cognitive-behavioral approach to confronting safety-seeking behaviors that can help these clients maintain commitment to recovery.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Erving Polster on Gestalt Therapy

Erving Polster on Gestalt Therapy

with Erving Polster
In this in-depth interview, you’ll get to know Polster’s unique take on Gestalt therapy, and see for yourself how he boldly elevates ordinary conversations into life-affirming encounters. 
Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Planning

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Planning

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Watch as Drs. Timothy Bruce and Art Jongsma introduce the concepts described in-depth in our Evidence-Based Treatment Planning video series. Covering depression, social anxiety, eating disorders and more, this comprehensive series provides you with all the essentials for successful, empirically grounded treatment plans.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Anger Control Problems

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Anger Control Problems

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
How well do you understand the interventions, goals, and documentation requirements of anger management? This video takes you through the treatment-planning process with detailed overviews, clinical considerations, and case vignettes with clients needing help with anger management.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Ten to twenty percent of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder will commit suicide, and 75% of them will not be properly diagnosed within the first three years of treatment. With stakes this high, it’s essential to understand the complexities of Bipolar Disorder.  Learn how to build effective, evidence-based treatment plans in this indispensable video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Learn everything you need to know about creating detailed, practical evidence-based treatment plans for depressed clients in this one-of-a-kind video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview and accompanying demonstrations of depression’s most empirically supported treatment methods.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Working with troubled children can stir up deep emotions and challenge our ability to stay grounded and empathic. Learn evidence-based planning for Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in this video, complete with live vignettes and commentary.    
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Eating Disorders and Obesity

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Eating Disorders and Obesity

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness and pose immense challenges to clinicians, family members and, most of all, clients. Learn how to create a clear, well-developed treatment plan to sustain your efforts and maximize your chances for a successful outcome in this comprehensive video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Improve your grasp of evidence-based treatment planning in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present a comprehensive overview of GAD along with step-by-step planning outlines, live clinical vignettes, and detailed commentary.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Left unchecked, the distressing symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can condemn its sufferers to a rigid and severely diminished quality of life and without proper training, it is almost impossible for therapists to help clients with OCD overcome their symptoms. Learn the fundamentals of successful treatment in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
What exactly is evidence-based treatment planning, and how do you do it? Find out in this comprehensive video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview, clinical vignettes, and commentary on empirically supported treatment for panic disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Clients suffering from PTSD continue to feel the terror of traumatic events long after they’ve experienced them, and need skillful clinical support to manage the pervasive, everyday triggers they face. In this video, learn to diagnose and treat this unsettling disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Social anxiety disorder is the most common anxiety disorder and one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders today, so you’re very likely to encounter clients in need of skilled, thorough treatment planning for their isolating symptoms. Learn how to build an effective, evidence-based plan in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Addiction is one of the most challenging issues therapists face, yet so few therapists are adequately trained to work with addicts and alcoholics. Learn to build thorough evidence-based treatment plans in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who offer expert instruction on a prevalent disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

Whether you’re seeing clients with eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, depression or anger control problems, having a clear, well-developed case formulation can sustain your clinical efforts and maximize chances for a successful outcome. Learn the essentials of evidence-based treatment planning in this video series with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who provide key definitions, clinical demonstrations, and expert commentary for a wide range of challenging conditions.
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

with James Bugental
Watch legendary psychotherapist James Bugental masterfully demonstrate Existential Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

with James Bugental
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action shows James Bugental, the legendary clinician and teacher, conducting two actual psychotherapy sessions with the same client. 
Experiential Family Therapy

Experiential Family Therapy

with Carl Whitaker
Learn from groundbreaking family therapist Carl Whitaker as he conducts two riveting and instructive initial interviews with a family seeking treatment for their son’s ADHD. You can’t help but be awed and inspired as you watch this true master in action.
Experiential Techniques for Deepening Inner Exploration: Part 1

Experiential Techniques for Deepening Inner Exploration: Part 1

with Victor Yalom
Victor Yalom demonstrates powerful techniques to help clients go deeper into their immediate internal experience so they can discover new facets of themselves, including thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. 
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

with Victor Yalom
What do psychotherapists and counselors do when clients want to explain rather than experience their feelings? Learn simple but powerful techniques for helping clients expand their inner awareness and discover new things in every session.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

with Victor Yalom
When clients are battling depression, it can be challenging to know how they can share their emotions in a way that promotes growth. Learn powerful here-and-now techniques to connect with clients and move sessions forward by inviting them to fully experience their world of emotions.  
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Experiential Therapy

Experiential Therapy

with Augustus Y. Napier
Gus Napier demonstrates Experiential Therapy with a couple whose problems have escalated to a matter of life and death. Watch this master therapist and learn how to authentically engage couples in the here-and-now with interventions that really make a difference.
Explaining PTSD & The Counting Method (2-Video Series)

Explaining PTSD & The Counting Method (2-Video Series)

In this engaging 2-video series, learn how to educate patients and their loved ones about PTSD, structure a coherent course of treatment, and employ Frank Ochberg's "counting method," a simple yet effective tool used to master the flashbacks and intrusive recollections so common in PTSD.
Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

with Frank Ochberg, Angelea Panos
Learn how to psychoeducate clients and their loved ones and caretakers about PTSD as well as the basic building blocks of PTSD treatment.
Exploring Macro Systems

Exploring Macro Systems

with Judith R. Smith
Social work professor Judith Smith illustrates a central concept of all social work training— Social Systems Theory. In this video, the "macro system" explored as part of a larger exploration of human behavior and the social environment.
Exploring Mezzo Systems

Exploring Mezzo Systems

with Judith R. Smith
Social work professor Judith Smith illustrates a central concept of all social work training— Social Systems Theory. In this video, the "mezzo system" is explored as part of a larger exploration of human behavior and the social environment.
Exploring Narradrama

Exploring Narradrama

with Pamela Dunne
This video offers an introduction to the tools and techniques of Narradrama, a therapeutic approach that combines narrative therapy, drama therapy and creative arts.
Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Exposure Therapy for Phobias

with Reid Wilson
In these live sessions with a real patient, Reid Wilson demonstrates Exposure Therapy in action, offering a frame of reference that clinicians can begin to apply immediately.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Expressive Arts Therapy Groups

Expressive Arts Therapy Groups

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Two films make up Expressive Arts Therapy Groups - both demonstrating expressive modalities and major therapeutic tools, along with music, movement, poetry, and filmmaking.
Expressive Arts Therapy in Action

Expressive Arts Therapy in Action

with Natalie Rogers
Discover the transformative power of moving beyond words as Natalie Rogers demonstrates person-centered expressive arts therapy in two remarkable sessions with a woman struggling with a career decision.
Facing Terminal Illness: A Guide for Helping Professionals

Facing Terminal Illness: A Guide for Helping Professionals

with Satir Institute of the Southeast
Virginia Satir's model for the process of change is illustrated in this video through the story of a terminally ill patient and the hospice workers who support her through the process of dying.
Facing the Struggle

Facing the Struggle

with Steven Hayes
In excerpts of sessions with several different clients, Hayes introduces us to creative hopelessness—a process unique to ACT, in which clients examine how controlling and avoiding difficult feelings has diminished the quality of their lives.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Families and Mental Illness: Speaking from Experience

Families and Mental Illness: Speaking from Experience

with Sane Australia
Hear several caretakers talk candidly about their family members' mental illness and how they have found support in their most challenging times.
Family Art Evaluations

Family Art Evaluations

with Judith Aron Rubin
Dr. Judy Rubin shows how to apply art therapy theory and use art for assessment with families. One will discover how the art therapist and family simultaneously gain insight through experience in the assessment process.
Family Secrets: Implications for Theory and Therapy

Family Secrets: Implications for Theory and Therapy

with Evan Imber-Black
In this illuminating video, Evan Imber-Black, an expert on rituals, larger systems, and family secrets, speaks to viewers about the implications of secrets, and presents techniques for ushering families through the process of identifying, understanding, and resolving secrets.
Family Systems Therapy

Family Systems Therapy

with Kenneth V. Hardy
Watch Kenneth V. Hardy masterfully demonstrate Family Systems Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Family Therapy with the Experts: 10-Video Series

Family Therapy with the Experts: 10-Video Series

See many of the world's leading experts in family therapy and counseling conduct actual sessions. This one-of-a-kind series allows you to compare the theories and techniques of a wide range of approaches, including Structural, Bowenian, Satir, Object Relations, and others.
Family Video Art Therapy

Family Video Art Therapy

with Irene Jakab, Judith Aron Rubin
Family Video Art Therapy documents two family art evaluation sessions and a follow-up video feedback session conducted by Irene Jakab, MD, PhD and Judith Rubin, PhD, ATR. As they discuss their drawings, they reflect on their feelings and discuss them with the facilitators.
Feminist Therapy

Feminist Therapy

with Lenore Walker
Watch Lenore Walker expertly demonstrate her feminist therapy approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Finding the Gold Inside: Alchemy for Urban Youth

Finding the Gold Inside: Alchemy for Urban Youth

with Karina Epperlein, G. Kwame Scruggs, PhD, Robert Miller, MS
This film is built around a long excerpt from a 2014 award-winning film by Karina Epperlein about Alchemy, Inc., an award-winning after school youth program fusing drumming and mythology, in a well-designed and powerful approach.
FOAT® Focusing-Oriented Arts Therapy: Client Demonstration 1

FOAT® Focusing-Oriented Arts Therapy: Client Demonstration 1

with Laury Rappaport
Focusing-Oriented Arts Therapy (FOAT) is a mindfulness-based approach that integrates Focusing, developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, with the expressive arts therapies. This video showcases Laury Rappaport working with a client.
FOAT®: Focusing Oriented Art Therapy: An Introduction

FOAT®: Focusing Oriented Art Therapy: An Introduction

with Laury Rappaport
Focusing-Oriented Arts Therapy (FOAT®) is a mindfulness-based approach that integrates Focusing, developed by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, with the expressive arts therapies. This video showcases a workshop presented by Laury Rappaport at the 2nd World Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Conference. 
For Those Who Care: The Lived Experience of Family Caregivers

For Those Who Care: The Lived Experience of Family Caregivers

with Stephen Snow
Historically, mental illness and those who suffer in its shadow have challenged mental healthcare professionals and family caregivers alike. This video is an essential training tool for clinical practice or classroom teaching and discussion, spotlighting a Drama Therapy-based program of community support for those who care for the severely mentally ill.  
Foster Parents Speak: Crossing Bridges and Fostering Change

Foster Parents Speak: Crossing Bridges and Fostering Change

with Photosynthesis Productions
In this compelling video, foster parents discuss the rewards and challenges of their role and offer personal insight into the complex experiences of foster children.
Founders & Foundations: Art Therapy in America

Founders & Foundations: Art Therapy in America

with Judith Aron Rubin
Produced in cooperation with the American Art Therapy Association (AATA), this compilation contains two films, Art Therapy Beginnings – Assessing Clients for Treatment and Visionaries, Pioneers, and Early Settlers – The Story of the American Art Therapy Association.
Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

with Monica McGoldrick
When clients don’t confront and mourn their losses and family tragedies, they become stuck, fixed in time and unable to move forward. In this riveting narration of the life and work of pioneering family therapist Norman Paul, Monica McGoldrick teaches us how to help clients examine, explore, and ultimately break free from the unacknowledged and unmourned losses in their families, so that they may live fully in the present.
Gender Differences in Depression: A Marital Therapy Approach

Gender Differences in Depression: A Marital Therapy Approach

with The Ackerman Institute, Peggy Papp
This emotionally compelling video features a series of real clinical sessions in which the Depression Project's treatment team works with a severely depressed couple.
Gestalt Art Therapy Class: A Personal Mythology Perspective

Gestalt Art Therapy Class: A Personal Mythology Perspective

with Selma Ciornrai
Dr. Selma Ciornai, from the Gestalt Therapy Department at Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, São Paulo, leads a post-graduate art therapy workshop. Using symbolic languages, guided visualization, and creativity, students revisit childhood stories to create meaningful drawings. Through sharing and reflection, they explore personal insights and connections to their present lives, ending with warmth, laughter, and a celebration of imagination.
Gestalt Child Therapy: Three Individual Sessions

