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Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy

with Insoo Kim Berg
Watch  Insoo Kim Berg masterfully demonstrate Solution-Focused Therapy in an actual therapy session. What a treat to see this legendary therapist in action!
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg’s unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Family Therapy.
Solution-Focused Techniques with a Pre-Teen

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Pre-Teen

with Sam Steen
As their autonomy increases, pre-teens need effective skills to solve problems in and outside of the home. Learn how to harness the simple power of Solution Focused Therapy by watching Sam Steen work with 12-year-old Ella.
Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

Solution-Focused Techniques with a Child

with Sam Steen
Young children can get locked into ineffectual ways of solving problems that only escalate conflicts within the family. By teaching them simple, playful solution-focused skills, you can help build their self-confidence and strengthen their relationships.
Irreconcilable Differences: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy

Irreconcilable Differences: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy

with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg's unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.
Solution-Focused Child Therapy

Solution-Focused Child Therapy

with John J. Murphy
Watch Solution-Focused child therapist John J. Murphy in an actual counseling session with two boys and their mother.
Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

with Bill O'Hanlon
Watch O’Hanlon passionately discuss and demonstrate his innovative approach in this three-part video, which includes an actual therapy session with an intriguing, non-traditional family.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Finally, some examples of the major psychotherapy theories all in one video! John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan present eleven of the best-known approaches to counseling and psychotherapy side-by-side, with real therapy sessions and extensive commentary covering theory, strategy, and effective techniques.