Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

with Marsha Linehan
Watch Marsha Linehan, founder of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), in action in this session with a middle-aged man with a significant personality disorder struggling with suicidal depression and anger after being left by his girlfriend. 
ACT in Action: 6-Video Series

ACT in Action: 6-Video Series

with Steven Hayes
If you're interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, this in-depth, 6-video series will teach you all you want to know and more. You'll be introduced to the core ACT concepts by Steven Hayes, and learn by watching numerous sessions conducted by Hayes and other leading ACT practitioners with a variety of clients. 

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety, Panic and Phobias 3-video Series

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety, Panic and Phobias 3-video Series

with Reid Wilson
Trying to treat anxiety disorders therapists and clients can get stuck talking about symptoms and triggers. Learn how to use cognitive behavioral interventions that empower clients to rapidly recover from panic, phobias and other anxiety disorders.
Scott Miller on Improving Psychotherapy Outcome

Scott Miller on Improving Psychotherapy Outcome

with Scott Miller
It is not practice alone that makes for better therapy or builds better therapists. According to Scott Miller, it is the methods of "deliberate practice," gleaned from his study of experts and expertise, that will help you to improve your clinical skills and therapeutic success rate.
Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

Motivational Interviewing Step by Step: 4-Video Series

with Cathy Cole
Learn Motivational Interviewing with the most in-depth training series to date. Demonstrations and interviews illuminate the underlying principles, tools, techniques, and strategies that will enhance your skills in leading clients through the change process.
Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for OCD 3-video Series

Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for OCD 3-video Series

with Reid Wilson
How can you provide effective and lasting relief for clients who feel defeated in their battle against OCD? Discover groundbreaking strategies for giving your OCD clients the courage and self-help skills needed to get their lives back.
Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
How do you do an assessment, collect historical data, develop a treatment plan and create a warm working alliance with clients all in the first session? Learn from experts John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan how to quickly create the foundation for a successful therapy and engage clients collaboratively in the treatment process.
A Paradoxical Intervention for Panic Disorder

A Paradoxical Intervention for Panic Disorder

with Reid Wilson
Anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson demonstrates a highly-effective, unique intervention in this excerpt from a live session with a woman whose panic disorder has made her life completely unmanageable.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Whether you’re seeing clients with eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, depression or anger control problems, having a clear, well-developed case formulation can sustain your clinical efforts and maximize chances for a successful outcome. Learn the essentials of evidence-based treatment planning in this video series with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who provide key definitions, clinical demonstrations, and expert commentary for a wide range of challenging conditions.
What Works in Psychotherapy

What Works in Psychotherapy

with Scott Miller
What works in psychotherapy? In this interview by Randall C. Wyatt, Miller shares everything he knows about psychotherapy outcomes, including simple practices that significantly improves outcomes.
Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy

Aaron Beck on Cognitive Therapy

with Aaron Beck
In this animated interview with the founder of Cognitive Therapy, Aaron Beck shares about the experiences, people and ideas that shaped his iconoclastic career, offering insights into the radical transformation of modern psychology over the last century.
Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 1

Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 1

with Molyn Leszcz
A strong therapeutic alliance is key to a successful outcome, regardless of your clinical approach. DIscover the key factors to developing this crucial aspect of therapy with even the most difficult clients.
Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 2

Building Alliance with Defensive, Angry Clients: Part 2

with Molyn Leszcz
Dive deeper into the basic, yet critical, techniques for successfully treating highly resistant clients that work across the spectrum of approaches and orientations.
Psychotherapy Essentials To Go (6-video series)

Psychotherapy Essentials To Go (6-video series)

with 0
In this 6-video series, find succinct examples of skills and techniques from today’s most widely used psychotherapy methods. With expert lectures and clinical vignettes, this series offers therapists the essential ingredients for successful treatment with a range of clients.
The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

with John C. Norcross
In this compelling interview with one of the most prominent psychotherapy researchers of our time, Dr. John Norcross presents the results from fourteen meta-analyses that reveal the secrets to successful therapy.
Integrating Mindfulness into Counseling and Psychotherapy