Gestalt Child Therapy: Three Individual Sessions

with Violet Oaklander
In this video, Violet Oaklander sensitively guides two children in the exploration of their conflicts while engaging them in the therapeutic use of clay and sand. 
Gestalt Therapy with Children

Gestalt Therapy with Children

with Violet Oaklander
Watch Gestalt child therapist Violet Oaklander in an actual counseling session with a 13-year old boy who has difficulty expressing anger.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Getting Control of Yourself: Anger Management Tools and Techniques

Getting Control of Yourself: Anger Management Tools and Techniques

with Christian Conte
In this lively and instructive video, watch anger management expert, Christian Conte, PhD, present his comprehensive and practical theory for treating—and healing—even the most violent offenders.
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 1: A Meaning-Based Model

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 1: A Meaning-Based Model

with Robert A. Neimeyer, Carolyn Ng
Working with grieving clients is one of the most technically challenging and emotionally demanding clinical endeavors, one for which most clinicians are neither formally trained nor prepared. This video, the first in a breakthrough four-volume series, will help clinicians move beyond outdated notions and methods or simply “waiting for time to heal,” so they can work confidently, compassionately, and effectively with clients who have been overwhelmed by loss.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 2: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 2: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer
One of the greatest challenges to working with grieving clients is helping to free them from the pain of the “event story,” or the circumstances and details of their loved one’s death — especially when the loss is traumatic. In this video, the second in a four-volume series, clinicians will learn to skillfully and compassionately help grieving clients gain some therapeutic distance from the event story of their loss through the process of restorative re-telling.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 3: Realigning Relationships with the Deceased

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 3: Realigning Relationships with the Deceased

with Robert A. Neimeyer
Working with grieving clients who enjoyed a positive relationship with their lost loved one usually centers around sadness, yearning, and separation distress. This video, the third in our four-volume series, will deepen clinicians’ skills in working with this form of “adaptive grief” while also helping other clients navigate the more challenging terrain of complicated bereavement, dominated by prolonged, and debilitating loss-related symptomatology. 
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 4: Reinventing the Self After Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 4: Reinventing the Self After Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer, Carolyn Ng
Therapists working with grief may become overly focused on the loss, missing out on growth opportunities for the client. This video, the final in our four-volume series, will further prepare clinicians to work with grieving clients by guiding them in the reconstruction of their identity and relationships as they begin to integrate their loss.    
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

Help your clients better navigate life after loss and cultivate the seeds of transformative growth with the rich trove of tools demonstrated in this four-volume series by renowned grief experts Robert Neimeyer and Carolyn Ng. Working with seven clients suffering a range of losses, they’ll guide you through a powerful meaning-based approach to grief therapy that goes far beyond normalizing, educating and symptom management, to nurture growth from grief. 
Group Art Therapy: Adolescents with ADHD

Group Art Therapy: Adolescents with ADHD

with Diane Safran
Led by Board Certified Art Therapist Diane Safran, this psychoeducational group focused on self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, and managing ADHD for middle school youth.
Group Counseling with Adolescents: A Multicultural Approach

Group Counseling with Adolescents: A Multicultural Approach

with Sam Steen, PhD, & Sheri Bauman, PhD
Over the course of eight sessions with a multicultural group of eighth graders, Drs. Sam Steen and Sheri Bauman offer child therapists a thorough picture of the issues adolescents face and ways to deepen connection with them.
Group Counseling with Children: A Multicultural Approach

Group Counseling with Children: A Multicultural Approach

with Sam Steen, PhD, & Sheri Bauman, PhD
Watch this diverse group of children engage in activities and discussions that increase their awareness of their own cultures and their appreciation for differences. 
Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

with Devin Ashwood & Tim Leighton
Group therapy is a powerful and widely used modality in recovery programs, but too often group leaders lack a coherent and effective clinical framework. This video program will show you how to harness the interpersonal power of groups to work successfully with clients struggling with addictions.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration

Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration

with Molyn Leszcz, Irvin Yalom
In this remarkable demonstration you will witness group therapy and Irvin Yalom’s novel The Schopenhauer Cure come alive simultaneously in two unscripted group psychotherapy sessions. The result is a training video that is destined to become a classic for students of group therapy and Yalom fans alike.
Earn 3.25 CE Credits
Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

with Allen Berger
Addiction is a complex syndrome that undermines clients’ functioning and depletes their resources, and individual therapy alone can often miss the mark. Through informative discussion and live clinical demonstrations, psychotherapist and addiction specialist, Allen Berger, PhD will enhance your clinical efficacy with these challenging clients by sharing the many benefits of group therapy.
Guiding Pre-Teens in Career Exploration: A Creative Arts Approach

Guiding Pre-Teens in Career Exploration: A Creative Arts Approach

with Natalya A. Lindo, Peggy Ceballos
Start your pre-teen clients on their journey down the path of career development with CACCI, a creative, play-based group training program designed to help adolescents develop self-knowledge and skill awareness.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Hans Eysenck on Behavior Therapy

Hans Eysenck on Behavior Therapy

with Hans Eysenck
Highly prolific and influential in the field of psychology, Hans Eysenck is well known for his bold, contentious theories on intelligence, personality, cancer and therapy. In this video, the “maverick psychologist” offers his insights about the practice of psychotherapy with his characteristically perspicacious flair.

Harm Reduction Therapy for Addictions

Harm Reduction Therapy for Addictions

with G. Alan Marlatt
See G. Alan Marlatt utilize his Harm Reduction Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Harnessing the Power of Genograms in Psychotherapy

Harnessing the Power of Genograms in Psychotherapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Watch master family therapist  Monica McGoldrick, MSW, create a genogram on the spot in this live session with a client struggling to understand why he is distancing from his pregnant wife.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Harriet Wadeson: A Prolific Pioneer

Harriet Wadeson: A Prolific Pioneer

with Multiple Therapists
This compilation of videos is about Harriet Wadeson and provides the viewer with a thorough understanding of her contributions to the field of art therapy from the 1960s until her death in 2016. 
Harville Hendrix on the Healing Relationship

Harville Hendrix on the Healing Relationship

with Harville Hendrix
The founder of Imago Therapy, and one of the leading experts in couples therapy sits down with Randall C. Wyatt to discuss a bold turn in the way we think about psychotherapy and relationships.
He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

with Terra Nova Films
This video provides an intimate look into the traumatic story of Mary, an elderly woman abused by her adult grandson. As she bravely speaks about her experience, you’ll learn about the dynamics of elder abuse from advocates and professionals who worked with and supported Mary.
Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

In these extremely powerful live group sessions, master clinician and psychodramatist Tian Dayton works with group participants to confront childhood abuse, and work through trauma that they are carrying in their bodies.
Healing Childhood Abuse through Psychodrama

Healing Childhood Abuse through Psychodrama

with Tian Dayton
Psychodramatist Tian Dayton shows how psychodrama can heal the effects of child abuse in this live demonstration.
Heinz Kohut on Empathy in Psychotherapy

Heinz Kohut on Empathy in Psychotherapy

with Heinz Kohut
This rare 1981 video of Heinz Kohut's presentation, given just days before his death, features his powerful reflections on empathy.
History of Art Therapy & the Study of Psychopathology of Expression

History of Art Therapy & the Study of Psychopathology of Expression

with Multiple Therapists
This video is an overview of the development of the field of art therapy, beginning with the encouragement of psychiatrists in different parts of the world who were intrigued by the spontaneous art of mental patients and who saw its therapeutic value. 
How to Use Play Interventions with Neurodivergent Children and Teens

How to Use Play Interventions with Neurodivergent Children and Teens

with Robert Jason Grant
Deficit-based theories and techniques often pathologize neurological differences commonly associated with Autism and ADHD, resulting in poor mental health outcomes. Learn how to help young neurodivergent clients thrive by using neurodiversity-affirming play practices that build therapeutic connection through empowerment and collaboration — all while having fun.  
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Human Behavior and the Social Environment: (2-video series)

Human Behavior and the Social Environment: (2-video series)

Social Work Professor Judith Smith presents these videos on the foundation of all social work training: Human Behavior and the Social Environment. This set explains both Macro and Mezzo systems and illustrates the basis of Social Systems Theory through numerous interviews.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Imago Couples Therapy

Imago Couples Therapy

with Pat Love
Pat Love demonstrates the Imago Dialogue Process in an actual couples therapy session.
Impasses and Challenges in EFT

Impasses and Challenges in EFT

with Rebecca Jorgensen
What can you do when you run into the inevitable obstacles of couples work? In the final volume of our EFT series with Rebecca Jorgensen, get expert advice and practical tools for dealing with common challenges in couples therapy.

Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
With three full-length sessions in diverse client settings, Cathy Cole demonstrates strategies for working with clients who are initially reluctant to change.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Individual & Joint Art Therapy with Mother & Child

Individual & Joint Art Therapy with Mother & Child

with Laura Greenstone, Judith Aron Rubin, Cindi Westendorf
Three art therapists demonstrate how to involve family in the process of art therapy as the young patients express grief and adolescent angst.
Individual Art Interviews with Adolescents

Individual Art Interviews with Adolescents

with Judith Aron Rubin
Judith A. Rubin implements art-based questions to gain insight related to the development of adolescents. Through meeting with individuals one-on-one and showing curiosity about the art as well as the individual, Judy uncovers situational, transitional, and environmental factors underlying their behavior.

Individual Art Therapy in Cancer Care

Individual Art Therapy in Cancer Care

with Elizabeth Stone
Liz Stone & Cancer Patient

This is a 3-part live-session demonstration film, featuring art therapist Elizabeth Stone and a 55 year-old female cancer patient, Lucette.

Individual Art Therapy in the Hospital

Individual Art Therapy in the Hospital

with Andrea Ramsey, MA & Mildred Lachman Chapin
This film includes two demonstrations of art therapy with individual adult patients in different inpatient psychiatric settings. Both therapists are warm, natural, and engaged with the clients. The first is an initial art assessment interview of a person with schizophrenia. The art therapist, Mildred Lachman Chapin, and the patient first discuss the gentleman’s concerns. In the second example, art therapist Andrea Ramsey, works with an adult hospitalized in acute care who she has seen before. The session is a continuation of an earlier one where the patient is engaged in completing the background of an image as a gift for her children.
Individual Art Therapy with Neurologically Impaired Youth

Individual Art Therapy with Neurologically Impaired Youth

with Pierre Boenig-Scherel, Carole Kunkle-Miller, Craig Siegel
This video features three art therapists working individually with neuro-diverse boys between 11 and 18 years old. In its three different experiential vignettes many instructional points are conveyed in vivo. 
Individual Art Therapy with Two Women

Individual Art Therapy with Two Women

with Pierre Boenig-Scherel, Arthur Robbins
This two-part video demonstrates two approaches to working with women who struggle with depression and interpersonal relationships. Through art, they can begin to externalize and express their feelings.

Individual Child Therapy: Art & Sandtray

Individual Child Therapy: Art & Sandtray

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD, Carole Kunkle-Miller
While many arts therapists doing child assessments have adequate play space and an abundance of play materials, this is not always the case. This video showcases how therapists can help a child make up a personalized story or fantasy regardless of abundancy of materials.

