Nurturing the ‘Art’ in the Art of Therapy
by Judith Aron Rubin

Webinar Series: Special Guests in Session

This is your chance to sit in on a conversation with art therapy pioneer, Judy Rubin, PhD, and founder, Victor Yalom as they discuss the power of artistic expression in therapy. Dr. Rubin shares stories of her life’s work as an art therapist, including techniques and various media she used to help clients get in touch with themselves. 
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Psychologist, artist, and art therapy pioneer Judy Rubin, PhD relays how clients bring experiences into therapy that cannot be readily put into words, including impressions, images, dreams, memories, and traumas stored through the senses. Watch video clips of her engaging in art therapy with clients and learn the types of questions, tactics, and methods she employed. Through this rich discussion, she and founder, Victor Yalom, will show you the power and potential of bringing art into therapy with clients of all ages.

Rubin and Yalom provide viewers insightful perspectives that are sure to pique your interest. You’ll discover simple ways of bringing art into therapy and give your clients new ways of expressing themselves. Help your client access parts of themselves they might otherwise be unable to and give them the opportunity to explore gifts, talents, and strengths that they (and you) are unaware of.   

Rubin began her career as the Art Lady on Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, which then evolved into decades of teaching, practice, supervision, and building a vast library of videos through her non-profit organization, Expressive Media Inc. This year, she entrusted these videos to By engaging with this one-of-a-kind webinar, Rubin will entice you, as Mr. Rogers did her to “Try it, you’ll like it.” Webinar Series Special Guests in Session

Join us as special guest experts demonstrate their work and discuss their unique strategies for working with clients. This webinar series features experts from across the field of mental healthcare sharing the tools and techniques of their craft. Through case consultations, clinical sessions. and demonstrations you'll learn...

  • Tools developed by specialists for working with unique clients and diagnoses
  • Expert insight and wisdom garnered from a lifetime of work
  • In-session exercises that you can begin using immediately
  • Tips for working with specific needs and client populations

Available only to our members and subscribers. Find out how to access this video for individual use, for more than one person using multiple-user access, or for use in academic institutions.


Length of video: 01:27:39

English subtitles available

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-726-5

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-726-1

Judith Rubin, a pioneer in the field of art therapy, is on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Society & Institute. She is a Registered, Board-Certified Art Therapist and a Licensed Psychologist. Dr. Rubin is the author of five books, including: Child Art Therapy, The Art of Art Therapy, and Art Therapy: An Introduction. She was the "Art Lady" on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood in the 1960s.

A past President and Honorary Life Member of the American Art Therapy Association, Dr. Rubin is retired from full-time clinical practice, and is devoting her energies to creating and disseminating films on the arts in therapy through a nonprofit organization, Expressive Media, Inc. Her other films include Beyond Words: Art Therapy with Older Adults (2004), We'll Show You What We're Gonna Do! (art with blind children, 1971), Children & the Arts (all of the arts with children, 1973), and The Green Creature Within (group art-drama therapy with adolescents, 1984). More about Judith Rubin's films and the organization can be found at

Judith Aron Rubin was compensated for his/her/their contribution. None of his/her/their books or additional offerings are required for any of the content. Should such materials be references, it is as an additional resource. defines ineligible companies as those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. There is no minimum financial threshold; individuals must disclose all financial relationships, regardless of the amount, with ineligible companies. We ask that all contributors disclose any and all financial relationships they have with any ineligible companies whether the individual views them as relevant to the education or not.

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