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Understanding Group Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

Understanding Group Psychotherapy: 3-Video Series

These are the definitive training videos by the leading authority on group therapy.  Watch Irvin Yalom skillfully lead outpatient and inpatient therapy groups, and explain what he is doing and why.
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume I: Outpatients

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume I: Outpatients

with Irvin Yalom
Watch famed psychotherapist, Irvin Yalom, lead an outpatient group therapy using his interpersonal model, with commentary describing the principles of his here-and-now approach.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume II: Inpatients

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume II: Inpatients

with Irvin Yalom
Learn how to run inpatient groups by watching famed psychotherapist, Irvin Yalom, use his Interpersonal Model to bring structure and healing to an inpatient psychiatric hospital.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume III: An Interview

Understanding Group Psychotherapy-Volume III: An Interview

with Irvin Yalom
In this intimate interview, Irvin Yalom offers pearls of wisdom from his many years as one of the world's leading experts in both group and existential therapy.

Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration

Group Therapy: A Live Demonstration

with Molyn Leszcz, Irvin Yalom
In this remarkable demonstration you will witness group therapy and Irvin Yalom’s novel The Schopenhauer Cure come alive simultaneously in two unscripted group psychotherapy sessions. The result is a training video that is destined to become a classic for students of group therapy and Yalom fans alike.
Earn 3.25 CE Credits
Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

Group Therapy for Addictions: An Interpersonal Relapse Prevention Approach

with Devin Ashwood & Tim Leighton
Group therapy is a powerful and widely used modality in recovery programs, but too often group leaders lack a coherent and effective clinical framework. This video program will show you how to harness the interpersonal power of groups to work successfully with clients struggling with addictions.
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement

Leading Counseling Groups with Adults: A Demonstration of the Art of Engagement

with Ed Jacobs, PhD & Christine Schimmel
How do group therapists deepen engagement while keeping things moving? In this video, watch two experienced co-leaders demonstrate core techniques for successful group therapy with adults.
Leading Groups with Adolescents

Leading Groups with Adolescents

with Janice DeLucia-Waack, PhD & Allen Segrist, PhD
In this comprehensive video featuring a live, unscripted group with actual high school students, two expert group therapists share their extensive knowledge, making this video a must-see for those new to leading groups as well as for experienced group therapists looking to refine their skills.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
Group Counseling with Children: A Multicultural Approach

Group Counseling with Children: A Multicultural Approach

with Sam Steen, PhD, & Sheri Bauman, PhD
Watch this diverse group of children engage in activities and discussions that increase their awareness of their own cultures and their appreciation for differences. 
Group Counseling with Adolescents: A Multicultural Approach

Group Counseling with Adolescents: A Multicultural Approach

with Sam Steen, PhD, & Sheri Bauman, PhD
Over the course of eight sessions with a multicultural group of eighth graders, Drs. Sam Steen and Sheri Bauman offer child therapists a thorough picture of the issues adolescents face and ways to deepen connection with them.
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions (2-video series)

This new video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

The Zerka T. Moreno Psychodrama Series (3-Video Series)

Learn psychodrama from one of the great masters, the wife of psychodrama founder J.L. Moreno.  This action-oriented method can often yield powerful results more quickly than traditional talk therapy.
Psychodrama in Action

Psychodrama in Action

with Zerka Moreno
Psychodrama in Action shows Zerka masterfully conducting an actual psychodrama session with a group of experienced psychodrama practitioners. 

Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

Psychodrama, Sociometry and Beyond

with Zerka Moreno
Zerka Moreno discusses sociometry and its uses around the world.

Zerka on Psychodrama

Zerka on Psychodrama

with Zerka Moreno
In this candid interview, Zerka Moreno distills the essence of psychodrama, its history and application.

Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

with Rex Stockton
Gain new skills for leading psychotherapy groups in this video featuring seasoned group expert, Rex Stockton, supervising two students as they lead a 16-week group to deeper insight, connection, and personal engagement.
Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and Techniques

Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and Techniques

with Tobi Klein
In these live sessions, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein, MSW, teaches the core principles and techniques of psychodrama.
Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

In these extremely powerful live group sessions, master clinician and psychodramatist Tian Dayton works with group participants to confront childhood abuse, and work through trauma that they are carrying in their bodies.
Healing Childhood Abuse through Psychodrama

Healing Childhood Abuse through Psychodrama

with Tian Dayton
Psychodramatist Tian Dayton shows how psychodrama can heal the effects of child abuse in this live demonstration.
Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

with Tian Dayton
Watch expert psychodramatist Tian Dayton work with group participants to help work through the traumas they carry within their bodies.
Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Encounter Groups for Addictions (3-Video Series)

Illustrated with powerful and compelling vignettes from actual encounter groups, these videos explore how encounter groups have evolved, what we can do to improve groups and overcome pitfalls, and what the keys are to leading successful groups.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume I: Evolution of the Encounter Group

with Rod Mullen
Learn about the origin of encounter groups and how they have evolved since the 1950s in this captivating series.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume II: Pitfalls & Solutions

with Rod Mullen
Watch encounter groups in action to learn what does and doesn't work when facilitating encounter groups.
Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

Encounter Groups for Addictions, Volume III: Keys to Fostering Growth

with Rod Mullen
Learn the key skills of fostering growth and change in encounter groups.
Exploring Narradrama

Exploring Narradrama

with Pamela Dunne
This video offers an introduction to the tools and techniques of Narradrama, a therapeutic approach that combines narrative therapy, drama therapy and creative arts.
Adlerian Parent Consultation

Adlerian Parent Consultation

with Jon Carlson
Watch Jon Carlson conduct an actual parent consultation session and an actual parenting group with moms who are in power struggles with their teenage children.
Children of the Camps: The Documentary

Children of the Camps: The Documentary

with Satsuki Ina
A powerful, thought-provoking video perfect for use in cultural competency and awareness classes. We are sure it will provide you and your students a deeper understanding of the impact of racism, and discussions that travel far outside the classroom.
Effective Treatment of Violent Individuals

Effective Treatment of Violent Individuals

with The Glendon Association
This video offers an extraordinary look inside two different yet dramatically successful group therapy programs offered behind bars to men who have committed the most extreme violent acts—from assault and rape to murder.
The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

The Therapeutic Community (3-Video Series)

George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.
The Therapeutic Community, Volume I: The Therapeutic Community Perspective

The Therapeutic Community, Volume I: The Therapeutic Community Perspective

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

The Therapeutic Community, Volume II: Community as a Method

The Therapeutic Community, Volume II: Community as a Method

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

The Therapeutic Community, Volume III: Components of a Generic Therapeutic Community

The Therapeutic Community, Volume III: Components of a Generic Therapeutic Community

with George De Leon
George De Leon, the leading authority today on Therapeutic Communities, provides an in-depth look at the history and core principles of Therapeutic Communities.

Irvin Yalom on Psychotherapy and Writing

Irvin Yalom on Psychotherapy and Writing

with Irvin Yalom
We’re thrilled to present this in-depth interview with Irvin Yalom, a true master whose influence commands large audiences in both the psychotherapy and literature fields. Here, he offers insight into his evolution as a clinician and writer, along with the guiding principles of his half-century of groundbreaking therapeutic work.
Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

Group Therapy: An Addictions Perspective

with Allen Berger
Addiction is a complex syndrome that undermines clients’ functioning and depletes their resources, and individual therapy alone can often miss the mark. Through informative discussion and live clinical demonstrations, psychotherapist and addiction specialist, Allen Berger, PhD will enhance your clinical efficacy with these challenging clients by sharing the many benefits of group therapy.
Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

Mindfulness Exercise for Substance Use

with Devin Ashwood
Do you have clients struggling with addictions? “Urge Surfing” is a simple yet effective mindfulness technique you can teach clients to help them manage the stressors that could potentially trigger relapses.
Guiding Pre-Teens in Career Exploration: A Creative Arts Approach