Individual Dance/Movement Therapy

Individual Dance/Movement Therapy

with Penny Lewis
This in-depth dance/movement therapy session provides a window into the brilliant work of Penny Lewis, Ph.D. Dr. Lewis illustrates her ability to adeptly integrate sophisticated theory, using the Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) and psychodynamic theory into her clinical practice. 
Individual Puppet Therapy with Four Children

Individual Puppet Therapy with Four Children

with Eleanor C. Irwin
This video shows four different children (ages 6 to 13 years old) in therapy using puppets. Through four different sessions, conducted by three different therapists (two drama therapists, and one child psychiatrist), one can see how the clinician listens to and follows the interactions. 
Inside the Juvenile Justice System: Rodricks Disposition Hearing

Inside the Juvenile Justice System: Rodricks Disposition Hearing

with Calamari Productions
See the final outcome of Rodrick's legal battle in this disposition hearing that will determine his fate.
Inside the Juvenile Justice System: Rodricks Initial Hearing

Inside the Juvenile Justice System: Rodricks Initial Hearing

with Calamari Productions
Witness 17-year-old Rodrick in his initial hearing after a drug relapse has taken off the road to rehabilitation.
Inside the Perfect Circle: The Odyssey of Joel Thome

Inside the Perfect Circle: The Odyssey of Joel Thome

with Joel Thome
An intriguing music documentary about world-traveled composer and conductor Joel Thome, “Inside The Perfect Circle” provides a close personal look at Thome’s career and philosophy and how he used music as a resource for healing following a stroke, resuming composing and returning to the stage.
Integrating Mindfulness into Counseling and Psychotherapy

Integrating Mindfulness into Counseling and Psychotherapy

with Ronald D. Siegel
What is “mindfulness” and how can we actually use it with our clients? Understand the principles of mindfulness-oriented psychotherapy and its application for a range of clinical issues in this new video with mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald D. Siegel.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Integrating the Arts in Therapy: Learning from the Pioneers

Integrating the Arts in Therapy: Learning from the Pioneers

with Sharon Chaiklin, Eliana Gil, Peggy Heller, Eleanor C. Irwin, Clive Robbins, Judith Aron Rubin
This film documents over 6 hours of a weekend-long conference called “Integrating the Arts in Therapy: Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Poetry, Play,” held July 2009 in Alexandria, Virginia.
Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

with Joan Ellen Zweben
See Joan Ellen Zweben demonstrate how to integrate therapy with 12-step programs in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.

Integrative Counseling

Integrative Counseling

with Jeffrey Kottler
Jeffrey Kottler showcases his expert skills in integrating multiple therapy approaches in an actual counseling session in this 3-part video.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Integrative Family Therapy

Integrative Family Therapy

with Kenneth V. Hardy
Watch Integrative Family Therapy in action as Kenneth V. Hardy masterfully applies his holistic approach in an actual family therapy session with a single African-American mother and her teenage daughter.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Integrative Therapy

Integrative Therapy

with Allen Ivey
Watch Allen Ivey masterfully demonstrate Integrative Therapy in an actual counseling session in this 3-part counseling video. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems Therapy

with Richard Schwartz
Richard Schwartz demonstrates Internal Family Systems Therapy in an actual couples therapy session. Learn to help partners in a couple get to know all parts of themselves so that they can engage more fully in relationship.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression

with Paula Ravitz, Priya Watson and Sophie Grigoriadis
How do you introduce social efforts into treatment for a condition known for its isolating effects? In this video, three seasoned therapists offer key techniques from Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) that target the most relational symptoms of depression.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

with Scott Stuart
What, exactly, is Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), and how is it applied across populations? Watch Scott Stuart, MD, present the core elements of this evidence-based method in a course of therapy with a woman dealing with postpartum depression.
Introducing Paradoxical Techniques to OCD Clients

Introducing Paradoxical Techniques to OCD Clients

with Reid Wilson
Anxiety disorders expert Reid Wilson demonstrates his unique approach to tackling obsessive thinking that you can use to treat OCD’s most unyielding aspects and dramatically alter your clients’ relationships with anxiety.
Invisible Child Abuse

Invisible Child Abuse

with Robert Firestone
Emotional child abuse is frequently overlooked in our focus on physical and sexual abuse, often invisible to those both outside and inside the family. This film is a highly valuable resource for mental health professionals, abuse survivors and their loved ones.
Inviting Racial Conversations into Therapy

Inviting Racial Conversations into Therapy

with Joy Steen, Sam Steen
Race is a delicate and emotionally-charged topic that may be daunting for therapists to broach. Learn skills for sensitively and directly integrating race into the therapeutic dialogue by watching this poignant clinical scenario.
Involving Children in Child Protection Casework

Involving Children in Child Protection Casework

with Andrew Turnell
Giving children a voice in safety planning after family violence can be tricky terrain for social workers. Andrew Turnell uses a wizard, a fairy, and three houses and gets astonishing results.
Irreconcilable Differences: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy

Irreconcilable Differences: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy

with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg's unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.
Irvin Yalom and the Art of Psychotherapy: 4-Video Series

Irvin Yalom and the Art of Psychotherapy: 4-Video Series

Would you like to see how Irvin Yalom actually works with clients? In this unprecedented series, watch Yalom in real sessions with three different clients, and learn about his six-decade career in a poignant and comprehensive interview conducted by his son, Victor Yalom.
Irvin Yalom in Session: Eugenia

Irvin Yalom in Session: Eugenia

with Irvin Yalom
Watch Irvin Yalom work with Eugenia, a 23-year-old struggling with a sudden crippling existential panic, over the course of 9 deeply moving sessions.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Irvin Yalom in Session: Gareth

Irvin Yalom in Session: Gareth

with Irvin Yalom
Watch master therapist Irvin Yalom work in live sessions with Gareth, a 69 year old man who has struggled with anxiety most of his life, and is now facing his upcoming retirement with a sense of existential dread.

Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Irvin Yalom in Session: Luke

Irvin Yalom in Session: Luke

with Irvin Yalom
In two engaging sessions with Luke, a 39-year-old husband and father grappling with whether to have a vasectomy, Yalom brings to life the subterranean longings symbolized by this existential crossroad, and helps Luke “surrender to life.”

Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Irvin Yalom on Grief, Loss, and Growing Old

Irvin Yalom on Grief, Loss, and Growing Old

with Irvin Yalom
Join celebrated clinician and author Irvin Yalom at the existential crossroads of life and death in a riveting interview in which he offers invaluable personal and professional insights into the meaning of work, love and loss.
Irvin Yalom on Psychotherapy and Writing

Irvin Yalom on Psychotherapy and Writing

with Irvin Yalom
We’re thrilled to present this in-depth interview with Irvin Yalom, a true master whose influence commands large audiences in both the psychotherapy and literature fields. Here, he offers insight into his evolution as a clinician and writer, along with the guiding principles of his half-century of groundbreaking therapeutic work.
Irvin Yalom: Foundations of My Life and Work

Irvin Yalom: Foundations of My Life and Work

with Irvin Yalom, Victor Yalom
In this poignant, intimate and in-depth interview with his son, Victor, Irvin Yalom weaves together the central ideas and key life experiences that have formed the basis for his contributions to psychotherapy.

Earn 3.25 CE Credits
Irvin Yalom: Live Case Consultation

Irvin Yalom: Live Case Consultation

with Irvin Yalom
Yalom provides consultation to therapists on individual and group therapy cases. See how he translates his existential and interpersonal approach into action in this highly acclaimed video.
It Takes a Team: Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care Settings

It Takes a Team: Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care Settings

with Carol Tosone
Learn the mechanics of an integrated behavioral healthcare team treating a patient with medical, mental health, and substance abuse needs, and the important roles social workers play in enabling their patients to access services more seamlessly.
I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg’s unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Family Therapy.
Jacob Levy Moreno: His Life and his Muses

Jacob Levy Moreno: His Life and his Muses

with Jacob Moreno
Chock full of interviews with some of the most important people in J.L. Moreno’s life, this video will be a treat for Moreno fans, old and new alike. 
James Bugental: Live Case Consultation

James Bugental: Live Case Consultation

with James Bugental
This video presents a rare and invaluable opportunity to view renowned existential-humanistic psychotherapist James Bugental demonstrate his unique group consultation style.
James Hillman on Archetypal Psychotherapy

James Hillman on Archetypal Psychotherapy

with James Hillman
The founder of Archetypal Psychology minces no words in critiquing current directions in psychotherapy, and shares his vision for a a more creative, soulful, and imaginative approach.
James Hillman on the Soulless Society

James Hillman on the Soulless Society

with James Hillman
Hillman probes deeply into the psyche and underbelly of modern society, and offers some unexpected insights.
John Bowlby on Attachment and Psychotherapy

John Bowlby on Attachment and Psychotherapy

with John Bowlby
In this rare 1984 lecture in London, John Bowlby, founder of Attachment Theory, presents his impactful ideas on the role of the early parent-child relationships in development across the lifespan.
Joseph Wolpe on Systematic Desensitization

Joseph Wolpe on Systematic Desensitization

with Joseph Wolpe
In a fascinating discussion with Dr. Joseph Wolpe, he reveals how his experiences treating soldiers in World War II eventually led him to develop systematic desensitization as a treatment for anxiety and fear disorders. Wolpe offers viewers specific clinical advice about how and when to integrate cognitive therapy with behavior therapy techniques in the treatment of fear.
Joshua: When Anger Turns to Violence

Joshua: When Anger Turns to Violence

with Calamari Productions
Get an unprecedented look inside the juvenile justice system as you watch a thirteen-year-old boy's real juvenile hearing after assaulting his mother.
Juvenile Justice in Action (2-video series)

Juvenile Justice in Action (2-video series)

Take a front row seat to the court proceedings for a 17-year-old who had a drug relapse following a year of working toward rehabilitation. Witness how the mental health profession can be a voice for clients in a punitive justice system.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Kings Park: Stories from an American Mental Institution

Kings Park: Stories from an American Mental Institution

with Lucy Winer
Kings Park brings to life our nation’s current crisis in public mental health care and helps us understand the road we traveled to get here. Focusing on the rise and fall of Kings Park State Hospital on Long Island, NY, two story-lines interweave: one of the film director’s journey back to face her commitment there; the second of the century-old asylum itself.
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement

Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement

with Ed Jacobs, PhD & Christine Schimmel
How do group therapists deepen engagement while keeping things moving? In this video, watch two experienced co-leaders demonstrate core techniques for successful group therapy with adults.
Leading Groups with Adolescents

Leading Groups with Adolescents

with Janice DeLucia-Waack, PhD & Allen Segrist, PhD
In this comprehensive video featuring a live, unscripted group with actual high school students, two expert group therapists share their extensive knowledge, making this video a must-see for those new to leading groups as well as for experienced group therapists looking to refine their skills.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 1: Revised 2020

Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 1: Revised 2020

with Stephen Feldman
Finally, a video program to fulfill your legal and ethical CE requirements that is not only indispensable for daily practice but also engaging, entertaining and informative. Updated 2020 to include changes in laws, use of technology, and more.

Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 2: Revised 2020

Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 2: Revised 2020

with Stephen Feldman
Finally, a pragmatic, informative and engaging video that offers solutions and suggestions for the most common legal and ethical dilemmas confronting mental health practitioners. Updated 2020 to include changes in practices due to use of technology and other trends.
Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals: Revised 2020

Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals: Revised 2020

Finally, a video program to fulfill your legal and ethical CE requirements that is not only indispensable for daily practice, but also engaging, entertaining and informative. Updated 2020 to include changes in laws, use of technology, and more!
Les Couleurs Du Silence - Gugging House of Artists

Les Couleurs Du Silence - Gugging House of Artists

with Milka Assaf
This is a beautiful film about the history and present situation of the artist’s house at Gugging Mental Hospital. 14 mentally ill patients live and create in a supportive studio environment on the hospital grounds.
Lessons from Mister Rogers - The Back Story

Lessons from Mister Rogers - The Back Story

with Judith Aron Rubin
“Lessons From Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” was conceived, edited, and directed by trail-blazing art therapist, psychoanalyst and initiator of the web streaming project, Dr. Judy A. Rubin. 
Lessons from Mister Rogers Neighborhood

Lessons from Mister Rogers Neighborhood

with Judith Aron Rubin
This documentary highlights the psychological and educational lessons that Fred Rogers taught through music, puppetry and metaphor – in a powerful way that was both authentic and direct.
Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak

Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak

with Photosynthesis Productions
In this sometimes heartbreaking, but always life-affirming, video you’ll take a journey with gay and lesbian men and women who became adoptive parents. You’ll hear their struggles of maneuvering systems along with their joy in creating a family.
Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

with Frank Ochberg & Angie Panos
Watch two trauma experts offer family and community members clear, useful information about the nature and symptoms of PTSD, as well as concrete advice about how they can assist their loved ones in the recovery process.
Look Back to Move Ahead: Social Work for Survivors of Trauma

Look Back to Move Ahead: Social Work for Survivors of Trauma

with Carol Tosone
Two vignettes portray social work students working with clients affected by trauma and learning from their supervisors how to approach the sensitive material these clients present.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Making a Difference: Influencing State Policy

Making a Difference: Influencing State Policy

with Influencing Social Policy
Whether working in child welfare or gerontology, all of a social worker’s actions are rooted in policy. New students learn concrete ways they can begin influencing that policy...right now!
Making Child Therapy Work

Making Child Therapy Work

with Robin Walker
Watch master child therapist Robin Walker model therapeutic play with children in a series of vignettes aimed at helping therapists develop authentic, empathic, fun-filled relationships with kids. 
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Making Divorce Work: A Clinical Approach to the Binuclear Family

Making Divorce Work: A Clinical Approach to the Binuclear Family

with Constance Ahrons
In this compelling video, renowned therapist Constance Ahrons demonstrates her groundbreaking approach to working with divorced families, with an emphasis on helping ex-spouses and new spouses effectively manage their shared parenting obligations. 
Managing Aggression and Delusions

Managing Aggression and Delusions

with Brad Hagen
When patients threaten to become verbally or physically aggressive, it takes a special set of skills to work safely and effectively. In this video, watch two health care providers demonstrate how these skills—or the lack thereof—impact their work.