Integrating Mindfulness into Counseling and Psychotherapy

with Ronald D. Siegel
What is “mindfulness” and how can we actually use it with our clients? Understand the principles of mindfulness-oriented psychotherapy and its application for a range of clinical issues in this new video with mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald D. Siegel.
Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Child Therapy

with Bruce Masek
Watch Cognitive Behavioral child therapist Bruce Masek in an actual counseling session with a 6-year old girl and her mother.
Achieving Psychotherapy Effectiveness

Achieving Psychotherapy Effectiveness

with Molyn Leszcz, Clare Pain and Jon Hunter
Regardless of orientation, there are several core therapeutic elements that underscore any successful treatment. Discover what they are, and how to leverage them-- complete with lectures and clinical vignettes.
Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

with Donald Meichenbaum
In this conversation with Donald Meichenbaum, the founder of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy relates the origins and ongoing evolution of his approach. He shares the method behind his ingenuity and keen clinical judgment in a way that challenges the viewer to cultivate their own openness to new ways of engaging in therapy.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Donald Meichenbaum

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy with Donald Meichenbaum

with Donald Meichenbaum
Donald Meichenbaum expertly demonstrates his refined and renowned Cognitive-Behavioral approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Depression: A Cognitive Therapy Approach

Depression: A Cognitive Therapy Approach

with Arthur Freeman
Arthur Freeman illustrates the foundations and key techniques of cognitive therapy in a way that’s enriching and easy to follow.
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

with Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue Johnson has been hailed as “the most original contributor to couples therapy to come along in the last 30 years.” Now you’ll have the chance to watch her conduct an actual session with a challenging couple haunted by the “echoes of war.” 
Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step (4-video series)

Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step (4-video series)

with Rebecca Jorgensen
If you want to learn to be more effective in the challenging art of treating couples, this highly acclaimed series is just what you've been looking for;  consider it your own personal master class in EFT.

Motivational Interviewing in Juvenile Justice Settings

Motivational Interviewing in Juvenile Justice Settings

with Ali Hall
Without a strong alliance and clear boundaries, mandated clients will often shut down or act out—especially if they are teenagers. How do you work to meet both institutional and clinical goals?  MI expert Ali Hall demonstrates how to use this collaborative approach in juvenile justice settings.
Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Planning

Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Treatment Planning

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Watch as Drs. Timothy Bruce and Art Jongsma introduce the concepts described in-depth in our Evidence-Based Treatment Planning video series. Covering depression, social anxiety, eating disorders and more, this comprehensive series provides you with all the essentials for successful, empirically grounded treatment plans.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression

with Paula Ravitz, Priya Watson and Sophie Grigoriadis
How do you introduce social efforts into treatment for a condition known for its isolating effects? In this video, three seasoned therapists offer key techniques from Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) that target the most relational symptoms of depression.
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: Core Concepts

Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents: Core Concepts

with Sebastian Kaplan
Learn how to apply Motivational Interviewing principles to resistant adolescent clients and how to support and empower them to change their destructive behaviors.

Cognitive Therapy for Weight Loss: A Coaching Session

Cognitive Therapy for Weight Loss: A Coaching Session

with Judith Beck
In this video of an actual cognitive therapy session, Dr. Judith Beck works with Anne to develop practical skills that will enable her to lose weight and make enduring changes to her lifestyle.
Exposure Therapy for Phobias

Exposure Therapy for Phobias

with Reid Wilson
In these live sessions with a real patient, Reid Wilson demonstrates Exposure Therapy in action, offering a frame of reference that clinicians can begin to apply immediately.
Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

Motivational Interviewing for Concurrent Disorders

with Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain
What is Motivational Interviewing, and how does it apply to co-occurring conditions? In this video, Wayne Skinner and Clive Chamberlain demonstrate key techniques for supporting clients with concurrent mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Mixed Anxiety and Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Mixed Anxiety and Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

with Donald Meichenbaum
In this video, internationally renowned therapist Donald Meichenbaum demonstrates a brief, effective approach for treating clients suffering from anxiety and depression.

