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Brief Therapy for Addictions: 7-Video Series
A 7-Video series featuring some of the great addiction and brief therapy experts of our time. See how leading addictions counselors use different tools and techniques in treating this challenging population.
Although many treatment programs still adhere to a 12-step approach with abstinence as the only acceptable outcome, other approaches such as Motivational Interviewing, Harm Reduction, and Cognitive Therapy work with the client to set more flexible goals.  In this remarkable series, seven leading practitioners conduct sessions with actual clients. Before each counseling session the general model is presented, and then afterward the therapists reflect on how their theory translated into practice. Excellent for teaching, training, and self-study; continuing education courses available for all of these Videos. 
In Depth
Watching a number of therapists conduct an initial session with a client struggling with addiction, it is really interesting and instructive to see how differently they approach this task.  You really get a sense that therapy is more art than science, and there are many ways to skin a cat.  Also note that both Cognitive Therapy for Addictions featuring Bruce Liese and Stages of Change for Addictions featuring John Norcross include the same client "LC" on their respective DVDs, so it can be especially useful to compare these two programs.

Length of Series: 12:54:00

English subtitles available

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