Managing Chronic Anxiety with Mindfulness

Managing Chronic Anxiety with Mindfulness

with Ronald D. Siegel
Watch Ron Siegel utilize the somatic elements of mindfulness in session with a client suffering from anxiety, and discover a tool that you can easily use to help your clients with a broad range of issues.
Managing Dementia and Anxiety

Managing Dementia and Anxiety

with Brad Hagen
In this video, learn to work calmly and efficiently with patients experiencing the severe agitation of dementia or anxiety. Here, two vignettes contrast the differences between inexperienced and experienced providers, including a counterintuitive method for soothing dementia patients.

Managing Depression

Managing Depression

with Brad Hagen
What are the most essential skills and techniques for working with severely depressed patients? Find out what to do—and what not to do—in this two-part demonstration of a mental health practitioner interviewing a suicidally depressed hospital patient.
Managing Mania

Managing Mania

with Brad Hagen
When working with patients experiencing mania, clear boundaries and goal-oriented communication can help you maintain control. Learn from a pro—and empathize with a novice—in this two-part video demonstrating successful treatment of manic patients.

Managing Weight Loss with Motivational Interviewing

Managing Weight Loss with Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
The challenges surrounding weight loss can be complex, and effective clinicians must do more than simply offering advice on diet and exercise. Discover how to use MI techniques to get to the core of your clients’ barriers to weight loss so they can begin to affect meaningful change in their lives.
Mandala Assessments with Two Young Women

Mandala Assessments with Two Young Women

with Carol Thayer Cox
Carol Cox teaches how to incorporate a mandala drawing into a session, and introduces how to ascertain valuable information about the client.
Mandalas & the Quest for Healing

Mandalas & the Quest for Healing

with Carol Thayer Cox
Jung described how the mandala, an archetype of the Self, manifests at times of crisis, when there is a need for structure and centering. ?" Perhaps by examining the mandala images that abound in contemporary media, we can find some clues. This image-rich online presentation proposes a way to explore our world through the lens of a Jungian-inspired mandala theory, grounded in art therapy. The blueprint of the Great Round helps to explain how states of consciousness interact and influence each other and illustrates how our world is attempting to re-align and re-center itself.
Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

with Orah Krug, Victor Yalom
Asking “How do you feel?” is a typical way we try to help clients expand their internal awareness. But unfortunately, it’s often a dead-end, and many therapists don’t know how to follow up. In this masterclass, you’ll learn powerful techniques to help clients accelerate the internal discovery process so they can gain additional resources to tackle the problems bringing them to therapy. 
Earn 4.00 CE Credits
Melissa: Teen Mother in Foster Care

Melissa: Teen Mother in Foster Care

with Calamari Productions
Watch the intense struggles of a fifteen-year-old girl living in a foster home with her medical needs infant as she learns how to care for her daughter and returns to school.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

What are the most essential skills and techniques for succeeding with patients in hospitals and treatment centers? Discover the difference between novice unskilled and expert work care for a range of severe conditions in this 5-part video series.
Meth Inside Out: 3-Video Series

Meth Inside Out: 3-Video Series

Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth Inside Out: I. Human Impact

Meth Inside Out: I. Human Impact

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Mildred Lachman Chapin: Artist & Art Therapist

Mildred Lachman Chapin: Artist & Art Therapist

with Judith Aron Rubin
This film explores the art and art therapy life of Mildred Lachman Chapin, better known as Millie Chapin (1922-2019). 
Mind-Body Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy

with Ernest Rossi
Ernest Rossi brings to light important new research indicating that the brain is constantly growing and changing, and, with this, the profound realization that our mind and its responses can also change. Watch pioneer Ernest Rossi demonstrate a Mind-Body approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Mindfulness Exercise for Chronic Pain

Mindfulness Exercise for Chronic Pain

with Ronald D. Siegel
In this informative excerpt, Ron Siegel demonstrates his integrative approach by helping Lorraine, a middle-aged woman with chronic back pain, get in touch with her present-moment experience of fear, which exacerbates her condition.
Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

with Devin Ashwood
Do you have clients struggling with addictions? “Urge Surfing” is a simple yet effective mindfulness technique you can teach clients to help them manage the stressors that could potentially trigger relapses.
Mindfulness for Life: An Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness for Life: An Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn

with Jon Kabat-Zinn
What exactly is mindfulness and why has it recently become so popular in the mental health field? Here Jon Kabat-Zinn, leading expert on the topic and the pivotal figure in bringing Buddhist meditation to Western medicine, discusses the essence and foundational principles of mindfulness, inspiring all of us to embrace the “full catastrophe” of life. 
Mindfulness, Self, and Contact with the Present Moment

Mindfulness, Self, and Contact with the Present Moment

with Steven Hayes
In this fourth video of the ACT in Action series, you’ll learn about the mindfulness components of ACT.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

This new video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Mixed Anxiety and Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Mixed Anxiety and Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

with Donald Meichenbaum
In this video, internationally renowned therapist Donald Meichenbaum demonstrates a brief, effective approach for treating clients suffering from anxiety and depression.

Moreno Movies: 4-Video Series

Moreno Movies: 4-Video Series

See actual historical footage of J.L. Moreno conducting Psychodrama sessions!  This series has been painstakingly reassembled from film from Moreno's production company, and is a treat for students, fans, and practitioners of Psychodrama.
Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

with William R. Miller
See William R. Miller utilize Motivational Interviewing in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with smoking cessation and drinking.
Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Health Behavior

Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Health Behavior

with Cathy Cole
Learn how to effectively support and empower adolescents dealing with health concerns using Motivational Interviewing skills and techniques.

Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

with Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, & Ali Hall, JD
Acquire practical Motivational Interviewing tools to help you manage challenging sessions with adolescent clients struggling with substance use.

Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

with Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain
What is Motivational Interviewing, and how does it apply to co-occurring conditions? In this video, Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain demonstrate key techniques for supporting clients with concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing in Juvenile Justice Settings

Motivational Interviewing in Juvenile Justice Settings

with Ali Hall
Without a strong alliance and clear boundaries, mandated clients will often shut down or act out—especially if they are teenagers. How do you work to meet both institutional and clinical goals?  MI expert Ali Hall demonstrates how to use this collaborative approach in juvenile justice settings.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

Learn Motivational Interviewing with the most in-depth training series to date. Demonstrations and interviews illuminate the underlying principles, tools, techniques, and strategies that will enhance your skills in leading clients through the change process.
Motivational Interviewing with a Defiant Teen

Motivational Interviewing with a Defiant Teen

with Sebastian Kaplan
What do you do when your young client doesn’t want to be in school, much less therapy? Learn how to avoid the landmines commonly set by teens struggling to assert their autonomy, and develop rapport with even the most resistant clients.
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: 4-video series

Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: 4-video series

Do you want to effectively help adolescents change their most destructive behaviors? In this series, learn how to apply motivational interviewing in your work with teens struggling with substance use, health behaviors, delinquency, or the every-day difficulties of this challenging period of life.
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: Core Concepts

Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: Core Concepts

with Sebastian Kaplan
Learn how to apply Motivational Interviewing principles to resistant adolescent clients and how to support and empower them to change their destructive behaviors.

Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Multicultural Competence in Counseling & Psychotherapy

Multicultural Competence in Counseling & Psychotherapy

with Derald Wing Sue
In this provocative interview with multicultural expert Derald Wing Sue, learn about the history of multicultural counseling, the unmet needs of diverse clients, and ways to counter the culture-bound values that may be impacting your work.
Multimodal Therapy

Multimodal Therapy

with Arnold Lazarus
Watch Arnold Lazarus masterfully demonstrate Multimodal Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video. 

Earn 2.00 CE Credits
My Kids Dont Appreciate Me : REBT with a Single Mother

My Kids Dont Appreciate Me : REBT with a Single Mother

with Janet Wolfe

See REBT in action in an actual therapy session with a single mother struggling to effectively parent her teenage children.


Narrative Family Therapy

Narrative Family Therapy

with Stephen Madigan
Ollie is a 12 year-old African-American boy who has been court-ordered to therapy after hitting his classmate with his belt. Watch Stephen Madigan, expert Narrative therapist, as he compassionately engages Ollie and his mother in a fascinating inquiry into their experience of racism, discovering there’s much more to this incident than meets the eye.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Narrative Therapy with Children

Narrative Therapy with Children

with Stephen Madigan
Watch expert Narrative therapist Stephen Madigan in an actual counseling session with a perfectionist 10-year old boy and his mother.
Neurodiversity-Affirming Play Therapy with Children and Teens

Neurodiversity-Affirming Play Therapy with Children and Teens

with Robert Jason Grant
There is growing awareness that the traditional deficit-based therapeutic mindset that pathologizes neurological differences such as autism and ADHD often lead to poor mental health outcomes. Learn how to help young neurodivergent clients thrive by using neurodiversity-affirming play practices that build therapeutic connection and emphasize collaboration and validation. Empower neurodivergent children and teens with play interventions tailored to support their unique needs and celebrate their strengths all while having fun. 
Earn 5.00 CE Credits
Neuroscience, Creativity & Aging: Neuroscience Informed Art Therapy

Neuroscience, Creativity & Aging: Neuroscience Informed Art Therapy

with Juliet King
Part of Symposium - Neuroscience, Creativity & Aging: Expressive Arts as Brain Medicine, this film features Juliet King, MA, discussing neuroscience-informed art therapy for aging populations. King delves into neuroanatomy, neuroaesthetics, and cognitive science to explore creative interventions for neurodegenerative diseases and emotional distress. Her presentation equips mental health professionals with research-based strategies to enrich care for aging individuals through the integration of neuroscience and creativity.
No Unwounded Soldiers

No Unwounded Soldiers

with Rebecca L. Abbott
This documentary follows a group of American war veterans as they explore the deep and lasting effects that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars had on them, their families, and their communities, and how the arts can help with their healing.
Nurturing the ‘Art’ in the Art of Therapy

Nurturing the ‘Art’ in the Art of Therapy

with Judith Aron Rubin
This is your chance to sit in on a conversation with art therapy pioneer, Judy Rubin, PhD, and founder, Victor Yalom as they discuss the power of artistic expression in therapy. Dr. Rubin shares stories of her life’s work as an art therapist, including techniques and various media she used to help clients get in touch with themselves. 
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Object Relations Child Therapy

Object Relations Child Therapy

with David Scharff
Watch renowned Object Relations psychotherapist David Scharff in an actual counseling session with an 11-year old boy who is grieving the death of his grandmother.
Object Relations Therapy

Object Relations Therapy

with Jill Savege Scharff
Watch renowned psychoanalyst Jill Savege Scharff masterfully demonstrate Object Relations Psychotherapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.

Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Object-Relations Family Therapy

Object-Relations Family Therapy

with David Scharff & Jill Savege Scharff
Learn how to apply object-relations theory to family therapy by watching world-renowned psychoanalysts Drs. Jill and David Scharff conduct a live session with a very distressed family.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Of Rocks and Flowers: Dealing with the Abuse of Children

Of Rocks and Flowers: Dealing with the Abuse of Children

with Virginia Satir
Family therapy pioneer Virginia Satir helps a family struggling with separation and abuse in this dynamic, moving session.

