Motivational Interviewing’s collaborative style and success with addiction treatment—especially compared to more conventional methods that emphasize confrontation, or at least directiveness—has made it a preferred approach in a range of helping professions. Even when the client is mandated (or, perhaps, especially when they are), we need a solid therapeutic alliance to make real progress. How do you move therapy forward when your client feels resistant to even being in the room? What if the client is a teen, and their presenting problems include substance use? In this new video, MI expert Sebastian Kaplan offers practical tools to help you manage challenging sessions with adolescent clients experiencing substance use—both issues related and seemingly unrelated to it. Here, you’ll gain strategies for applying these skills in your own practice, and discover how MI can help you resist the understandable urge to advise or “fix” your clients.
Kaplan outlines the key principles of MI, known as the “MI Spirit,” and details each component alongside case vignettes. Covering OARS skills, the four MI processes, change and sustain talk, and “the righting reflex,” Kaplan describes the method’s collaborative, client-engaging nature. Then, four annotated sessions follow in which Kaplan and fellow MI trainer Ali Hall work with several teen clients. You’ll see the method in action as the aforementioned skills are applied, with the result of deepening the working alliance, providing MI-compliant feedback, and evoking change talk.
This video is invaluable for clinicians who want a primer on MI, effective strategies for adolescent therapy, or interventions for addiction and recovery. Be sure to take a look.
By watching this video, you will:
· Get an overview of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its application to adolescent substance use.
· Learn MI skills that support the therapeutic alliance and allow for client resistance.
· Discover helpful tools for working with your own internal responses to a client.
Length of video: 2:19:21
English subtitles available
Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-532-7
Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-532-8
Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section, at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. A former special education teacher, Dr. Kaplan, PhD currently focuses his clinical work on helping adolescents and their families overcome a variety of challenges to their growth and development. He has written and presented on the application of MI for pediatricians, mental health providers, and school personnel, and is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.
Ali Hall, JD, is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) and an independent consultant and trainer. Ali has designed and facilitated over 900 Motivational Interviewing workshops for health care practitioners, behavioral health clinicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and criminal/juvenile justice professionals, and provides training for trainers in evidence-based practices. Ali offers MI coding and skill development coaching, and provides consultation to systems for effective MI implementation.
Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, & Ali Hall, JD was compensated for his/her/their contribution. None of his/her/their books or additional offerings are required for any of the content. Should such materials be references, it is as an additional resource. defines ineligible companies as those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. There is no minimum
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Additionally, there is no commercial support for this activity. None of the planners or any employee at who has worked on this educational activity has relevant financial
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CE credits: 2.25
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss Motivational Interviewing's (MI) role in addressing adolescent substance use
- List MI skills that address client resistance
- Analyze the impact of your own internal responses in your MI work
Bibliography available upon request
This course is offered for ASWB ACE credit for social workers. See complete list of CE approvals here
© 2017
Course Reviewed January 2025
This Disclosure Statement has been designed to meet accreditation standards; does its best to mitigate potential conflicts of interest and eliminate
bias in all areas of content. Experts are compensated for their contributions to our training videos; while some of them have published works, the purchase of additional
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