Take Your Training to the Next Level

Over 350 videos featuring clinical demonstrations by leading experts designed to keep your staff engaged and effective


What can you do with Psychotherapy.net staff training?

  • Increase comprehension and confidence by watching expert clinicians in session with real clients and discussing the nuances of their work
  • Onboard new hires easily by quickly bringing them up to speed on topics covered in previous training
  • Provide on-demand access to over 350 videos covering a full spectrum of populations, issues and modalities
  • Offer continuing education designed to improve your staff's clinical skills. Click here to see our CE approvals.

What can your staff learn from training with Psychotherapy.net?

Our topics include CBT, ACT, DBT, MI, EFT, Child, Family, Couples and Group Therapy, Suicide, Intake and Diagnosis Skills, Addiction Treatment, Trauma, Multicultural, Legal and Ethical, Mindfulness, Social Work and more.
Get inspired by legends such as Irvin Yalom, Sue Johnson, Monica McGoldrick, William Miller, Steven Hayes, Marsha Linehan, Bessel van der Kolk, Insoo Kim Berg and more.


Got questions? Not ready to start your 7-day free trial? We're here to help:
sales@psychotherapy.net or 1-800-577-4762


What therapists are saying …

“Our company used the Motivational Interviewing training for our clinicians nationwide. Our staff really enjoyed the videos and are incorporating the skills into their work with their patients, thus improving our patient retention and care. The Psychotherapy.net customer service has been exceptional! Anything I have needed along the way was received very quickly and the staff were always professional and friendly. I highly recommend this training.”

—Nanci Stockwell, LCSW, Chief Clinical and Education Officer, Advanced Recovery Systems

Simple staff training solutions from the leaders in online learning for mental health professionals.

Psychotherapy.net videos allow you to provide your staff with the training they need to be more effective with their clients. Our programs show leading experts actually demonstrating counseling and psychotherapy techniques—no boring "talking heads." 

For over 25 years Psychotherapy.net's training videos have been used by top universities and major institutions around the world. With over 350 videos from such masters as Irvin Yalom, Marsha Linehan, Steven Hayes, William Miller, Monica McGoldrick, Susan Johnson, and many others you can give your staff the resources they need to be more confident and competent in any clinical setting. We can advise you on how to best integrate your videos into your training plan. 

Give your staff 24/7 access to a resource that enables them to fulfill their CE requirements with quality content that will enhance their clinical skills.


Get your free trial now or contact us for more information
sales@psychotherapy.net or 1-800-577-4762