Cognitive Defusion

Cognitive Defusion

with Steven Hayes
In this third video of the ACT in Action series, you will learn about the core ACT principle of cognitive defusion—a process of de-fusing from your thoughts and learning to accept them without struggle so that you are free engage with life more consciously and intentionally. 
Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

Motivational Interviewing for Adolescent Substance Use

with Sebastian Kaplan, PhD, & Ali Hall, JD
Acquire practical Motivational Interviewing tools to help you manage challenging sessions with adolescent clients struggling with substance use.

Control and Acceptance

Control and Acceptance

with Steven Hayes
In this second video of the ACT in Action series, you will learn how ACT takes on the power of our unruly thoughts and unwanted feelings.  
Facing the Struggle

Facing the Struggle

with Steven Hayes
In excerpts of sessions with several different clients, Hayes introduces us to creative hopelessness—a process unique to ACT, in which clients examine how controlling and avoiding difficult feelings has diminished the quality of their lives.
Mindfulness, Self, and Contact with the Present Moment

Mindfulness, Self, and Contact with the Present Moment

with Steven Hayes
In this fourth video of the ACT in Action series, you’ll learn about the mindfulness components of ACT.
Psychological Flexibility

Psychological Flexibility

with Steven Hayes
Psychological flexibility—or the ability to make contact with our experiences in the present moment fully and without defense—is the theme unifying the constellation of client issues presented in this final video in the ACT in Action series. 
Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder

Cognitive Therapy for Panic Disorder

with Reid Wilson
In this live session with a real patient, anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson applies a provocative cognitive behavioral approach to one of the most vexing problems therapists encounter: panic disorder.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

with Mark Fefergrad and Peggy Richter
How can therapists help clients regain perspective about their most anxiety-inducing beliefs? In this video featuring clear didactics and clinical vignettes, discover CBT’s powerful tools for curbing panicked thoughts and supporting behavioral change.
Values and Action

Values and Action

with Steven Hayes
In this fifth video in the ACT in Action series, we learn about the importance of values in therapy and how to incorporate them into clinical practice. 
Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

Meth Inside Out: II. Brain & Behavior

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Cognitive Therapy for Obsessions

Cognitive Therapy for Obsessions

with Reid Wilson
In these live sessions with a patient suffering from obsessive thinking, Reid Wilson demonstrates tools and techniques of cognitive therapy that clinicians can begin to apply immediately.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

Interpersonal Psychotherapy: A Case of Postpartum Depression

with Scott Stuart
What, exactly, is Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), and how is it applied across populations? Watch Scott Stuart, MD, present the core elements of this evidence-based method in a course of therapy with a woman dealing with postpartum depression.
Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

Meth Inside Out: III. Windows to Recovery

with UCLA & Eyes of the World Media Group
Meth Inside Out is a groundbreaking video-based treatment curriculum on methamphetamine addiction and recovery. The series is designed to equip meth users, their families, and the professionals who assist them with a solid understanding of the biological basis of addiction, effective tools for recovery, and, most important, hope for the future.
Albert Bandura on Behavior Therapy, Self Efficacy & Modeling

Albert Bandura on Behavior Therapy, Self Efficacy & Modeling

with Albert Bandura
In this enlightening conversation with one of the most prolific and influential psychologists of all time, Dr. Albert Bandura relates the breakthrough moments leading to the development of social cognitive theory and his theories of social learning, guided mastery, and self-efficacy.
David Barlow on Treating Anxiety Disorders

David Barlow on Treating Anxiety Disorders

with David Barlow
This motivating conversation with distinguished anxiety expert Dr. David Barlow covers his development of a novel approach to anxiety treatment, the origins of behavioral therapy techniques, and implications for the future of psychotherapy as a whole
Sidney Bijou on Behavioral Child Therapy

Sidney Bijou on Behavioral Child Therapy

with Sidney Bijou
Sidney Bijou, often credited as the founder of child behavioral therapy, reveals here in conversation with Steven Hayes how he came to develop new treatments for autism and other developmental disorders. Examining his findings across child development fields, Bijou makes recommendations for the next generations of educators, parents, and psychologists.
Joseph Wolpe on Systematic Desensitization

Joseph Wolpe on Systematic Desensitization

with Joseph Wolpe
In a fascinating discussion with Dr. Joseph Wolpe, he reveals how his experiences treating soldiers in World War II eventually led him to develop systematic desensitization as a treatment for anxiety and fear disorders. Wolpe offers viewers specific clinical advice about how and when to integrate cognitive therapy with behavior therapy techniques in the treatment of fear.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques for Emotional Dysregulation

