2.00 CE Credits Available
Psychological Flexibility
by Steven Hayes
Psychological flexibility—or the ability to make contact with our experiences in the present moment fully and without defense—is the theme unifying the constellation of client issues presented in this final video in the ACT in Action series. 
Incorporating concepts from the previous 5 videos in this series, ACT founder Steven Hayes demonstrates how to integrate various ACT processes into actual treatment scenarios.

We first meet a mother having trouble letting go of her adult children. In session with a gentle and caring ACT therapist, she comes to some realizations about her own values and sees new ways to move forward. Then Maggie, an ACT therapist, is the client in a session conducted in a “fishbowl.” Utilizing a brief-therapy model of ACT, master ACT clinician Kirk Strosahl helps Maggie come to terms with her difficult relationship with her brother.

Hayes then conducts a compelling session with a man diagnosed with OCD. Beginning with a detailed explanation of how exposure is integrated into ACT, Hayes carefully guides the client through the exposure, keeping him open to his own experience rather than letting him shut down.

You won’t want to miss this final installment in the series, as it beautifully ties together the components of the ACT model for use in a variety of contexts by therapists of every orientation.

What therapists are saying…

"These videos are an incredible learning resource for any practitioner. You will witness some of the world’s leading ACT therapists weaving their magic, and gain valuable insight into the many different ways there are of doing ACT. It’s a world apart from reading a book; essential viewing for anyone interested in honing their ACT skills."

-- Russ Harris, MD, author of The Happiness Trap & ACT Made Simple
"Counselors, psychologists and social workers attend professional development activities for a variety of reasons, some of which include learning something new, learning more about something they already know, and becoming reinvigorated by their work. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find professional development activities that meet even one of these goals. ACT in Action is a 6-video series that meets all three goals and more. The didactic portion of the series is clear and informative, and the counseling demonstrations bring it all to life. After watching just one video, I was able to immediately incorporate ACT strategies, conceptualizations, and analogies into my work with clients. With tight budgets leaving little money for conferences and travel, the series offers quality in-house training for all staff, not just 'the lucky one' who attended the conference."

-- Jennifer M. Whitney, PhD, Associate Director, The Counseling Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
In Depth
CE Test
By watching this video, you will:
• Learn ways to adapt ACT in brief-therapy settings and situations.
• Learn how exposure therapy is used within the ACT paradigm, and how to help clients get the most benefit from it.
• Learn ways to incorporate relational work within the ACT model.

Length of video: 2:00:00

English subtitles available

Individual ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-358-8

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-359-6

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-359-1

Steven C. Hayes is Nevada Foundation Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada. He is the founder of the ACT model, and author of 35 books and over 500 scientific articles. Hayes has received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the field, including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

See all Steven Hayes videos.

Steven Hayes was compensated for his/her/their contribution. None of his/her/their books or additional offerings are required for any of the Psychotherapy.net content. Should such materials be references, it is as an additional resource.

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CE credits: 2

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe ways to adapt ACT to brief-therapy settings
  • Explain how to integrate exposure therapy into the ACT paradigm
  • List ways to incorporate relational work within the ACT model

Bibliography available upon request

This course is offered for ASWB ACE credit for social workers. See complete list of CE approvals here

© 2007

Course Reviewed January 2025

This Disclosure Statement has been designed to meet accreditation standards; Psychotherapy.net does its best to mitigate potential conflicts of interest and eliminate bias in all areas of content. Experts are compensated for their contributions to our training videos; while some of them have published works, the purchase of additional materials are not required for any Psychotherapy.net training. Each experts’ specific disclosures can be found in their biography.

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