Online Remote Phototherapy: An Art Therapy Case Study

Online Remote Phototherapy: An Art Therapy Case Study

with Robert Irwin Wolf
This lecture examines a remote phototherapy treatment initiated to overcome geographical barriers to care. Through a compelling case study, it explores transference, resistance, and the transformative potential of online creative arts therapies.
Otto Kernberg: Live Case Consultation

Otto Kernberg: Live Case Consultation

with Otto Kernberg
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to sit in on three fascinating consultation sessions with legendary psychoanalyst, Dr. Otto Kernberg. The clarity of his insights, and the direct and practical advice he gives, will certainly dispel many myths about contemporary psychoanalytic practice.

Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

with Lucille Proulx
Art therapist Lucille Proulx explains how to facilitate and enhance two-way communication between parent and child. 
Person-Centered Career Exploration with a Pre-Teen

Person-Centered Career Exploration with a Pre-Teen

with Sam Steen
Learn how to introduce conversations around career direction and skill identification with your pre-teen clients without adding to the pressures they already experience.
Person-Centered Child Therapy

Person-Centered Child Therapy

with Anin Utigaard
Watch Person-Centered child therapist Anin Utigaard in an actual counseling session with a shy eight-year-old girl.
Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

with Terra Nova Films
This video explores a residential facility that celebrates older people with dementia and aids the viewer in learning to connect with people who have lost the connection to themselves.
Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

with Natalie Rogers
Watch Natalie Rogers masterfully integrate expressive arts with a client-focused approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.

Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series)

Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series)

In this series, some of the most influential figures—and originators—of cognitive behavioral therapy share the pivotal moments, people, and insights that shaped their careers and the culture of modern psychotherapy.
Perspectives in Dementia Care: Art Therapy, Identity, and Consciousness

Perspectives in Dementia Care: Art Therapy, Identity, and Consciousness

with Angel Duncan
Art therapy provides a non-verbal avenue for accessing thought and memory, even as dementia diminishes language. This lecture explores how creativity supports brain health, strengthens dementia care, and reveals the person behind the disease. Case studies and research show art therapy’s impact across all stages of dementia, reducing dependence on medication and enhancing quality of care.
Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

with Peter Levine
What can psychotherapists and counselors do to help clients relieve their suffering by accessing the healing power of their bodies? Learn how, regardless of your therapeutic orientation, to help clients tap into the wellspring of their body’s energy by watching renowned clinician and researcher, Peter Levine, demonstrate his groundbreaking methods. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Phenomenological Art Therapy Same Client at Ages 10 and 15

Phenomenological Art Therapy Same Client at Ages 10 and 15

with Mala Betensky, PhD & Aina Nucho, PhD
In her introduction to this film, Aina Nucho, PhD, presents a short description of the phenomenological approach to art therapy–originated and described in two books by art therapist and clinical psychologist Mala Betensky, PhD, from Washington, DC. 
Phil Zimbardo on the Stanford Prison Experiment, Evil and Heroism

Phil Zimbardo on the Stanford Prison Experiment, Evil and Heroism

with Philip Zimbardo
In 1971, Dr. Philip Zimbardo led the notorious Stanford Prison Experiment in order to answer the question, “What happens when you put good people in an evil place?” In this interview with Victor Yalom, Zimbardo speaks in-depth on the study, its lessons, and its relationship to Abu Ghraib decades later.
Policy Affects Practice & Students/Practitioners Affect Policy

Policy Affects Practice & Students/Practitioners Affect Policy

with Influencing Social Policy
Does the thought of becoming active in the policy-making process fill you with dread? This video will help lessen your fears and give you specific tools to help you be a more effective advocate.

Policy Affects Practice (6-video series)

Policy Affects Practice (6-video series)

This six-video social work series highlights the many ways social workers can and do contribute to systemic change through legislative advocacy.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy

Positive Psychology and Psychotherapy

with Martin Seligman
Martin Seligman shows how to apply the principles of positive psychology to the practice of psychotherapy.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Power of 2 Marriage Skills Workshop

Power of 2 Marriage Skills Workshop

with Susan Heitler, Abigail Hirsch
In this lively interactive marriage skills workshop, Drs. Susan Heitler and Abigail Hirsch offer couples a roadmap for resolving conflict in a cooperative, “win-win” way.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

with Victor Yalom
There’s a powerful tool that you can use to improve client outcomes regardless of therapeutic issue, modality or population. And the best part? You've already got it. It’s you. Victor Yalom shares insights on how to hone your clinical self.
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

with Jason Buckles
Is it possible to get the diagnostic data you need during the first session in a way that leaves clients feeling like they want to come back for a second session? This video takes a close look at how the DSM-5-TR and the diagnostic process can be used to improve mental healthcare. Through step-by-step clinical demonstrations, you’ll develop client-oriented diagnostic interviewing skills that lay the foundation for a strong therapeutic alliance and successful course of treatment. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

with Otto Kernberg
Preeminent psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg doesn’t back down in this series of three diagnostic Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) sessions with a paranoid client struggling with suicidal depression after being left by his girlfriend.

Earn 4.25 CE Credits
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: An Interview with Otto Kernberg, MD

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: An Interview with Otto Kernberg, MD

with Otto Kernberg
In this remarkable video, legendary psychoanalyst Dr. Otto Kernberg manages to distill the essential concepts of his lifetime’s work with personality disorders into a single interview.

Psychodrama in Action

Psychodrama in Action

with Zerka Moreno
Psychodrama in Action shows Zerka masterfully conducting an actual psychodrama session with a group of experienced psychodrama practitioners. 

Psychodrama in Action, 1960s

Psychodrama in Action, 1960s

with Jacob Moreno
This movie takes place in a mental hospital in California; it was produced in the 1960's when Moreno was touring the state.
Psychodrama of a Marriage (around 1948)

Psychodrama of a Marriage (around 1948)

with Jacob Moreno
See the legendary founder of psychodrama in action in this painstaking restored historic footage.
Psychodrama of a Marriage: A Motion Picture

Psychodrama of a Marriage: A Motion Picture

with Jacob Moreno
This movie was shot in Paris during the First International Congress of Psychodrama. It was produced by Radio and Television Center of France in September, 1964.
Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and Techniques

Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and Techniques

with Tobi Klein
In these live sessions, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein, MSW, teaches the core principles and techniques of psychodrama.
Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

with Zerka Moreno
Zerka Moreno discusses sociometry and its uses around the world.

Psychological Flexibility

Psychological Flexibility

with Steven Hayes
Psychological flexibility—or the ability to make contact with our experiences in the present moment fully and without defense—is the theme unifying the constellation of client issues presented in this final video in the ACT in Action series. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Psychotherapy Essentials To Go (6-video series)

Psychotherapy Essentials To Go (6-video series)

In this 6-video series, find succinct examples of skills and techniques from today’s most widely used psychotherapy methods. With expert lectures and clinical vignettes, this series offers therapists the essential ingredients for successful treatment with a range of clients.
Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

with Frank Ochberg
Watch a veteran’s two-year-long therapeutic process of healing from chronic PTSD, and enhance your skills in working with traumatized populations.
Earn 2.75 CE Credits
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 1: Historical Perspectives

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 1: Historical Perspectives

with Ron Scott
This first video in the Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients Series, explores the history of mental health practice with gay, lesbian and bisexual people.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 2: Individual Assessment and Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 2: Individual Assessment and Psychotherapy

with Ron Scott
The second video in the Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients Series focuses some of the most salient assessment and treatment issues that clinicians should know.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

with Ron Scott
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples and families are different from heterosexual couples and families in issues related to their social context and societal stigmatization. 
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 4: The Coming Out Process

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 4: The Coming Out Process

with Ron Scott
This program features three diverse personal coming out stories and commentary is provided by Dr. Eli Coleman, Dr. Sari Dworkin, and Dr. Ritch Savin-Williams, noted experts and researchers in the field.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 5: The Bisexual Experience

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 5: The Bisexual Experience

with Ron Scott
The first educational program on the psychology of bisexuality, this video features cutting-edge research presented by some of the leading scholars in the field. 
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 6: Diversity and Multiple Identities

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 6: Diversity and Multiple Identities

with Ron Scott
The sixth video in this series highlights personal accounts by GLB individuals from diverse ethnic groups, and includes a compelling cross-cultural therapy session by Dr. Christine Padesky with a Korean lesbian client.

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 7: Sexual Minority Adolescents

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 7: Sexual Minority Adolescents

with Ron Scott
Combining the voices of gay and lesbian youth with leading professionals, this program provides an insightful look at the GLB adolescent experience. 

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients: 7-Video Series

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients: 7-Video Series

A comprehensive series dealing with the multitude and complexity of factors that arise in psychotherapy with gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals, couples and families. 
Psychotherapy with Medically Ill Children

Psychotherapy with Medically Ill Children

with Gerald Koocher
Watch medical child therapist Gerald Koocher in an actual counseling session with a 5-year old girl who has a medical condition and a lot of worries. 
Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series

Psychotherapy with the Experts: 15-Video Series

A 15-Video Series that captures the work of some of the greatest therapists of our time. Watch as experts James Bugental, Donald Meichenbaum, Kenneth Hardy, Insoo Kim Berg, Arnold Lazarus and others demonstrate their various approaches to working with a variety of clients.
Psychotherapy with the Unmotivated Patient

Psychotherapy with the Unmotivated Patient

with Erving Polster
This video depicts renowned therapist and teacher Erving Polster artfully and adeptly plying his trade with Gerald, the type of client we have all struggled with: bright, cynical, emotionally detached, overly-intellectual, and seemingly determined to defeat this therapist as he has previous ones. 
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

with Frank Ochberg
Leading expert Frank Ochberg discusses what every therapist needs to know when treating vets with PTSD--what resources they already have in their professional toolkit that they can draw on, and what new skills are needed.
PTSD in Children: Move in the Rhythm of the Child

PTSD in Children: Move in the Rhythm of the Child

with Frank Ochberg
Learn about symptoms, circumstances and therapeutic techniques for children with acute post-traumatic stress disorder.
Racism, Family Secrets and the African American Experience

Racism, Family Secrets and the African American Experience

with Monica McGoldrick, Elaine Pinderhughes
Racism, discrimination, slavery and injustice are part of the historical fabric of the African American experience, impacting individuals, families and communities. In this gripping discussion with renowned family therapist Monica McGoldrick, professor Elaine Pinderhughes discusses her genealogical research into her own family, and her efforts to confront and transcend the lies and secrets passed down across generations.
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Addictions

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Addictions

with Albert Ellis
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with clients struggling with addiction by watching the originator of the method in an actual therapy session. 

Reality Therapy

Reality Therapy

with Robert Wubbolding
Watch Robert Wubbolding expertly demonstrate Reality Therapy in an actual therapy session in this three-part video.

Reality Therapy for Addictions

Reality Therapy for Addictions

with Robert Wubbolding
See Robert Wubbolding utilize his Reality Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Reality Therapy with Children

Reality Therapy with Children

with Robert Wubbolding
Watch reality therapist Robert Wubbolding in an actual counseling session with a 15-year old boy.
REBT for Anger Management

REBT for Anger Management

with Janet Wolfe
See REBT in action in an actual therapy session with a client needing help with anger management.

REBT in Action: 4-Video Series

REBT in Action: 4-Video Series

Albert Ellis and his protege, Janet Wolfe, demonstrate the tools and techniques of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) in this gripping series.
Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect

Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect

with Learning Seed
Many social workers have a difficult time recognizing neglect. The effects are just not as visible as abuse. This video clearly moves students through various signs that indicate neglect and empowers them to be more confident in their work of keeping children safe.

Recognizing and Preventing Physical Child Abuse

Recognizing and Preventing Physical Child Abuse

with Learning Seed
Working with physically abusive parents can be difficult for the new social worker, challenging their feelings of empathy and often eliciting anger. This video offers insight into why parents use physical discipline and provides strategies for keeping children safe.

