Dr. Miller tells us that 90% of therapeutic change, both positive and negative, occurs within the first nine sessions. Therefore, in conjunction with deliberate practice, we need to effectively and efficiently track client satisfaction and progress to avoid premature termination and to optimize treatment outcome. His Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) does just that by providing clinicians with concrete assessment tools such as the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS). These tools will help you to remain focused on the therapeutic alliance, add or remove services, renegotiate treatment goals or if necessary, refer the client. In contrast to the long-held notion that many people simply get better on their own, the verdict, Miller tells us, is in: psychotherapy works! However, we must remain continually attuned to our own skill development and our client’s progress.
By watching this interview, you will:
- learn to recognize the critical role of common factors in strengthening the therapeutic alliance.
- be able describe the basic premises and strategies of (Feedback Informed Therapy) FIT.
- learn to utilize the principles of deliberate practice to enhance your psychotherapeutic outcome.
Length of video: 1:14:19
English subtitles available
Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-550-5
Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-550-2
Scott Miller, PhD is co-founder of the Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change, a private group of clinicians and researchers dedicated to studying "what works" in mental health and substance abuse treatment. Dr. Miller conducts workshops and training, and speaks at conferences worldwide. He is the author of numerous articles and co-author of
The Heart and Soul of Change: What Works in Therapy,
The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy, and the forthcoming
What Works in Drug and Alcohol Treatment.
Scott Miller was compensated for his/her/their contribution. None of his/her/their books or additional offerings are required for any of the Psychotherapy.net content. Should such materials be references, it is as an additional resource.
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CE credits: 1.25
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the critical role of common factors in strengthening the therapeutic alliance
- Describe the core elements of Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT)
- Explain the principles of deliberate for enhancing therapeutic outcome
Bibliography available upon request
This course is offered for ASWB ACE credit for social workers. See complete list of CE approvals here
© 2018
Course Reviewed January 2025
This Disclosure Statement has been designed to meet accreditation standards; Psychotherapy.net does its best to mitigate potential conflicts of interest and eliminate
bias in all areas of content. Experts are compensated for their contributions to our training videos; while some of them have published works, the purchase of additional
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