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Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series)
In this series, some of the most influential figures—and originators—of cognitive behavioral therapy share the pivotal moments, people, and insights that shaped their careers and the culture of modern psychotherapy.
This 8-video series brings together some of the most brilliant and creative innovators the field of psychotherapy has ever seen, and offers a personal perspective on the origins and evolution of their work. In an enlightening conversation with Albert Bandura, one of the most prolific and influential psychologists of all time, he relates the breakthrough moments leading to the development of social cognitive theory and his theories of social learning, guided mastery, and self-efficacy. Joseph Wolpe reveals how his experiences treating soldiers in World War II eventually led him to develop systematic desensitization as a treatment for anxiety and fear disorders. Hans Eysenck, regarded as a maverick and iconoclast in the field, recalls the early days of his career when he made a great many enemies in the psychoanalytic world by calling into question its efficacy and presenting his behavioral research at psychoanalytic conferences. Arnold Lazarus, who originally coined the term "behavior therapy," shares his early skepticism of behaviorism, his eventual non-dogmatic and flexible adoption of it, and the development of his Multimodal Therapy approach. Alan Marlatt details the foundation and practice of the harm reduction method while exploring the fascinating, politically charged progression of addiction theory and treatment in the US, while Sidney Bijou, the founder of child behavioral therapy, reveals in conversation with ACT founder Steven Hayes how he came to develop new treatments for autism and other developmental disorders. Anxiety expert David Barlow reflects on both the beginnings of behavioral therapy and its future, advocating for a for-profit dissemination of therapy innovations as manualized treatments, and rounding off this riveting series is the founder of Cognitive Behavioral therapy himself, Donald Meichenbaum, who, with characteristic wit and humor, shares the evolution of CBT, his mother's influence on his style, and the need to remain open-minded and inquiring about other approaches.

Whether you are a CBT die-hard, just curious about its roots, or skeptical of its broad evidence-based treatment claims, you will learn so much from this series and will undoubtedly find its insights creeping into your work with clients. Add it to your library now!

Length of Series: 8:49:14

English subtitles available

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