Recovering from an Affair: 6 Sessions of Couples Therapy

Recovering from an Affair: 6 Sessions of Couples Therapy

with Richard Schwartz
What really happens in therapy over time? Watch from the front row as Richard Schwartz, founder of Internal Family Systems Therapy, conducts six full-length sessions with a real couple facing a devastating crisis.
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach

What if, rather than focusing on presenting problems, symptoms, diagnoses and other traditional approaches to working with clients, we embraced a culturally democratic approach that invites clients to speak on behalf of their own healing? Discover how to go beyond listening and emphasizing, and learn how to collaborate with clients using their existing strengths, traditions and heritage.
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 1 Vinodha

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 1 Vinodha

with Travis Heath
Do you want to know your clients beyond the constrictive labels of presenting problems, diagnoses and other traditional constructs of psychotherapy? Using a Narrative Therapy lens, Travis Heath will show you a culturally democratic approach to therapy that draws upon existing client strengths, traditions and other resources to foster deep understanding, insight and connection.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 2: Beverly

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 2: Beverly

with Travis Heath
What do you do when you meet with a client who has no presenting problems? For many therapists, their approach is so pathology-oriented that such sessions can feel unfocused and disarming. Discover a Contemporary Narrative Therapy approach that shifts the focus to people, not problems, and invites you to engage with your client’s stories with a curiosity and creativity that cultivates hope and healing. 
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 3: Ian

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 3: Ian

with Travis Heath
How can you bring yourself to the room more fully as a person, offering more than just empathy? Discover how to become an active participant in the process of moving clients beyond the limits of their worlds as they know them. Using a Contemporary Narrative Therapy approach, you can help clients trace the profound impact of systemic racism, and redefine not just their own stories, but the limits they have set for themselves.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Reimagining Narrative Therapy: Rewriting Stories and Reclaiming Identities

Reimagining Narrative Therapy: Rewriting Stories and Reclaiming Identities

with Travis Heath
Travis Heath presents his work with three clients who have stood up to racism in their own unique ways and shares contemporary techniques to help your clients move beyond constricting narratives about pathology, race, and identity, to live in more authentic and meaningful ways. 
Resolving Ambivalence in Motivational Interviewing

Resolving Ambivalence in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Learn Motivational Interviewing's tools and techniques for helping clients fully explore their ambivalence as a critical part of the change process.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

with Peter Levine
Therapists know how difficult it can be to help clients heal from trauma, especially when using traditional cognitive or insight-oriented approaches. Learn powerful techniques for treating trauma from Peter Levine, developer of Somatic Experiencing®, as he demonstrates his body-oriented trauma therapy with an Iraq War veteran diagnosed with severe PTSD.
Rewarding Challenges: Social Work with Older Adults

Rewarding Challenges: Social Work with Older Adults

with Caroline Rosenthal Gelman, Carol Tosone
Two illustrative vignettes show a first and second year social work student addressing common situations in cases with older clients and seeking guidance from their experienced supervisor.
Robert Wallerstein: 65 Years at the Center of Psychoanalysis

Robert Wallerstein: 65 Years at the Center of Psychoanalysis

with Shelley Nathans
Robert Wallerstein’s distinguished career spanned psychiatry, research, and psychoanalysis, with more than six decades at the center of the psychoanalytic field. In this illuminating interview, he recounts his early life, illustrious career, and the sweeping changes psychoanalysis endured throughout the 20th century.
Rollo May on Existential Psychotherapy

Rollo May on Existential Psychotherapy

with Rollo May
See this legendary Existential Psychotherapy master in a dialogue on what matters most in the practice of psychotherapy.
Safety Planning with Suicidal Clients

Safety Planning with Suicidal Clients

with John Sommers-Flanagan
Learn skills for building an effective safety plan with your suicidal clients that includes the creation of a safe environment, recognizing warning signs, identifying peer and community resources, and choosing an alternative environment.
Salvador Minuchin on Family Therapy

Salvador Minuchin on Family Therapy

with Jay Lappin, Salvador Minuchin
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to get up close and personal with one of the most influential figures in psychotherapy, Dr. Salvador Minuchin. 
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Same Child Seen by 2 Art Therapists

Same Child Seen by 2 Art Therapists

with Edith Kramer, Judith Aron Rubin
In this video, two noted pioneers in art therapy, Dr. Judith Rubin and Edith Kramer, provide an art therapy session for the same child, a 10-year-old girl in the outpatient clinic of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 
Sandplay with Dora Kalff

Sandplay with Dora Kalff

with Peter Ammann
This video features Dora Kalff, a Jungian child analyst from Zurich, who offers her patients a sandbox along with a large array of miniature objects to be used in making sandplay constructions. 
Satir Family Therapy

Satir Family Therapy

with Jean McLendon
Master therapist Jean McLendon demonstrates Satir Family Therapy in this very compelling and touching video.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Scott Miller on Improving Psychotherapy Outcome

Scott Miller on Improving Psychotherapy Outcome

with Scott Miller
It is not practice alone that makes for better therapy or builds better therapists. According to Scott Miller, it is the methods of "deliberate practice," gleaned from his study of experts and expertise, that will help you to improve your clinical skills and therapeutic success rate.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Self-Neglect: What We Can Learn From the Mary Northern Case

Self-Neglect: What We Can Learn From the Mary Northern Case

with Terra Nova Films
A pioneer case in Adult Protective Services and elder care, the life of Mary Northern, an elderly woman refusing life saving surgery, offers mental health professionals a complex exploration of the limits of self-determination.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Sesame Drama & Movement Therapy

Sesame Drama & Movement Therapy

with Mary Smail
This film introduces the work of the Sesame Institute UK and International, a London based charity which was born out of a dream of the founder, Marian Billy Lindkvist, in1964. Taking its name from the ancient Ali Baba story, the password “Open Sesame” opens door to inner riches.
Sex, Love & Intimate Relationships

Sex, Love & Intimate Relationships

with Robert Firestone
This compelling film explores three fundamental questions: “What is healthy sexuality?” “What is love?” and “Why do so many men and women find it difficult to sustain closeness, sexuality and love in their intimate relationships?”
Shes Leaving Me: A Four-Stage Treatment Model for Men Struggling with Relationship Loss

Shes Leaving Me: A Four-Stage Treatment Model for Men Struggling with Relationship Loss

with Steve Lerner
Renowned family therapist Steve Lerner presents his work with men who are in crisis after being left by their wives or partners. 
Sidney Bijou on Behavioral Child Therapy

Sidney Bijou on Behavioral Child Therapy

with Sidney Bijou
Sidney Bijou, often credited as the founder of child behavioral therapy, reveals here in conversation with Steven Hayes how he came to develop new treatments for autism and other developmental disorders. Examining his findings across child development fields, Bijou makes recommendations for the next generations of educators, parents, and psychologists.
Simple Animation for People with Chronic Mental Illness

Simple Animation for People with Chronic Mental Illness

with Alfred Bader, MD Oren Rudavsky, Judith Rothschild, MA Tea Taramino
This series of short films documents various approaches to animation created by persons with chronic mental illness to illustrate their personal narratives. 
Skills in Youth Suicide Prevention

Skills in Youth Suicide Prevention

with Iris Educational Media
This excellent training tool is a must-see for clinicians and non-clinicians alike who deal with students every day, providing step-by-step strategies and clear instructions to address suicidal behavior in teens.
Social Work Advocacy: The State Budget

Social Work Advocacy: The State Budget

with Influencing Social Policy
Social workers spend a lot of time practicing within the limitations of the money allotted for their programs. It stands to reason that they should be major voices in deciding how much money their programs receive. Here’s how they can.

Social Work With Older Adults: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

Social Work With Older Adults: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

with Judith R. Smith
Under the guidance of their insightful supervisors, social work interns practice engagement, assessment, and termination skills with older clients, while also learning about the concrete needs of this population.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Social Work: Practicing in a Century of Change

Social Work: Practicing in a Century of Change

with Influencing Social Policy
We all know that change is inevitable. What is a social worker’s responsibility to respond to, and influence, that change? Social worker, Wendy Sherman, definitively answers that question.
Social Workers Effecting Change: Legislative Advocacy

Social Workers Effecting Change: Legislative Advocacy

with Influencing Social Policy
Social workers can bring a human face to policy by taking what they witness in direct practice and bringing it to the political arena. Get some real world guidance about how to effectively advocate for laws in your state.

Society, Relationships, and Pleasure: An Interview with Dr. Carol Gilligan

Society, Relationships, and Pleasure: An Interview with Dr. Carol Gilligan

with Carol Gilligan
Watch one of feminist psychology’s most renowned theorists discuss how psychotherapy can combat the ills of patriarchy. In this engaging interview, Dr. Carol Gilligan reflects on feminism, emotional honesty, mother-child relationships, and the conflicted role of pleasure in women’s lives.
Solution-Focused Child Therapy

Solution-Focused Child Therapy

with John J. Murphy
Watch Solution-Focused child therapist John J. Murphy in an actual counseling session with two boys and their mother.
Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

with Sam Steen
Young children can get locked into ineffectual ways of solving problems that only escalate conflicts within the family. By teaching them simple, playful solution-focused skills, you can help build their self-confidence and strengthen their relationships.
Solution-Focused Techniques with a Pre-Teen

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Pre-Teen

with Sam Steen
As their autonomy increases, pre-teens need effective skills to solve problems in and outside of the home. Learn how to harness the simple power of Solution Focused Therapy by watching Sam Steen work with 12-year-old Ella.
Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy

with Insoo Kim Berg
Watch  Insoo Kim Berg masterfully demonstrate Solution-Focused Therapy in an actual therapy session. What a treat to see this legendary therapist in action!
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

with Bill O'Hanlon
Watch O’Hanlon passionately discuss and demonstrate his innovative approach in this three-part video, which includes an actual therapy session with an intriguing, non-traditional family.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Some Different Art Therapy Methods

Some Different Art Therapy Methods

with Multiple Therapists
Some Different Methods in Art Therapy showcases three examples of three highly qualified art therapists working with different clients. In each segment the creative adaption of any method to meet the clients’ needs is emphasized. Therapy, like art, is not one-size fits all. The flexibility of these clinicians is applicable to working with any client in any method in a playful, yet intentional manner.  
Stages of Change for Addictions

Stages of Change for Addictions

with John C. Norcross
See John C. Norcross utilize the Stages of Change model in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Strategic Couples Therapy

Strategic Couples Therapy

with James Coyne
James Coyne demonstrates Strategic Couples Therapy in an actual session with a gay couple. 
Structural Family Therapy

Structural Family Therapy

with Harry Aponte
Watch Harry J. Aponte, a highly regarded therapist who worked closely with Salvador Minuchin, demonstrate his unique approach to Structural Therapy in this compelling family therapy session.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

with Photosynthesis Productions
Transracial adoptees discuss their childhood, the identity issues which have carried through into their adulthood, and suggestions to improve the future of transracial adoptions.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
This informative film shows two sessions from an open-ended art therapy group from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. All soldiers in this group were leaving the military and each had to decide and make a personal commitment to attend the group. Paula Howie, HLM, ATR-BC, is the art therapist.
Suicide & Self-Harm: Helping People at Risk

Suicide & Self-Harm: Helping People at Risk

with Linda Gask
Learn the critical skills necessary for assessing and helping suicidal clients in this excellent video.
Survival from Domestic Violence: Stories of Hope and Healing

Survival from Domestic Violence: Stories of Hope and Healing

with Angelea Panos
Watch the stories and reflections of women who transformed their lives after escaping domestic violence. 
Symbolic Healing: A Story of Art & Cancer

Symbolic Healing: A Story of Art & Cancer

with Suzanne Lovell
Suzanne Palmer Lovell, PhD, traces her journey from the diagnosis of uterine cancer through her subsequent surgery and recovery. Using art, movement and dreams, she began to befriend herself as part of her healing and reclamation of her body, mind and spirit.
Teenage Siblings: Three Joint Sessions in Drama & Art

Teenage Siblings: Three Joint Sessions in Drama & Art

with Eleanor C. Irwin, Rosemarie Perla, Judith Aron Rubin
In this video, teenaged siblings, Ben and Anna, are in expressive therapy (art and drama) sessions. The video provides three different examples of how different therapists use their helping skills that might be applied to work with couples or groups as well.
Telehealth: Legal and Ethical Issues

Telehealth: Legal and Ethical Issues

with Stephen Feldman
Learn about the legal and ethical issues surrounding telehealth, and discover specific, practical solutions for providing effective, compliant telehealth services to your clients in this discussion with Stephen Feldman, JD.
The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: 7-Video Series

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: 7-Video Series

A 7-video series featuring addiction and recovery experts demonstrating how to help this challenging population acquire necessary skills for a successful recovery. 
The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Alternatives to Substance Abuse

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Alternatives to Substance Abuse

with Robert Meyers, PhD & Jane Ellen Smith, PhD
In this supportive video, Robert Meyers and Jane Ellen Smith help people in the recovery process develop the skills necessary to make significant lifestyle changes, as they lead them on a captivating exploration of alternatives to substance use.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Assertiveness

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Assertiveness

with Robert Alberti
Learn techniques and strategies that will give people in recovery choices on how and when to be assertive, and enable them to navigate challenging life situations without compromising their self respect and commitment to recovery.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Behavioral Self-Control

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Behavioral Self-Control

with Reid Hester
Join Reid Hester as he guides viewers through a step-by-step process of changing the old, stuck behavior patterns that often plague individuals in the recovery process, and replacing them with healthier ways of living.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Managing Emotions

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Managing Emotions

with Peter Palanca
Using a simple step-by-step process, therapist Peter Palanca will help you identify the powerful and confusing feelings that many people in recovery struggle with, and learn to manage them in productive, healthy ways.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Problem Solving

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Problem Solving

with Terrence Real
Watch therapist Terrence Real work with an audience in recovery using his five-step approach to problem solving: defining the problem, visualizing solutions, dealing with obstacles, identifying sources of help, and making an action plan.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Social Skills

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Social Skills

with Lorraine Collins
Watch an addiction psychologist work with people in recovery to develop the fundamental social skills needed to start and strengthen rewarding relationships with new friends.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Stress Management

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Stress Management

with Jon Carlson, PsyD and Judy Lewis
Watch two therapists demonstrate psychoeducational activities to clients in recovery, including relaxation exercises, lifestyle adjustment strategies, thought pattern correction methods, and the creation of action plans for preventing stressful circumstances. 

