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Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

with Orah Krug, Victor Yalom
Asking “How do you feel?” is a typical way we try to help clients expand their internal awareness. But unfortunately, it’s often a dead-end, and many therapists don’t know how to follow up. In this masterclass, you’ll learn powerful techniques to help clients accelerate the internal discovery process so they can gain additional resources to tackle the problems bringing them to therapy. 
Earn 4.00 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

with Victor Yalom
In this third and final session with Heather, Victor Yalom continues to work in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship to help her access and explore deep emotions which relate to her therapeutic goals. As you'll see, focusing on what’s happening in real time in the therapist-client relationship requires courage and vulnerability from both therapist and client.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

with Victor Yalom
Therapists can easily fall back on intellectual discussions, abstractions, and analyzing thoughts with anxious or depressed clients, when the real struggle is connecting with their feelings and, in turn, with others. Learn to harness the therapeutic power of the here-and-now to free clients who are walled off from themselves and others so you can help them begin to live authentic, connected lives.  
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

with Victor Yalom
When clients are battling depression, it can be challenging to know how they can share their emotions in a way that promotes growth. Learn powerful here-and-now techniques to connect with clients and move sessions forward by inviting them to fully experience their world of emotions.  
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

with Victor Yalom
There’s a powerful tool that you can use to improve client outcomes regardless of therapeutic issue, modality or population. And the best part? You've already got it. It’s you. Victor Yalom shares insights on how to hone your clinical self.
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

with Victor Yalom
What do psychotherapists and counselors do when clients want to explain rather than experience their feelings? Learn simple but powerful techniques for helping clients expand their inner awareness and discover new things in every session.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Experiential Techniques for Deepening Inner Exploration: Part 1

Experiential Techniques for Deepening Inner Exploration: Part 1

with Victor Yalom
Victor Yalom demonstrates powerful techniques to help clients go deeper into their immediate internal experience so they can discover new facets of themselves, including thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations. 
Irvin Yalom: Foundations of My Life and Work

Irvin Yalom: Foundations of My Life and Work

with Irvin Yalom, Victor Yalom
In this poignant, intimate and in-depth interview with his son, Victor, Irvin Yalom weaves together the central ideas and key life experiences that have formed the basis for his contributions to psychotherapy.

Earn 3.25 CE Credits
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

with Victor Yalom
What can psychotherapists do to help clients fully experience their emotions and, in the process, improve their relationships? Learn to use powerful here-and-now therapy techniques so clients can fully access their inner emotional worlds while deepening their connections with others in their life. 
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

The best clinicians seamlessly combine diagnostic interviewing and rapport-building during the initial session, and in this series, you’ll learn how to do just that. Through rich discussions and clinical demonstrations, you’ll learn how to gather the information you need while building the alliance you want. 
Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

with Jason Buckles

How can clinicians obtain essential diagnostic information while establishing and maintaining therapeutic rapport? Watch clinical demonstrations of some of the most common disorders therapists encounter— Adjustment, Panic, Generalized Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders—and learn how to gather diagnostic data without compromising client care.

Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

with Jason Buckles
With symptoms that often overlap, depressive disorders, bipolar, and substance use disorders can be hard to distinguish from one another. In Volume 3 of The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates you’ll learn a systematic approach to accurately diagnosing these conditions while at the same time building a solid therapeutic alliance.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits