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Children of the Camps: The Documentary

Children of the Camps: The Documentary

with Satsuki Ina
A powerful, thought-provoking video perfect for use in cultural competency and awareness classes. We are sure it will provide you and your students a deeper understanding of the impact of racism, and discussions that travel far outside the classroom.
Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

with Hanna Levenson
See how psychodynamic principles can be adapted for effective brief, time-limited therapy with a depressed, 74 year-old man.

Managing Dementia and Anxiety

Managing Dementia and Anxiety

with Brad Hagen
In this video, learn to work calmly and efficiently with patients experiencing the severe agitation of dementia or anxiety. Here, two vignettes contrast the differences between inexperienced and experienced providers, including a counterintuitive method for soothing dementia patients.

Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

What are the most essential skills and techniques for succeeding with patients in hospitals and treatment centers? Discover the difference between novice unskilled and expert work care for a range of severe conditions in this 5-part video series.
Social Work With Older Adults: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

Social Work With Older Adults: Real Students, Real Clients, Real Growth

with Judith R. Smith
Under the guidance of their insightful supervisors, social work interns practice engagement, assessment, and termination skills with older clients, while also learning about the concrete needs of this population.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

with Carol Tosone
Explore the growing problem of substance abuse among older adults through this case study of a 68-year-old client struggling with alcoholism and depression.
Rewarding Challenges: Social Work with Older Adults

Rewarding Challenges: Social Work with Older Adults

with Caroline Rosenthal Gelman, Carol Tosone
Two illustrative vignettes show a first and second year social work student addressing common situations in cases with older clients and seeking guidance from their experienced supervisor.
A Mother Never Gives Up Hope: Older Mothers and Abusive Adult Sons

A Mother Never Gives Up Hope: Older Mothers and Abusive Adult Sons

with Terra Nova Films
Take a rare inside look at a support group for mothers who have been abused by their adult sons. Each tells their individual story of how they came to understand their situation, and reclaim their life.
Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

with Terra Nova Films
This video explores a residential facility that celebrates older people with dementia and aids the viewer in learning to connect with people who have lost the connection to themselves.
At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

with Terra Nova Films
In this video you’ll experience the most heartbreaking and joyful moments in the lives of several families caring for a loved one with dementia. Watch to see how families struggle, compromise, and learn to connect through this difficult life transition.
Self-Neglect: What We Can Learn From the Mary Northern Case

Self-Neglect: What We Can Learn From the Mary Northern Case

with Terra Nova Films
A pioneer case in Adult Protective Services and elder care, the life of Mary Northern, an elderly woman refusing life saving surgery, offers mental health professionals a complex exploration of the limits of self-determination.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

with Terra Nova Films
This video provides an intimate look into the traumatic story of Mary, an elderly woman abused by her adult grandson. As she bravely speaks about her experience, you’ll learn about the dynamics of elder abuse from advocates and professionals who worked with and supported Mary.
Exploring Macro Systems

Exploring Macro Systems

with Judith R. Smith
Social work professor Judith Smith illustrates a central concept of all social work training— Social Systems Theory. In this video, the "macro system" explored as part of a larger exploration of human behavior and the social environment.
Exploring Mezzo Systems

Exploring Mezzo Systems

with Judith R. Smith
Social work professor Judith Smith illustrates a central concept of all social work training— Social Systems Theory. In this video, the "mezzo system" is explored as part of a larger exploration of human behavior and the social environment.
Human Behavior and the Social Environment: (2-video series)

Human Behavior and the Social Environment: (2-video series)

Social Work Professor Judith Smith presents these videos on the foundation of all social work training: Human Behavior and the Social Environment. This set explains both Macro and Mezzo systems and illustrates the basis of Social Systems Theory through numerous interviews.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Art Therapy with Older Adults

Art Therapy with Older Adults

with Judith Aron Rubin
Explore how art therapy can enrich and give meaning to older adults; and can affirm the wisdom and self-awareness that comes to those who have lived a full life, and developed the capacity to manage a multitude of challenges. 
Do Not Go Gently

Do Not Go Gently

with Melissa Godoy
Narrated by Walter Cronkite, this award-winning film illustrates the benefits of incorporating creativity and expressive arts into the lives and treatment of elders. 
Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

with Janice Hoshino
Visual Memories: Internment Survivors and Art Therapy is a documentary following six individuals who had been sent to internment camps during World War II and what they recall of these experiences while making art.
Art as Therapy for Older Adults

Art as Therapy for Older Adults

with Multiple Therapists
This is a collection of short films about art as therapy for older adults. All of them share certain convictions about the value of art —the intense involvement of creating, the pleasure of manipulating the media, making decisions, playfulness, social interaction and pride. 
Yes You Can: Art-Centered Therapy for People with Disabilities

Yes You Can: Art-Centered Therapy for People with Disabilities

with Mickie McGraw
Discover the courage, commitment, and creative coping skills of Mickie McGraw who, together with Dr. George Streeter, founded a hospital-based art therapy program that has served as a blueprint for using art therapy to help individuals move forward in the face of daunting medical diagnoses and disabilities.
When Words Have Lost Their Meaning: Art Therapy & Alzheimers

When Words Have Lost Their Meaning: Art Therapy & Alzheimers

with Ruth Abraham, MA & Carole Kunkle-Miller, PhD
This film showcases individual and group art therapy for individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Through the guidance of Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller and Ruth Abraham, participants engage in art-making and discussions, sharing their stories and reflections. The sessions demonstrate how art therapy fosters connection, self-expression, and insight for those living with Alzheimer’s.

Ruth Abraham is author of When Words have Lost their Meaning: Alzheimer’s Patients Communicate Through Art.
Perspectives in Dementia Care: Art Therapy, Identity, and Consciousness

Perspectives in Dementia Care: Art Therapy, Identity, and Consciousness

with Angel Duncan
Art therapy provides a non-verbal avenue for accessing thought and memory, even as dementia diminishes language. This lecture explores how creativity supports brain health, strengthens dementia care, and reveals the person behind the disease. Case studies and research show art therapy’s impact across all stages of dementia, reducing dependence on medication and enhancing quality of care.