The Abused Woman: A Survivor Therapy Approach

The Abused Woman: A Survivor Therapy Approach

with Lenore Walker
Learn practical, hands-on skills to increase your confidence in helping the challenging population of victims and survivors of domestic violence--both in terms of immediate crisis management, and longer term, depth-oriented psychotherapy.

The Acoustic Memory Project

The Acoustic Memory Project

with Bruce Moon
The Acoustic Memory Project is a concert/performance by art therapist, Dr. Bruce L. Moon. It is a collection of original music and spoken-word, recounting the early days of art therapy in the United States and the formation of the American Art Therapy Association. 
The Angry Couple: Conflict Focused Treatment

The Angry Couple: Conflict Focused Treatment

with Susan Heitler
Learn how to effectively contain high-conflict couples by teaching them conflict management skills, and transforming destructive patterns of fighting into meaningful conversations that can lead to healthier relationships.
The Archetypal Psychology and Psychotherapy Series (2-Video Series)

The Archetypal Psychology and Psychotherapy Series (2-Video Series)

In these two interviews with James Hillman, the founder of Archetypal Psychology minces no words in critiquing current directions in psychotherapy, and shares his vision for a more creative, soulful, and imaginative approach.
The Arts as Therapy in Medicine

The Arts as Therapy in Medicine

with Multiple Therapists
This is a grouping of films focused on the arts as therapy in medicine. 
The Arts as Therapy with Children

The Arts as Therapy with Children

with Judith Aron Rubin
This video shows activities in multiple arts modalities—music, dance, art, and drama—in a creative arts program for young children at risk for the development of emotional problems.
The Arts in Health Care

The Arts in Health Care

with James Babanikos, Joan Baranow, Judith Aron Rubin
This grouping of two films about a pioneering Arts in Medicine program is presented along with interviews of two creative arts therapists who work in that program. The touching experiences shared by the patients engaged in expressive arts treatment remind us of why one begins to create in the first place.
The Counting Method: A Treatment Technique for PTSD

The Counting Method: A Treatment Technique for PTSD

with Frank Ochberg
Learn how to use a powerful technique for treating PTSD by watching an actual therapy session in the middle of a long-term course of treatment.
The Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS): An Interview with Barry M. Cohen

The Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS): An Interview with Barry M. Cohen

with Barry M. Cohen
This video provides a rare, authoritative introduction to the Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS) by the art therapist largely responsible for its creation and promotion, Barry M. Cohen.
The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

The best clinicians seamlessly combine diagnostic interviewing and rapport-building during the initial session, and in this series, you’ll learn how to do just that. Through rich discussions and clinical demonstrations, you’ll learn how to gather the information you need while building the alliance you want. 
The Essence of Change

The Essence of Change

with Virginia Satir
Watch renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir present her pioneering views on the essential ingredients of successful therapy to a group of four students.

The Family Puppet Interview

The Family Puppet Interview

with Elaine S. Portner
This teaching video demonstrates how a therapist observes the decision making process within a family, the roles and patterns of behavior among family members, and the symbolic communication in their play with puppets.
The Gift of Therapy: A Conversation with Irvin Yalom, MD

The Gift of Therapy: A Conversation with Irvin Yalom, MD

with Irvin Yalom
Dr. Yalom discusses the central themes of his life's work as a psychotherapist and writer.
The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

with Carol Tosone
Explore the growing problem of substance abuse among older adults through this case study of a 68-year-old client struggling with alcoholism and depression.
The Healing Power of Mindful Parenting

The Healing Power of Mindful Parenting

with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Myla Kabat-Zinn
Most parents would agree that parenting is one of the most stressful occupations on the planet, for which there is very little training. Here Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, preeminent experts on mindful parenting, combine ancient wisdom with the latest psychological research to offer tools and techniques to help parents—and the therapists who treat them—navigate the challenges of parenting.
The Journey of Butterfly

The Journey of Butterfly

with Robert E. Frye
Cine Golden Eagle award winning The Journey of Butterfly weaves together music, art, poetry and the history of children imprisoned in the Ghetto Terezin from 1941 to 1945, where they created the art, performed operas and concerts. 
The Legacy of Unresolved Loss: A Family Systems Approach

The Legacy of Unresolved Loss: A Family Systems Approach

with Monica McGoldrick
In this realistic simulation of an 18-week course of therapy with the Rogers family, we see how the presenting problem—teenage daughter Michelle's rebellious behavior—masks unresolved loss across three generations of family members. 

Earn 1.25 CE Credits
The Making of a Scribble

The Making of a Scribble

with Aina Nucho, Mala Betensky
This video includes the introduction, method, process and explanation of the “Make a Scribble Technique” presented by Mala Betensky. 
The Meaning of Mandalas

The Meaning of Mandalas

with Susanne Fincher
Discover why mandalas are deeply meaningful, and learn how to create and interpret mandalas for insight, healing, and self-expression.
The Otto Kernberg Series (2-Video Series)

The Otto Kernberg Series (2-Video Series)

Otto Kernberg has been widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of psychoanalysis and the treatment of severe personality disorders for several decades.  Learn why on these two new videos.
The Psychological Residuals of Slavery

The Psychological Residuals of Slavery

with Kenneth V. Hardy
A powerful exploration of the psychological legacy of slavery; an extremely useful educational resource for diversity and multicultural training.
The Roots of Violence

The Roots of Violence

with The Glendon Association
This remarkable video offers penetrating insight into the psychological causes of violence by examining the perspectives of violent offenders, evoking possibilities for more effective prevention efforts.

The Story of Child Art Therapy in the United States

The Story of Child Art Therapy in the United States

with Multiple Therapists
This film is an introduction to the history of art therapy with children in the United States. It traces the origins of child art therapy, including the “art education therapy” proposed by Viktor Lowenfeld for children with disabilities, the therapeutic approach to creative art teaching described by Florence Cane, and Edith Kramer who worked with disturbed boys at the Wiltwyck School. 
The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.
The Therapeutic Community, Volume I: The Therapeutic Community Perspective

The Therapeutic Community, Volume I: The Therapeutic Community Perspective

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

The Therapeutic Community, Volume II: Community as a Method

The Therapeutic Community, Volume II: Community as a Method

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

The Therapeutic Community, Volume III: Components of a Generic Therapeutic Community

The Therapeutic Community, Volume III: Components of a Generic Therapeutic Community

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

with John C. Norcross
In this compelling interview with one of the most prominent psychotherapy researchers of our time, Dr. John Norcross presents the results from fourteen meta-analyses that reveal the secrets to successful therapy.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
The Virginia Satir Series: 5-Video Series

The Virginia Satir Series: 5-Video Series

In these dynamic videos from the Virginia Satir Series, watch renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir present her pioneering views on the essential ingredients of successful therapy to a group of students, then conduct therapy with families struggling with abuse, substance use, and parenting conflicts.
The Voices of Violence Series (2-Video Series)

The Voices of Violence Series (2-Video Series)

These videos offer an extraordinary look into the psychological causes of violence by examining the perspectives of violent offenders, and providing an inside view of two different yet dramatically successful group therapy programs offered behind bars to men who have committed the most extreme violent acts—from assault and rape to murder.
The War Within: Youth Depression

The War Within: Youth Depression

with Educational Video Center
This video presents an honest look into the experiences of black and Latino young people living with depression. Candid interviews of real patients and expert professionals illustrate the struggle these youths face in families and communities often blind to mental health matters.
The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

Learn psychodrama from one of the great masters, the wife of psychodrama founder J.L. Moreno.  This action-oriented method can often yield powerful results more quickly than traditional talk therapy.
Therapeutic Communities in Prisons: A Research Perspective

Therapeutic Communities in Prisons: A Research Perspective

with Harry Wexler
This video is a must for all those working in and developing Therapeutic Communities in prisons.
Thomas Szasz on The Myth of Mental Illness

Thomas Szasz on The Myth of Mental Illness

with Thomas Szasz
Psychiatrist and social critic Thomas Szasz unsettled the psychiatric establishment in the 1960’s, challenging its foundational notions around normalcy, mental illness and treatment. By watching this pair of riveting interviews, Dr. Szasz will challenge you to explore and question your own cherished beliefs around diagnosis, psychotherapy and freedom; deepening your empathy for even the most challenging clients.
Three Films about Outsider Artists

Three Films about Outsider Artists

with Irene Jakab, Alfred Bader, Pedro Orrego, Judith Aron Rubin
This collection of three short historical films explores a range of topics relating to artists working outside the cultural mainstream.
Through the Eyes of a Child: Reducing the Trauma of Child Removal

Through the Eyes of a Child: Reducing the Trauma of Child Removal

with Tam Communications
This straightforward teaching tool addresses the little-discussed process of removing children from their homes when they are in serious danger. It offers the essential facts and the dos and dont's of handling these very delicate situations.
Through the Veil - Story of Touch Drawing

Through the Veil - Story of Touch Drawing

with Deborah Koff-Chapin, Zachary Van Den Berg
Deborah Koff-Chapin, creator of Touch Drawing®, shares her personal journey using this expressive process. Updated with an additional three-minute documentary of a live workshop, plus a 15-minute TED-style talk recorded in 2015, the film interweaves themes of creativity, personal health, and community.
Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

with Hanna Levenson
See how psychodynamic principles can be adapted for effective brief, time-limited therapy with a depressed, 74 year-old man.

To Move is to Be Alive

To Move is to Be Alive

with Judith Aron Rubin
This film is about the contributions of Dr. Penny Lewis, a prolific writer and educator in the field of dance/movement therapy. 
Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

with John Edwards
John Edwards has spent the last twenty years distilling the intricacies of family systems theory into a user-friendly approach that has enhanced the work of thousands of clinicians and educators in North America.

Transactional Analysis

Transactional Analysis

with Mary Goulding
Watch Mary Goulding demonstrate Transactional Analysis in a live therapy session. By watching how quickly she brings her client to real depth work you'll understand why she was widely regarded as a true master therapist.