Dialectical Behavior Therapy Techniques for Emotional Dysregulation

with Shelley McMain, PhD and Carmen Wiebe
How can you stay centered while supporting clients through periods of extreme reactivity and self-harm? In this video with Drs. Shelley McMain and Carmen Wiebe, learn to apply key tools from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to work with emotional dysregulation.
Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

Alan Marlatt on Harm Reduction for Substance Abuse

with G. Alan Marlatt
This conversation with Dr. Alan Marlatt details the foundation and practice of the harm reduction method while exploring the fascinating, politically charged progression of addiction theory and treatment in the US.
Hans Eysenck on Behavior Therapy

Hans Eysenck on Behavior Therapy

with Hans Eysenck
Highly prolific and influential in the field of psychology, Hans Eysenck is well known for his bold, contentious theories on intelligence, personality, cancer and therapy. In this video, the “maverick psychologist” offers his insights about the practice of psychotherapy with his characteristically perspicacious flair.

Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment (3-Video Series)

Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment (3-Video Series)

with Rebecca Jorgensen
Deepen your understanding of Emotionally Focused Therapy by watching an entire, unedited 10-session course of therapy. For the first time ever, you’ll see how EFT unfolds through the different steps and stages.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

with Otto Kernberg
Preeminent psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg doesn’t back down in this series of three diagnostic Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) sessions with a paranoid client struggling with suicidal depression after being left by his girlfriend.

Emotionally Focused Therapy with Same-Sex Couples

Emotionally Focused Therapy with Same-Sex Couples

with Sue Johnson
The therapeutic needs of same-sex couples are given some long-overdue attention in this masterful video with EFT originator Dr. Sue Johnson, who offers fresh hope to a gay and a lesbian couple using her signature framework for repairing the partners’ emotional “dance.”
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Finally, some examples of the major psychotherapy theories all in one video! John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan present eleven of the best-known approaches to counseling and psychotherapy side-by-side, with real therapy sessions and extensive commentary covering theory, strategy, and effective techniques.
Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

Core Concepts of Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Expert MI trainer Cathy Cole discusses the principles and spirit of MI, along with core concepts and techniques and ingredients for change.
Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety: Core Concepts

Accelerated Treatment for Anxiety: Core Concepts

with Reid Wilson
Reid Wilson captivates in this dynamic presentation of his distinctive approach to treating anxiety disorders. You’ll reconsider your own strategies as you consider his paradoxical spin on the nature of anxiety and see his powerful methods in action.
Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series)

Perspectives in Behavior Therapy (8-Video Series)

with 0
In this series, some of the most influential figures—and originators—of cognitive behavioral therapy share the pivotal moments, people, and insights that shaped their careers and the culture of modern psychotherapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression

with Ari Zaretsky and Mark Fefergrad
When depression mires clients in self-critical thoughts, how do you help them regain a sense of balance and hope? Discover effective tools from a cognitive-behavioral lens in this instructional video, complete with clinical vignettes.
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume I

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for Addictions: Volume II

with Devin Ashwood
This video set will give you an excellent foundation for mindfulness-based therapy—particularly with clients in recovery. Here, mindfulness experts Dr. Sarah Bowen and Devin Ashwood offer a rich overview and a live group process demonstration using tools from Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention (MBRP).
Resolving Ambivalence in Motivational Interviewing

Resolving Ambivalence in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Learn Motivational Interviewing's tools and techniques for helping clients fully explore their ambivalence as a critical part of the change process.
Engaging the Ambivalent OCD Client

Engaging the Ambivalent OCD Client

with Reid Wilson
Working with therapeutic resistance is often discussed in psychotherapy training, but the ambivalent OCD client poses a unique challenge for clinicians. Here, anxiety expert Reid Wilson demonstrates a counterintuitive cognitive-behavioral approach to confronting safety-seeking behaviors that can help these clients maintain commitment to recovery.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Learn everything you need to know about creating detailed, practical evidence-based treatment plans for depressed clients in this one-of-a-kind video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview and accompanying demonstrations of depression’s most empirically supported treatment methods.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
What exactly is evidence-based treatment planning, and how do you do it? Find out in this comprehensive video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview, clinical vignettes, and commentary on empirically supported treatment for panic disorder.
Treating the Severe OCD Client

