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Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

with Orah Krug, Victor Yalom
Asking “How do you feel?” is a typical way we try to help clients expand their internal awareness. But unfortunately, it’s often a dead-end, and many therapists don’t know how to follow up. In this masterclass, you’ll learn powerful techniques to help clients accelerate the internal discovery process so they can gain additional resources to tackle the problems bringing them to therapy. 
Earn 4.00 CE Credits
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

with Victor Yalom
What do psychotherapists and counselors do when clients want to explain rather than experience their feelings? Learn simple but powerful techniques for helping clients expand their inner awareness and discover new things in every session.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

with Victor Yalom
In this third and final session with Heather, Victor Yalom continues to work in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship to help her access and explore deep emotions which relate to her therapeutic goals. As you'll see, focusing on what’s happening in real time in the therapist-client relationship requires courage and vulnerability from both therapist and client.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

with James Bugental
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action shows James Bugental, the legendary clinician and teacher, conducting two actual psychotherapy sessions with the same client. 
Psychotherapy with the Unmotivated Patient

Psychotherapy with the Unmotivated Patient

with Erving Polster
This video depicts renowned therapist and teacher Erving Polster artfully and adeptly plying his trade with Gerald, the type of client we have all struggled with: bright, cynical, emotionally detached, overly-intellectual, and seemingly determined to defeat this therapist as he has previous ones. 
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

Time Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy

with Hanna Levenson
See how psychodynamic principles can be adapted for effective brief, time-limited therapy with a depressed, 74 year-old man.

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

with Sam Steen
Young children can get locked into ineffectual ways of solving problems that only escalate conflicts within the family. By teaching them simple, playful solution-focused skills, you can help build their self-confidence and strengthen their relationships.
Mind-Body Therapy

Mind-Body Therapy

with Ernest Rossi
Ernest Rossi brings to light important new research indicating that the brain is constantly growing and changing, and, with this, the profound realization that our mind and its responses can also change. Watch pioneer Ernest Rossi demonstrate a Mind-Body approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Multimodal Therapy

Multimodal Therapy

with Arnold Lazarus
Watch Arnold Lazarus masterfully demonstrate Multimodal Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video. 

Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Reality Therapy

Reality Therapy

with Robert Wubbolding
Watch Robert Wubbolding expertly demonstrate Reality Therapy in an actual therapy session in this three-part video.