Transformation through Art - A Personal Mythic Journey

Transformation through Art - A Personal Mythic Journey

with Patricia Waters
In this video Patricia Waters, MA, ATR, examines the inner journey of her life, viewing 50 years of her artwork as a process of self-revelation and transformation. 
Trauma & Attachment Issues

Trauma & Attachment Issues

with P. Glussie Klorer
This video, narrated by Dr. Gussie Klorer, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM, follows the course of 26 years of intermittent treatment with a client who first entered therapy at age 4 due to abuse, neglect, and abandonment. 
Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

with Tian Dayton
Watch expert psychodramatist Tian Dayton work with group participants to help work through the traumas they carry within their bodies.
Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy

Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy

with Hadar Lubin
In this lecture, Dr. Hadar Lubin, PhD, presents an in-depth foundational overview of the principles and techniques of Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy.
Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: 2-Video Series

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: 2-Video Series

Psychotherapists and chemical dependency counselors alike will find a wellspring of material in this program to enhance their existing skills in working with this challenging population.
Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: A Live Workshop

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: A Live Workshop

with Stephanie Brown
Watch addiction expert Stephanie Brown integrate addiction recovery principles into treatment with a patient struggling with alcoholism.

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: The Developmental Model in Action

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: The Developmental Model in Action

with Stephanie Brown
Watch addiction expert Stephanie Brown integrate addiction recovery principles into treatment with a patient struggling with alcoholism.
Treating Anxiety Disorders: A Unified Protocol

Treating Anxiety Disorders: A Unified Protocol

with David Barlow
It can be overwhelming trying to master all the single-diagnosis techniques out there for the treatment of anxiety and related emotional disorders. Renowned researcher and clinician Dr. David Barlow pulls them all together into a Unified Protocol, and teaches you through live clinical demonstration how to make your therapy more efficient and effective.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Treating the Severe OCD Client

Treating the Severe OCD Client

with Reid Wilson
Severe OCD can seem hopelessly intractable, especially when a client has invested significant time in past therapy. Here, anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson employs a variation of cognitive and strategic methods in two live sessions, demonstrating his paradoxical approach to tackling obsessive thinking.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

with Harry Aponte
Harry Aponte, an expert in structural family therapy, demonstrates in this video the power and subtlety of his approach in a session with a very complicated family suffering from multi-generational trauma and the effects of alcoholism.
Triangles and Family Therapy: Strategies and Solutions

Triangles and Family Therapy: Strategies and Solutions

with Monica McGoldrick
In this new video, expert family therapist and genogram innovator Monica McGoldrick illustrates the concept of triangles and how “detriangling” can lead to powerful healing within families.
Two Art Therapy Pioneers of Color

Two Art Therapy Pioneers of Color

with Multiple Therapists
This two-part documentary film highlights two art therapists of color in the United States: Georgette Seabrooke Powell and Cliff Joseph. 
Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure & Discussion

Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure & Discussion

with Gladys Agell
This 1996 video, Dr. Gladys Agell ATR-BC, HLM, pioneer art therapist, clinician, educator and researcher, administers the Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure (UPAP) to a 22-year-old patient at Walter Reed Army Medical Hospital. 
Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure (UPAP)

Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure (UPAP)

with Bernard I. Levy, Elinor Ulman
This rare footage shows Elinor Ulman and Bernard Levy at Walter Reed Army Medical Center presenting the Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure (UPAP) at the hospital’s psychiatric Grand Rounds. 
Understanding and Preventing Suicide

Understanding and Preventing Suicide

with The Glendon Association
A powerful psychoeducation video for public presentations and training events featuring leading experts as well as survivors of serious suicide attempts.
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume I: Outpatients

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume I: Outpatients

with Irvin Yalom
Watch famed psychotherapist, Irvin Yalom, lead an outpatient group therapy using his interpersonal model, with commentary describing the principles of his here-and-now approach.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume II: Inpatients

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume II: Inpatients

with Irvin Yalom
Learn how to run inpatient groups by watching famed psychotherapist, Irvin Yalom, use his Interpersonal Model to bring structure and healing to an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume III: An Interview

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume III: An Interview

with Irvin Yalom
In this intimate interview, Irvin Yalom offers pearls of wisdom from his many years as one of the world's leading experts in both group and existential therapy.

Understanding Group Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

Understanding Group Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

These are the definitive training videos by the leading authority on group therapy.  Watch Irvin Yalom skillfully lead outpatient and inpatient therapy groups, and explain what he is doing and why.
Using a Mood Scale for Suicide Assessment

Using a Mood Scale for Suicide Assessment

with John Sommers-Flanagan
Discover how incorporating a simple but powerful mood scale will advance your competence and confidence working with suicidal clients, and can open the door to rich, meaningful conversations about suicide.
Using Family Play Genograms in Psychotherapy

Using Family Play Genograms in Psychotherapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Do you want a powerful new tool to enhance your work with children and families? Watch, learn, and enjoy as master family therapist Monica McGoldrick explains how to use family play genograms.

Using Family Systems Theory in Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

Using Family Systems Theory in Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

How many times have we become mired in our client’s presenting problem, losing our way in the therapy room? In this riveting three-volume series, master clinician Monica McGoldrick offers us the illuminating roadmap of Family Systems Theory to focus and deepen our assessment and treatment of individuals, couples and families.
Value-Sensitive Therapy

Value-Sensitive Therapy

with Bill Doherty
In this three-part video, Dr. Doherty, a prominent family therapist and founder of Value-Sensitive Therapy, discusses and demonstrates through an actual live session what he calls moral consultation.
Values and Action

Values and Action

with Steven Hayes
In this fifth video in the ACT in Action series, we learn about the importance of values in therapy and how to incorporate them into clinical practice. 
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Victor Yalom Discusses ACT Immersion with Dr. Steven C. Hayes

Victor Yalom Discusses ACT Immersion with Dr. Steven C. Hayes

with Steven Hayes
Traditional manualized interventions often lock clinicians into a mechanized, technique-driven approach with their clients. In this discussion between Victor Yalom and Dr. Steven Hayes, learn how to go beyond constraining protocols by focusing on underlying therapeutic processes and see therapeutic changes happen in real time using the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Video Quilt with Discussion

Video Quilt with Discussion

with Chris Bayard, MFA & Dan Anthon, MA
Chris Bayard's Video Quilt explores the early years of HIV/AIDS, emphasizing the emotional struggles of those affected and their caregivers. It highlights the Memorial Quilt Project and shares reflections on loss, resilience, and the vital role of community support in confronting the challenges of HIV.
Viktor Frankl on The Search for Meaning

Viktor Frankl on The Search for Meaning

with Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl’s dedication to our collective struggle for freedom inspired his creation of Logotherapy, and in turn generations of therapists working to liberate their clients to lives of meaning.
Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

with Janice Hoshino
Visual Memories: Internment Survivors and Art Therapy is a documentary following six individuals who had been sent to internment camps during World War II and what they recall of these experiences while making art.
Voices About Relationships

Voices About Relationships

with Robert Firestone
In this film, actual group participants identify negative thoughts or voices toward themselves and others that seriously impair their capacity for intimate relating. 
Voices From Inside - Women Prisoners and Their Children Speak Out

Voices From Inside - Women Prisoners and Their Children Speak Out

with Karina Epperlein
This video shows a therapist working with imprisoned women as they use dance, music, and art to share their experiences of prison life - those that include separation, shame, and also shared affection.
Voices of Suicide: Learning from Those who Lived

Voices of Suicide: Learning from Those who Lived

with The Glendon Association
Learn from three people that made highly lethal suicide attempts and survived, as they courageously share their stories of self-destructiveness, survival, and recovery. They reveal intimate details of their life histories that contributed to their attempts.
What is Ethical in Art Therapy?

What is Ethical in Art Therapy?

with Multiple Therapists
Four seasoned art therapists come together to reflect on “how we think about what’s ethical in art therapy” in this ethics webinar replay. Covering topics like the evolution of ethical thinking, what impacts ethical thinking, the issues of transparency and expectations, and digital social responsibility. This presentation was sponsored by the European Federation of Art Therapy (EFAT) on June 5, 2021.
What Works in Psychotherapy

What Works in Psychotherapy

with Scott Miller
What works in psychotherapy? In this interview by Randall C. Wyatt, Miller shares everything he knows about psychotherapy outcomes, including simple practices that significantly improves outcomes.
Wheel Art: An Inspired Idea

Wheel Art: An Inspired Idea

with Judith Aron Rubin
Wheel art is an inspired and highly therapeutic approach for people of all ages who need to use a wheelchair - invented and implemented by art therapist Mickie McGraw, herself in a wheelchair due to polio at age 11.
Wheels of Diversity in Art Therapy: Pioneers of Color

Wheels of Diversity in Art Therapy: Pioneers of Color

with Judith Aron Rubin, Andrea Tree
Wheels of Diversity in Art Therapy: Pioneers of Color highlights art therapists of color in the United States who have been instrumental in advancing multicultural and diversity competence within the profession. 
When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers

When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers

with Charles Figley
Six noted therapists and experts offer their stories and advice on dealing with Compassion Fatigue, and discuss ways of recognizing and addressing this condition in yourself and others.
When Words Have Lost Their Meaning: Art Therapy & Alzheimers

When Words Have Lost Their Meaning: Art Therapy & Alzheimers

with Ruth Abraham, MA & Carole Kunkle-Miller, PhD
This film showcases individual and group art therapy for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Through the guidance of Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller and Ruth Abraham, participants engage in art-making and discussions, sharing their stories and reflections. The sessions demonstrate how art therapy fosters connection, self-expression, and insight for those living with Alzheimer’s.

Ruth Abraham is author of When Words have Lost their Meaning: Alzheimer’s Patients Communicate Through Art.
Why am I Here? Engaging the Reluctant Client

Why am I Here? Engaging the Reluctant Client

with Carol Tosone
Two vignettes depict social work students handling their most challenging cases with resistant clients, and later meeting with their supervisor to analyze their experiences.

William Miller on Motivational Interviewing

William Miller on Motivational Interviewing

with William R. Miller
In this compelling interview, Miller discusses the evolution of Motivational Interviewing, the spirit of MI, and specific techniques that clinicians can begin applying immediately.
With Eyes Wide Open

With Eyes Wide Open

with Laurence Becker
This video tells the story of Richard Wawro, an artist from Scotland who was diagnosed with autism from a very young age. Despite severely limited vision, Wawro was deeply invested in his drawings and was supported by Dr. Becker, the producer of the film and an expert on the condition. 
Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

with Georgina Jahner, Comer Rudd-Gates
This video is a compilation of two films—gemstones of information for those valuing the expressive arts as avenues of treatment for persons seeking healing in mental health settings. 
Working for Social Justice: Ethics & Core Values of Social Work

Working for Social Justice: Ethics & Core Values of Social Work

with Photosynthesis Productions
In a world full of so much injustice, what motivates professional social workers? This video will show you how social work experts connect social justice and their practice for ongoing inspiration.
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

with Victor Yalom
What can psychotherapists do to help clients fully experience their emotions and, in the process, improve their relationships? Learn to use powerful here-and-now therapy techniques so clients can fully access their inner emotional worlds while deepening their connections with others in their life. 
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

with Victor Yalom
Therapists can easily fall back on intellectual discussions, abstractions, and analyzing thoughts with anxious or depressed clients, when the real struggle is connecting with their feelings and, in turn, with others. Learn to harness the therapeutic power of the here-and-now to free clients who are walled off from themselves and others so you can help them begin to live authentic, connected lives.  
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

with Victor Yalom
In this third and final session with Heather, Victor Yalom continues to work in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship to help her access and explore deep emotions which relate to her therapeutic goals. As you'll see, focusing on what’s happening in real time in the therapist-client relationship requires courage and vulnerability from both therapist and client.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Working Online with Suicidal Clients in the Age of COVID

Working Online with Suicidal Clients in the Age of COVID

with John Sommers-Flanagan
How has the rapid shift to online therapy affected the way we work with suicidal clients? Victor Yalom and John Sommers-Flanagan discuss how to effectively engage, assess and monitor suicidal clients in the age of online therapy and the impact that COVID has had on suicidality.
Yes You Can: Art-Centered Therapy for People with Disabilities

Yes You Can: Art-Centered Therapy for People with Disabilities

with Mickie McGraw
Discover the courage, commitment, and creative coping skills of Mickie McGraw who, together with Dr. George Streeter, founded a hospital-based art therapy program that has served as a blueprint for using art therapy to help individuals move forward in the face of daunting medical diagnoses and disabilities.
Zerka on Psychodrama

Zerka on Psychodrama

with Zerka Moreno
In this candid interview, Zerka Moreno distills the essence of psychodrama, its history and application.