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Keeping or Ending Commitments, Excerpted from The Ethical Lives of Clients: Transcending Self-Interest in Psychotherapy

by William J. Doherty
In this excerpt from The Ethical Lives of Clients: Transcending Self-Interest in Psychotherapy, William Doherty helps therapists address their client’s relational ethical dilemmas.
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Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

by Deb Kory
Famed psychiatrist, psycho-historian, writer and activist Robert J. Lifton talks about being a witness to an extreme century, combining scholarship with activism, the psychology of violence, and the next great threat to the planet: climate change.
Earn 1.5 CE Credits

A Psychotherapist's Guide to Facebook and Twitter: Why Clinicians Should Give a Tweet!

by Keely Kolmes
Dr. Kolmes offers firsthand insights into the uses of social media as a professional tool.
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Jude Austin on Wisdom for Counseling Students and Educators

by Lawrence Rubin
Counselor educator/clinician Jude Austin offers wisdom and survival tips for both student and teacher from the trenches of graduate school.
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Confessions of a Student Counsellor

by Andrew Dib
Counselors can most definitely benefit from the age-old adage “Healer, heal thyself!”