Free inspiration and resources from writers in the fields of psychotherapy, psychology, social work, counseling and other mental healthcare professions
Psychotherapy articles and interviews of master therapists from within and beyond the edges of contemporary practice.
Michelle Jurkiewicz discusses gender-affirming psychotherapy—and all aspects of mental health care—with children, teens, and families in an interview with
A school counselor implements an anti-bullying campaign to teach students acceptance and compassion based in Narrative Therapy and Narrative Conflict resolution theory.
Reproductive Psychologist, Julie Bindeman offers firsthand advice for clinicians working with women and families during their reproductive journey, especially those impacted by the Dobbs Decision.
Join’s editor Lawrence Rubin in a fascinating conversation with clinician/educator/author Dr. Travis Heath as they deconstruct and rebuild the practice of psychotherapy.
World renowned pioneers of psychotherapy share their secrets for their longevity, living long and productive lives both in and out of the field of therapy.
Embracing artificial intelligence (AI) and other innovative tools in therapy, like Google Docs, can provide a vital social lifeline for struggling clients.