Motivational Interviewing with a Defiant Teen
by Sebastian Kaplan

Mastery in Minutes

What do you do when your young client doesn’t want to be in school, much less therapy? Learn how to avoid the landmines commonly set by teens struggling to assert their autonomy, and develop rapport with even the most resistant clients.
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Motivational Interviewing is a modality that is particularly effective with clients who are ambivalent to change. Watch as therapist Sebastian Kaplan uses MI techniques to develop rapport with 13-year old Marley, whose ambivalence borders on hostility. Kaplan masterfully and persistently attempts to engage with Marley, and avoids the temptation of the “righting reflex”—which is MI-speak for telling a client what to do.

Develop tools for effectively collaborating with teen clients by supporting their autonomy and identifying any willingness or reasoning they might have for changing potentially self-destructive behaviors. The session itself provides ample opportunities for noticing your own reactions and reflecting on the pitfalls often presented by these clients. presents Mastery in Minutes

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Length of video: 0:24:55

English subtitles available

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-592-0

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-592-2

Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section, at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. A former special education teacher, Dr. Kaplan, PhD currently focuses his clinical work on helping adolescents and their families overcome a variety of challenges to their growth and development. He has written and presented on the application of MI for pediatricians, mental health providers, and school personnel, and is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers.

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