Psychodrama of a Marriage (around 1948)
by Jacob Moreno
See the legendary founder of psychodrama in action in this painstaking restored historic footage.
Based on an actual couple treated by Moreno in 1939 in the Therapeutic Theater of Beacon, this movie is a dramatized version of the case, yet includes many variations from the original script. It was intended for an audience of couples and marital therapists, to facilitate a greater understanding of Moreno's theory and techniques, and to stimulate further discussion. This movie still raises fundamental questions today about the process of therapy with couples, the objectives of psychodrama when dealing with marital conflicts, and the role of the director in such situations.

What therapists are saying…

"The footage of Jacob Moreno starts at the Hudson School for Girls. Moreno is helping one of the students to expand her role repertoire. She is practicing to work as a waitress and has to deal with a difficult customer. She finds this hard, until Moreno guides her in the role [Disc 1]. Then the action moves to a psychodrama of a marriage, performed in New York. I found it a pleasure to watch not only Jacob Moreno directing but also Zerka Moreno doubling [Disc 2]. Now we find ourselves in a mental hospital in California. Jacob Moreno is demonstrating how he would assess a patient for discharge using psychodrama. Using role reversal, the patient?s life is shown as if he has been discharged. This works as a training tool with plenty of practice at role reversal [Disc 3]. Finally we are in Paris for another psychodrama of a marriage. Zerka Moreno is on stage as an auxiliary. It?s a lesson in auxiliary work and impressive to watch. Just as impressive is Jacob Moreno directing, encouraging the protagonist, and clearly forming a therapeutic alliance to move the work forward [Disc 4]."

-- Richard Oliver, British Psychodrama Society Newsletter

"Having the joy to see Moreno in action, made me live again the magnificent experience I had during my training at Beacon--it was as if he was there again. These videos are a must for those who wish to get close to psychodrama, and for those who, as myself, have walked through many stages. These videos bring forth the vital presence of the two creators of Psychodrama."

-- Dalmiro M Bustos, MD, Director of the Moreno Institute Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo, and author of 18 books on psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy.

Length of video: 1:20:00

English subtitles available

Individual ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-042-2

Individual ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-042-2

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-043-0

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-043-9

Jacob L. Moreno with his wife, Zerka Moreno, developed the theory and practice of psychodrama. J.L. and Zerka were both adjunct professors at New York University in the 1950's.

See all Jacob Moreno videos.

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