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Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

with Devin Ashwood & Tim Leighton
Group therapy is a powerful and widely used modality in recovery programs, but too often group leaders lack a coherent and effective clinical framework. This video program will show you how to harness the interpersonal power of groups to work successfully with clients struggling with addictions.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

Learn Motivational Interviewing with the most in-depth training series to date. Demonstrations and interviews illuminate the underlying principles, tools, techniques, and strategies that will enhance your skills in leading clients through the change process.
Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

with Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, & Ali Hall, JD
Acquire practical Motivational Interviewing tools to help you manage challenging sessions with adolescent clients struggling with substance use.

Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

This new video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

with Jason Buckles
With symptoms that often overlap, depressive disorders, bipolar, and substance use disorders can be hard to distinguish from one another. In Volume 3 of The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates you’ll learn a systematic approach to accurately diagnosing these conditions while at the same time building a solid therapeutic alliance.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Meth Inside Out: 3-Video Series

Meth Inside Out: 3-Video Series

Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
EFT Masterclass Volume 2: Addiction

EFT Masterclass Volume 2: Addiction

with Michael Barnett, Jeff Hickey
In this second demonstration in our EFT Masterclass series, Michael Barnett and Jeff Hickey help a couple step from the shadow of addiction to heal their relationship.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 3: Porn Addiction

EFT Masterclass Volume 3: Porn Addiction

with Michael Barnett
In this third demonstration in our EFT masterclass series, Michael Barnett works with Cheyne and Chava, a couple whose relationship has been derailed by the destructive impact of pornography addiction.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

The Greying Elephant in the Room: Substance Abuse and Older Adults

with Carol Tosone
Explore the growing problem of substance abuse among older adults through this case study of a 68-year-old client struggling with alcoholism and depression.
Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

with Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain
What is Motivational Interviewing, and how does it apply to co-occurring conditions? In this video, Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain demonstrate key techniques for supporting clients with concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: 4-video series

Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: 4-video series

Do you want to effectively help adolescents change their most destructive behaviors? In this series, learn how to apply motivational interviewing in your work with teens struggling with substance use, health behaviors, delinquency, or the every-day difficulties of this challenging period of life.
Stages of Change for Addictions

Stages of Change for Addictions

with John C. Norcross
See John C. Norcross utilize the Stages of Change model in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Brief Therapy for Addictions: 7-Video Series

Brief Therapy for Addictions: 7-Video Series

A 7-Video series featuring some of the great addiction and brief therapy experts of our time. See how leading addictions counselors use different tools and techniques in treating this challenging population.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

with Rod Mullen
Learn the key skills of fostering growth and change in encounter groups.
Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

with G. Alan Marlatt
This conversation with Dr. Alan Marlatt details the foundation and practice of the harm reduction method while exploring the fascinating, politically charged progression of addiction theory and treatment in the US.
Cognitive Therapy for Addictions

Cognitive Therapy for Addictions

with Bruce S. Liese
See Bruce S. Liese utilize his Cognitive Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Couples Therapy for Addictions: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Couples Therapy for Addictions: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

with Barbara S. McCrady
See Barbara S. McCrady work with a couple struggling with addictions in an actual couples therapy session.
Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

with William R. Miller
See William R. Miller utilize Motivational Interviewing in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with smoking cessation and drinking.
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

with Jason Buckles
Is it possible to get the diagnostic data you need during the first session in a way that leaves clients feeling like they want to come back for a second session? This video takes a close look at how the DSM-5-TR and the diagnostic process can be used to improve mental healthcare. Through step-by-step clinical demonstrations, you’ll develop client-oriented diagnostic interviewing skills that lay the foundation for a strong therapeutic alliance and successful course of treatment. 
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: 2-Video Series

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: 2-Video Series

Psychotherapists and chemical dependency counselors alike will find a wellspring of material in this program to enhance their existing skills in working with this challenging population.
William Miller on Motivational Interviewing

William Miller on Motivational Interviewing

with William R. Miller
In this compelling interview, Miller discusses the evolution of Motivational Interviewing, the spirit of MI, and specific techniques that clinicians can begin applying immediately.
A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

with Virginia Satir
Watch one of family therapy’s most highly regarded pioneers in action! In this video, Virginia Satir firmly but lovingly confronts a large family about their son’s longstanding substance abuse.
Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

with Allen Berger
Addiction is a complex syndrome that undermines clients’ functioning and depletes their resources, and individual therapy alone can often miss the mark. Through informative discussion and live clinical demonstrations, psychotherapist and addiction specialist, Allen Berger, PhD will enhance your clinical efficacy with these challenging clients by sharing the many benefits of group therapy.
Harm Reduction Therapy for Addictions

Harm Reduction Therapy for Addictions

with G. Alan Marlatt
See G. Alan Marlatt utilize his Harm Reduction Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

with Joan Ellen Zweben
See Joan Ellen Zweben demonstrate how to integrate therapy with 12-step programs in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Expert MI trainer Cathy Cole discusses the principles and spirit of MI, along with core concepts and techniques and ingredients for change.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
With three full-length sessions in diverse client settings, Cathy Cole demonstrates strategies for working with clients who are initially reluctant to change.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Addictions

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy for Addictions

with Albert Ellis
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy with clients struggling with addiction by watching the originator of the method in an actual therapy session. 

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: The Developmental Model in Action

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: The Developmental Model in Action

with Stephanie Brown
Watch addiction expert Stephanie Brown integrate addiction recovery principles into treatment with a patient struggling with alcoholism.
Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Illustrated with powerful and compelling vignettes from actual encounter groups, these videos explore how encounter groups have evolved, what we can do to improve groups and overcome pitfalls, and what the keys are to leading successful groups.
The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.
Reality Therapy for Addictions

Reality Therapy for Addictions

with Robert Wubbolding
See Robert Wubbolding utilize his Reality Therapy approach in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Addiction is one of the most challenging issues therapists face, yet so few therapists are adequately trained to work with addicts and alcoholics. Learn to build thorough evidence-based treatment plans in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who offer expert instruction on a prevalent disorder.
The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Alternatives to Substance Abuse

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Alternatives to Substance Abuse

with Robert Meyers, PhD & Jane Ellen Smith, PhD
In this supportive video, Robert Meyers and Jane Ellen Smith help people in the recovery process develop the skills necessary to make significant lifestyle changes, as they lead them on a captivating exploration of alternatives to substance use.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Assertiveness

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Assertiveness

with Robert Alberti
Learn techniques and strategies that will give people in recovery choices on how and when to be assertive, and enable them to navigate challenging life situations without compromising their self respect and commitment to recovery.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Behavioral Self-Control

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Behavioral Self-Control

with Reid Hester
Join Reid Hester as he guides viewers through a step-by-step process of changing the old, stuck behavior patterns that often plague individuals in the recovery process, and replacing them with healthier ways of living.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Managing Emotions

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Managing Emotions

with Peter Palanca
Using a simple step-by-step process, therapist Peter Palanca will help you identify the powerful and confusing feelings that many people in recovery struggle with, and learn to manage them in productive, healthy ways.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Problem Solving

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Problem Solving

with Terrence Real
Watch therapist Terrence Real work with an audience in recovery using his five-step approach to problem solving: defining the problem, visualizing solutions, dealing with obstacles, identifying sources of help, and making an action plan.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Social Skills

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Social Skills

with Lorraine Collins
Watch an addiction psychologist work with people in recovery to develop the fundamental social skills needed to start and strengthen rewarding relationships with new friends.

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Stress Management

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: Stress Management

with Jon Carlson, PsyD and Judy Lewis
Watch two therapists demonstrate psychoeducational activities to clients in recovery, including relaxation exercises, lifestyle adjustment strategies, thought pattern correction methods, and the creation of action plans for preventing stressful circumstances. 

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: 7-Video Series

The 7 Skills for Addiction-Free Living: 7-Video Series

A 7-video series featuring addiction and recovery experts demonstrating how to help this challenging population acquire necessary skills for a successful recovery. 
Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth Inside Out: I. Human Impact

Meth Inside Out: I. Human Impact

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

with Rod Mullen
Learn about the origin of encounter groups and how they have evolved since the 1950s in this captivating series.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

with Rod Mullen
Watch encounter groups in action to learn what does and doesn't work when facilitating encounter groups.
Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: A Live Workshop

Treating Alcoholism in Psychotherapy: A Live Workshop

with Stephanie Brown
Watch addiction expert Stephanie Brown integrate addiction recovery principles into treatment with a patient struggling with alcoholism.

Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

with Devin Ashwood
Do you have clients struggling with addictions? “Urge Surfing” is a simple yet effective mindfulness technique you can teach clients to help them manage the stressors that could potentially trigger relapses.
Creative Expression in Recovery - Puppet Dramas for Substance Abuse

Creative Expression in Recovery - Puppet Dramas for Substance Abuse

with Mary Ann Shaughnessy
When the film begins art therapist, Mary Ann Shaughnessy, has already involved substance use clients in making all types of puppets which reflect the ingenuity and uniqueness of each client. As a result of their creative efforts, viewers meet a range of exuberant characters who enact some of the challenges and issues of early recovery. In the session following viewing a videotape of their production, they critique their own work and process feelings that were evoked.