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Assessment and Engagement in Family Therapy

Assessment and Engagement in Family Therapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Whether you’re new to family therapy or seeing a new family client, you need a clear and effective framework to navigate this often treacherous terrain. In this new video, legendary family therapist and genogram innovator Monica McGoldrick demonstrates how to engage and assess a family in the initial stage of treatment.
Earn 4.00 CE Credits
The Legacy of Unresolved Loss: A Family Systems Approach

The Legacy of Unresolved Loss: A Family Systems Approach

with Monica McGoldrick
In this realistic simulation of an 18-week course of therapy with the Rogers family, we see how the presenting problem—teenage daughter Michelle's rebellious behavior—masks unresolved loss across three generations of family members. 

Earn 1.25 CE Credits
I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

I‘d Hear Laughter : Finding Solutions for the Family

with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg’s unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Family Therapy.
Salvador Minuchin on Family Therapy

Salvador Minuchin on Family Therapy

with Jay Lappin, Salvador Minuchin
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to get up close and personal with one of the most influential figures in psychotherapy, Dr. Salvador Minuchin. 
Earn 1.25 CE Credits
Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

with Monica McGoldrick
When clients don’t confront and mourn their losses and family tragedies, they become stuck, fixed in time and unable to move forward. In this riveting narration of the life and work of pioneering family therapist Norman Paul, Monica McGoldrick teaches us how to help clients examine, explore, and ultimately break free from the unacknowledged and unmourned losses in their families, so that they may live fully in the present.
Family Therapy with the Experts: 10-Video Series

Family Therapy with the Experts: 10-Video Series

See many of the world's leading experts in family therapy and counseling conduct actual sessions. This one-of-a-kind series allows you to compare the theories and techniques of a wide range of approaches, including Structural, Bowenian, Satir, Object Relations, and others.
Structural Family Therapy

Structural Family Therapy

with Harry Aponte
Watch Harry J. Aponte, a highly regarded therapist who worked closely with Salvador Minuchin, demonstrate his unique approach to Structural Therapy in this compelling family therapy session.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Harnessing the Power of Genograms in Psychotherapy

Harnessing the Power of Genograms in Psychotherapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Watch master family therapist  Monica McGoldrick, MSW, create a genogram on the spot in this live session with a client struggling to understand why he is distancing from his pregnant wife.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Adolescent Family Therapy

Adolescent Family Therapy

with Janet Sasson Edgette
Watch expert adolescent family therapist Janet Sasson Edgette in an actual counseling session with a single mother and her 15-year old daughter.
Bowenian Family Therapy

Bowenian Family Therapy

with Philip Guerin
Watch Dr. Guerin masterfully conducting a live family therapy session, followed by an illuminating discussion about his innovative and sophisticated approach to Bowenian Family Therapy.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

with John Edwards
John Edwards has spent the last twenty years distilling the intricacies of family systems theory into a user-friendly approach that has enhanced the work of thousands of clinicians and educators in North America.

Family Secrets: Implications for Theory and Therapy

Family Secrets: Implications for Theory and Therapy

with Evan Imber-Black
In this illuminating video, Evan Imber-Black, an expert on rituals, larger systems, and family secrets, speaks to viewers about the implications of secrets, and presents techniques for ushering families through the process of identifying, understanding, and resolving secrets.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling

with Ron Scott
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples and families are different from heterosexual couples and families in issues related to their social context and societal stigmatization. 
Using Family Play Genograms in Psychotherapy

Using Family Play Genograms in Psychotherapy

with Monica McGoldrick
Do you want a powerful new tool to enhance your work with children and families? Watch, learn, and enjoy as master family therapist Monica McGoldrick explains how to use family play genograms.

Solution-Focused Child Therapy

Solution-Focused Child Therapy

with John J. Murphy
Watch Solution-Focused child therapist John J. Murphy in an actual counseling session with two boys and their mother.
Adlerian Family Therapy

Adlerian Family Therapy

with James Bitter
Watch James Bitter masterfully demonstrate Alfred Adler’s values and techniques in an actual therapy session with a family caught in a typical power struggle, followed by a fascinating discussion of the nuances of this influential approach to helping families thrive.
Triangles and Family Therapy: Strategies and Solutions

Triangles and Family Therapy: Strategies and Solutions

with Monica McGoldrick
In this new video, expert family therapist and genogram innovator Monica McGoldrick illustrates the concept of triangles and how “detriangling” can lead to powerful healing within families.
Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

Anorexia: What Therapists and Parents Need to Know

with Lisa Sabey and Robert Blair
Anorexia is the third most common chronic illness among US adolescents, but it has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. In this video about the devastating impact of anorexia on parents, see how Family-Based Therapy (FBT) actively engages parents in effective treatment.
Empowerment Family Therapy

Empowerment Family Therapy

with Frank Pittman
Do you want to be more effective at empowering your clients to make the changes in their lives that will get them what they really want? Dr. Frank Pittman is one of the most passionate therapists around when it comes to helping people take responsibility for their lives, as you’ll see in this live couples therapy session.
Making Divorce Work: A Clinical Approach to the Binuclear Family

Making Divorce Work: A Clinical Approach to the Binuclear Family

with Constance Ahrons
In this compelling video, renowned therapist Constance Ahrons demonstrates her groundbreaking approach to working with divorced families, with an emphasis on helping ex-spouses and new spouses effectively manage their shared parenting obligations. 
Integrative Family Therapy

Integrative Family Therapy

with Kenneth V. Hardy
Watch Integrative Family Therapy in action as Kenneth V. Hardy masterfully applies his holistic approach in an actual family therapy session with a single African-American mother and her teenage daughter.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Narrative Family Therapy

Narrative Family Therapy

with Stephen Madigan
Ollie is a 12 year-old African-American boy who has been court-ordered to therapy after hitting his classmate with his belt. Watch Stephen Madigan, expert Narrative therapist, as he compassionately engages Ollie and his mother in a fascinating inquiry into their experience of racism, discovering there’s much more to this incident than meets the eye.

Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Object-Relations Family Therapy

Object-Relations Family Therapy

with David Scharff & Jill Savege Scharff
Learn how to apply object-relations theory to family therapy by watching world-renowned psychoanalysts Drs. Jill and David Scharff conduct a live session with a very distressed family.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Satir Family Therapy

Satir Family Therapy

with Jean McLendon
Master therapist Jean McLendon demonstrates Satir Family Therapy in this very compelling and touching video.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

Solution-Oriented Family Therapy

with Bill O'Hanlon
Watch O’Hanlon passionately discuss and demonstrate his innovative approach in this three-part video, which includes an actual therapy session with an intriguing, non-traditional family.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
Value-Sensitive Therapy

Value-Sensitive Therapy

with Bill Doherty
In this three-part video, Dr. Doherty, a prominent family therapist and founder of Value-Sensitive Therapy, discusses and demonstrates through an actual live session what he calls moral consultation.
Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

with Bruce Masek
Watch Cognitive Behavioral child therapist Bruce Masek in an actual counseling session with a 6-year old girl and her mother.
Shes Leaving Me: A Four-Stage Treatment Model for Men Struggling with Relationship Loss

Shes Leaving Me: A Four-Stage Treatment Model for Men Struggling with Relationship Loss

with Steve Lerner
Renowned family therapist Steve Lerner presents his work with men who are in crisis after being left by their wives or partners. 
A House Divided: Structural Therapy with a Black Family

A House Divided: Structural Therapy with a Black Family

with Harry Aponte
In this engaging video, Harry Aponte demonstrates his technique with a family struggling to overcome alienation, legal issues and the complications of step-family relationships. By “joining” intuitively with the family, Aponte warms the connection between everyone in the room and supports the family to identify the parents’ ability to be both a positive resource and a source of isolation.
Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

Tres Madres: Structural Therapy with an Anglo/Hispanic Family

with Harry Aponte
Harry Aponte, an expert in structural family therapy, demonstrates in this video the power and subtlety of his approach in a session with a very complicated family suffering from multi-generational trauma and the effects of alcoholism.
Blended Family with a Troubled Boy

Blended Family with a Troubled Boy

with Virginia Satir
Watch one of family therapy’s most esteemed pioneers in action! In this engaging video, Virginia Satir helps a blended family of four untangle longstanding parenting and communication issues.
A Family at the Point of Growth

A Family at the Point of Growth

with Virginia Satir
Hone your clinical skills by watching one of family therapy’s most esteemed personalities in action. In this video, Virginia Satir consults with a family in the aftermath of a teenage brother’s assault of his sister.
Experiential Family Therapy

Experiential Family Therapy

with Carl Whitaker
Learn from groundbreaking family therapist Carl Whitaker as he conducts two riveting and instructive initial interviews with a family seeking treatment for their son’s ADHD. You can’t help but be awed and inspired as you watch this true master in action.
The Essence of Change

The Essence of Change

with Virginia Satir
Watch renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir present her pioneering views on the essential ingredients of successful therapy to a group of four students.

Of Rocks and Flowers: Dealing with the Abuse of Children

Of Rocks and Flowers: Dealing with the Abuse of Children

with Virginia Satir
Family therapy pioneer Virginia Satir helps a family struggling with separation and abuse in this dynamic, moving session.

A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

A Step Along the Way: A Family with a Drug Problem

with Virginia Satir
Watch one of family therapy’s most highly regarded pioneers in action! In this video, Virginia Satir firmly but lovingly confronts a large family about their son’s longstanding substance abuse.
Effective Safety Planning in Child Protection Casework

Effective Safety Planning in Child Protection Casework

with Andrew Turnell
One of the more challenging jobs of a social worker is ensuring a child’s safety following in-home violence. This video takes you step-by-step through the process in an accessible and straight-forward way that includes the child’s input.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
Involving Children in Child Protection Casework

Involving Children in Child Protection Casework

with Andrew Turnell
Giving children a voice in safety planning after family violence can be tricky terrain for social workers. Andrew Turnell uses a wizard, a fairy, and three houses and gets astonishing results.
Child Protection Casework: 2-Video series

Child Protection Casework: 2-Video series

One of the more challenging jobs of a social worker is ensuring a child’s safety following in-home violence, and it's best done by including the whole family in the process. These videos take you step-by-step through the process in an accessible and straight-forward way that includes the child’s input.
Family Art Evaluations

Family Art Evaluations

with Judith Aron Rubin
Dr. Judy Rubin shows how to apply art therapy theory and use art for assessment with families. One will discover how the art therapist and family simultaneously gain insight through experience in the assessment process.
Family Video Art Therapy

Family Video Art Therapy

with Irene Jakab, Judith Aron Rubin
Family Video Art Therapy documents two family art evaluation sessions and a follow-up video feedback session conducted by Irene Jakab, MD, PhD and Judith Rubin, PhD, ATR. As they discuss their drawings, they reflect on their feelings and discuss them with the facilitators.
The Family Puppet Interview

The Family Puppet Interview

with Elaine S. Portner
This teaching video demonstrates how a therapist observes the decision making process within a family, the roles and patterns of behavior among family members, and the symbolic communication in their play with puppets.
Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

Parent-Child Dyad Art Therapy Group

with Lucille Proulx
Art therapist Lucille Proulx explains how to facilitate and enhance two-way communication between parent and child.