Articles, Interviews & Blogs

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Psychotherapy articles and interviews of master therapists from within and beyond the edges of contemporary practice.

This Just In…

Michelle Jurkiewicz on Gender-Affirming Psychotherapy with Children, Teens and Families

by Lawrence Rubin
Michelle Jurkiewicz discusses gender-affirming psychotherapy—and all aspects of mental health care—with children, teens, and families in an interview with 

Addressing Bullying in the Classroom: Undercover Anti-Bullying Teams

by Mike Williams
A school counselor implements an anti-bullying campaign to teach students acceptance and compassion based in Narrative Therapy and Narrative Conflict resolution theory.

Julie Bindeman on Reproductive Mental Health Care, Dobbs, and Beyond

by Lawrence Rubin
Reproductive Psychologist, Julie Bindeman offers firsthand advice for clinicians working with women and families during their reproductive journey, especially those impacted by the Dobbs Decision.


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Whiteness Matters: Exploring White Privilege, Color Blindness and Racism in Psychotherapy
by Margaret Clausen, PsyD
Explore White privilege in the psychology profession and the importance of confronting it with education, curiosity & humility.
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