In the volatile domain of transgender care, science often clashes with beliefs and values, leaving mental health professionals with many unanswered questions.
Renowned author, psychologist and sex therapist Lonnie Barbach discusses the early days of discovery in the human sexuality field, her pioneering work with preorgasmic women, and addressing sexual issues in individual and couples therapy.
An unorthodox couples therapist discusses her multicultural, questioning approach to Western notions of romance, the enshrinement of the emotionally exclusive marital relationship, and how sex relates to intimacy and freedom.
The keys to successful therapy with gay men are connection, support, and attunement. Excerpted from Unwrapped, Integrative Therapy with Gay Men...the Gift of Presence.
Transgender psychotherapist Erica Anderson shares her personal wisdom and clinical experience with therapists interested in working with clients across the gender spectrum.
In this excerpt from “The Existential Importance of the Penis: A Guide to Understanding Male Sexuality”, sex therapist Daniel Watter helps us to appreciate how existential issues often lay just below the surface in sex therapy.
Teen expert Lynn Ponton, MD, shares wisdom from over three decades of working with children and adolescents, and describes how technology has changed the life of teenagers and those who work with them.
With attempted suicide rates greater than 40% in the transgender community, it's important for clinicians to be aware of the issues gender nonconforming clients bring to therapy, and to be knowledgeable about how best to support them. Karisa Barrow challenges therapists to deconstruct the gender binary, identify and work through prejudices, and seek guidance from gender specialists to ensure that we "do no harm."
For clinicians, using tools like ChatGPT, the potential of generative AI in clinical psychotherapy practices spans from administration to creating visual representation of clients’ experiences.
Michelle Jurkiewicz discusses gender-affirming psychotherapy—and all aspects of mental health care—with children, teens, and families in an interview with