Guiding Pre-Teens in Career Exploration: A Creative Arts Approach

with Natalya A. Lindo, Peggy Ceballos
Start your pre-teen clients on their journey down the path of career development with CACCI, a creative, play-based group training program designed to help adolescents develop self-knowledge and skill awareness.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Art as Transformation: the Life & Work of Shaun McNiff

Art as Transformation: the Life & Work of Shaun McNiff

with Hephzibah Kaplan, Shaun McNiff, Bruce Moon
This video contains two films that chronicle the contributions of Dr. Shaun McNiff in expressive arts therapies. His distinctive way of engaging and motivating groups promotes intense involvement by the participants.
Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

with Georgina Jahner, Comer Rudd-Gates
This video is a compilation of two films—gemstones of information for those valuing the expressive arts as avenues of treatment for persons seeking healing in mental health settings. 
A Childs Grief

A Childs Grief

with Simcha Jacobovici
Children express grief differently than adults, but their pain is just as real and their feelings equally as intense. “A Child’s Grief” takes viewers into the lives of eight children in bereavement support group. 
Art & Drama Therapy: Child Life Inservice Workshop

Art & Drama Therapy: Child Life Inservice Workshop

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
This video shows excerpts from a workshop conducted by Judy Rubin, an art therapist, and Ellie Irwin, a drama therapist, with 9 Child Life Therapists and a Music Therapist at a Children’s Hospital. The group is led in art and drama activities, illustrating possible interventions with seriously ill children. In addition to the potential use of the specific exercises, instruction is offered throughout about basic principles for sensitivity and success in ways of incorporating art and drama more safely and effectively. Staff members are invited to raise questions during the training.
Arts in the Environment: Going to the Source

Arts in the Environment: Going to the Source

with Norma Canner
In this video, Norma Canner, a movement/dance therapist, works with a diverse group of men and women for four days in the wilderness to experience creative expression and rediscover a child's sense of wonder. 
Couples Art Therapy Group: One Member has ADHD

Couples Art Therapy Group: One Member has ADHD

with Diane Safran
Led by Board Certified Art Therapist and licensed marriage/family therapist, Diane Safran, this is a film of an art therapy group for couples where one partner was diagnosed with ADHD. The group met for over a decade. 
Art Therapy IS: A Film & Two Groups for Those with Chronic Mental Illness

Art Therapy IS: A Film & Two Groups for Those with Chronic Mental Illness

with Lore Baer
Witness the experiences of chronically mentally ill clients as they prepare for an exhibit. Baer talks with them as they create and review their artwork, validates their accomplishments, reminds them of past artwork, and makes observations to stimulate creative thinking. 
Expressive Arts Therapy Groups

Expressive Arts Therapy Groups

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Two films make up Expressive Arts Therapy Groups - both demonstrating expressive modalities and major therapeutic tools, along with music, movement, poetry, and filmmaking.
Group Art Therapy: Adolescents with ADHD

Group Art Therapy: Adolescents with ADHD

with Diane Safran
Led by Board Certified Art Therapist Diane Safran, this psychoeducational group focused on self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, and managing ADHD for middle school youth.
Art and Therapy: The Story of an Artist Therapist and His Film of A Pioneers Group

Art and Therapy: The Story of an Artist Therapist and His Film of A Pioneers Group

with Majie Lavergne
Filmmaker, psychotherapist and an artist Hughes (Majie) Lavergne shares his own reflections about Vera Zilzer’s unique approach as an art therapist and the role Zilzer's art therapy group impacted patient's healing process and their lives.
Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

with Lucille Proulx
Art therapist Lucille Proulx explains how to facilitate and enhance two-way communication between parent and child. 
Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
This informative film shows two sessions from an open-ended art therapy group from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. All soldiers in this group were leaving the military and each had to decide and make a personal commitment to attend the group. Paula Howie, HLM, ATR-BC, is the art therapist.