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The Healing Power of Mindful Parenting

The Healing Power of Mindful Parenting

with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Myla Kabat-Zinn
Most parents would agree that parenting is one of the most stressful occupations on the planet, for which there is very little training. Here Jon and Myla Kabat-Zinn, preeminent experts on mindful parenting, combine ancient wisdom with the latest psychological research to offer tools and techniques to help parents—and the therapists who treat them—navigate the challenges of parenting.
Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak

Living Adoption: Gay Parents Speak

with Photosynthesis Productions
In this sometimes heartbreaking, but always life-affirming, video you’ll take a journey with gay and lesbian men and women who became adoptive parents. You’ll hear their struggles of maneuvering systems along with their joy in creating a family.
Adlerian Parent Consultation

Adlerian Parent Consultation

with Jon Carlson
Watch Jon Carlson conduct an actual parent consultation session and an actual parenting group with moms who are in power struggles with their teenage children.
My Kids Dont Appreciate Me : REBT with a Single Mother

My Kids Dont Appreciate Me : REBT with a Single Mother

with Janet Wolfe

See REBT in action in an actual therapy session with a single mother struggling to effectively parent her teenage children.


Coming Out: Voices of Gay and Lesbian Teens and their Families

Coming Out: Voices of Gay and Lesbian Teens and their Families

with Karin Heller
Thought provoking and accessible, this video is invaluable for all parents, teachers, and professionals working with teenagers.
Connecting with Our Kids

Connecting with Our Kids

with George Papageorge
George Papageorge offers principles and tools for raising healthy kids without resorting to quick-fix parenting fads or unrealistic expectations. 
Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

with Lisa Sabey and Robert Blair
Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among US adolescents, but it has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. In this video about the devastating impact of anorexia on parents, see how Family-Based Therapy (FBT) actively engages parents in effective treatment.
Foster Parents Speak: Crossing Bridges and Fostering Change

Foster Parents Speak: Crossing Bridges and Fostering Change

with Photosynthesis Productions
In this compelling video, foster parents discuss the rewards and challenges of their role and offer personal insight into the complex experiences of foster children.
Adolescent Family Therapy

Adolescent Family Therapy

with Janet Sasson Edgette
Watch expert adolescent family therapist Janet Sasson Edgette in an actual counseling session with a single mother and her 15-year old daughter.
Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

with Bruce Masek
Watch Cognitive Behavioral child therapist Bruce Masek in an actual counseling session with a 6-year old girl and her mother.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

with Ron Scott
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples and families are different from heterosexual couples and families in issues related to their social context and societal stigmatization. 
Child Therapy with the Experts: 11-Video Series

Child Therapy with the Experts: 11-Video Series

See many of the world's leading experts in child therapy and counseling conduct actual sessions. This one-of-a-kind series allows you to compare the theories and techniques of a wide range of approaches, including CBT, Gestalt, Narrative, Object Relations, and others.
Integrative Family Therapy

Integrative Family Therapy

with Kenneth V. Hardy
Watch Integrative Family Therapy in action as Kenneth V. Hardy masterfully applies his holistic approach in an actual family therapy session with a single African-American mother and her teenage daughter.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Empowerment Family Therapy

Empowerment Family Therapy

with Frank Pittman
Do you want to be more effective at empowering your clients to make the changes in their lives that will get them what they really want? Dr. Frank Pittman is one of the most passionate therapists around when it comes to helping people take responsibility for their lives, as you’ll see in this live couples therapy session.
Mindfulness for Life: An Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness for Life: An Interview with Jon Kabat-Zinn

with Jon Kabat-Zinn
What exactly is mindfulness and why has it recently become so popular in the mental health field? Here Jon Kabat-Zinn, leading expert on the topic and the pivotal figure in bringing Buddhist meditation to Western medicine, discusses the essence and foundational principles of mindfulness, inspiring all of us to embrace the “full catastrophe” of life. 
Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

with Harry Aponte
Harry Aponte, an expert in structural family therapy, demonstrates in this video the power and subtlety of his approach in a session with a very complicated family suffering from multi-generational trauma and the effects of alcoholism.
Experiential Family Therapy

Experiential Family Therapy

with Carl Whitaker
Learn from groundbreaking family therapist Carl Whitaker as he conducts two riveting and instructive initial interviews with a family seeking treatment for their son’s ADHD. You can’t help but be awed and inspired as you watch this true master in action.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Working with troubled children can stir up deep emotions and challenge our ability to stay grounded and empathic. Learn evidence-based planning for Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in this video, complete with live vignettes and commentary.    
Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

with Scott Stuart
What, exactly, is Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), and how is it applied across populations? Watch Scott Stuart, MD, present the core elements of this evidence-based method in a course of therapy with a woman dealing with postpartum depression.
Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption

with Photosynthesis Productions
Transracial adoptees discuss their childhood, the identity issues which have carried through into their adulthood, and suggestions to improve the future of transracial adoptions.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Chelsea: Surrendered to the State

Chelsea: Surrendered to the State

with Calamari Productions
After countless failed efforts, a mother makes the difficult decision to turn over custody of her volatile nine-year-old daughter to the state in an effort to get her the help she needs.
Joshua: When Anger Turns to Violence

Joshua: When Anger Turns to Violence

with Calamari Productions
Get an unprecedented look inside the juvenile justice system as you watch a thirteen-year-old boy's real juvenile hearing after assaulting his mother.
Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect

Recognizing and Preventing Child Neglect

with Learning Seed
Many social workers have a difficult time recognizing neglect. The effects are just not as visible as abuse. This video clearly moves students through various signs that indicate neglect and empowers them to be more confident in their work of keeping children safe.

John Bowlby on Attachment and Psychotherapy

John Bowlby on Attachment and Psychotherapy

with John Bowlby
In this rare 1984 lecture in London, John Bowlby, founder of Attachment Theory, presents his impactful ideas on the role of the early parent-child relationships in development across the lifespan.
Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

with Lucille Proulx
Art therapist Lucille Proulx explains how to facilitate and enhance two-way communication between parent and child.