While most training videos offer at most a single session of therapy, this series—widely acknowledged as some of the best psychotherapy training videos ever produced—offers full courses of treatment with experts in the field treating a variety of clients and issues. These re-enactments cover the arc of therapy so you can see how therapists change course over time, with expert commentary that describes both the over-arching theory of their approaches as well as their rationales for specific interventions.
In this series you'll see
Donald Meichenbaum deftly guiding a client suffering with both anxiety and depression through a 12-session course of therapy,
Hanna Levenson doing time limited dynamic psychotherapy with a a depressed, passive, and somatizing 74 year-old man,
Monica McGoldrick doing family systems therapy with a family whose grief spans three generations, and one of our all time favorites,
Erving Polster, doing Gestalt therapy with that difficult client so many of us have faced: bright, cynical, emotionally detached, overly-intellectual, and seemingly determined to defeat this therapist as he has previous ones. He doesn't succeed. You'll see feminist therapist
Lenore Walker treat a victim of domestic abuse using the survivor therapy approach, with pivotal moments represented over their two-year course of therapy,
Ron Levant demonstrating key techniques of working with men in a society that encourages them to repress feelings,
Susan Heitler do a masterful job of working with an angry, high-conflict couple, and finally, CBT expert
Arthur Freeman illustrates the foundations and key techniques of cognitive therapy working with a man suffering from depression.
Trust us, you will not only learn a tremendous amount from these highly skilled masters, you will be entertained, delighted and disturbed along the way. You don't want to miss out on this collection. It's one of the best ever made!