Treating the Severe OCD Client

with Reid Wilson
Severe OCD can seem hopelessly intractable, especially when a client has invested significant time in past therapy. Here, anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson employs a variation of cognitive and strategic methods in two live sessions, demonstrating his paradoxical approach to tackling obsessive thinking.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Bipolar Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Ten to twenty percent of people diagnosed with bipolar disorder will commit suicide, and 75% of them will not be properly diagnosed within the first three years of treatment. With stakes this high, it’s essential to understand the complexities of Bipolar Disorder.  Learn how to build effective, evidence-based treatment plans in this indispensable video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Anger Control Problems

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Anger Control Problems

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
How well do you understand the interventions, goals, and documentation requirements of anger management? This video takes you through the treatment-planning process with detailed overviews, clinical considerations, and case vignettes with clients needing help with anger management.
Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

Increasing Importance in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
With three full-length sessions in diverse client settings, Cathy Cole demonstrates strategies for working with clients who are initially reluctant to change.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Eating Disorders and Obesity

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Eating Disorders and Obesity

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness and pose immense challenges to clinicians, family members and, most of all, clients. Learn how to create a clear, well-developed treatment plan to sustain your efforts and maximize your chances for a successful outcome in this comprehensive video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Disruptive Child and Adolescent Behavior

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Working with troubled children can stir up deep emotions and challenge our ability to stay grounded and empathic. Learn evidence-based planning for Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder in this video, complete with live vignettes and commentary.    
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Left unchecked, the distressing symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can condemn its sufferers to a rigid and severely diminished quality of life and without proper training, it is almost impossible for therapists to help clients with OCD overcome their symptoms. Learn the fundamentals of successful treatment in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Addiction is one of the most challenging issues therapists face, yet so few therapists are adequately trained to work with addicts and alcoholics. Learn to build thorough evidence-based treatment plans in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who offer expert instruction on a prevalent disorder.
Building Confidence in Motivational Interviewing

Building Confidence in Motivational Interviewing

with Cathy Cole
Having a plan isn't enough. Learn to help clients build the confidence they need to put a change plan into action. Cathy Cole works with three clients who lack confidence in their ability to achieve their goals.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Clients suffering from PTSD continue to feel the terror of traumatic events long after they’ve experienced them, and need skillful clinical support to manage the pervasive, everyday triggers they face. In this video, learn to diagnose and treat this unsettling disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Social anxiety disorder is the most common anxiety disorder and one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders today, so you’re very likely to encounter clients in need of skilled, thorough treatment planning for their isolating symptoms. Learn how to build an effective, evidence-based plan in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Improve your grasp of evidence-based treatment planning in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present a comprehensive overview of GAD along with step-by-step planning outlines, live clinical vignettes, and detailed commentary.
Lynn Ponton on the Challenges and Joys of Working with Teens

Lynn Ponton on the Challenges and Joys of Working with Teens

Teen expert Lynn Ponton, MD, shares wisdom from over three decades of working with children and adolescents, and describes how technology has changed the life of teenagers and those who work with them.
Supershrinks: What is the secret of their success?

Supershrinks: What is the secret of their success?

with Barry Duncan, PhD and Scott Miller, PhD
Clients of the best therapists improve at a rate at least 50-percent higher and drop out at a rate at least 50-percent lower than those of average clinicians. What is the key to superior performance?
Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy originator Francine Shapiro describes the components of the psychotherapy and the latest research supporting its efficacy for a wide range of mental health issues.
George Silberschatz on Psychotherapy Research and Its Discontents

George Silberschatz on Psychotherapy Research and Its Discontents

Clinician and researcher George Silberschatz, PhD, discusses both the benefits and limitations of psychotherapy research, as well as its misuse by therapists marketing their services.
Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Internationally acclaimed clinician, educator and researcher Bessel van der Kolk, shares some observations from his 40-year passion for understanding and treating people who have experienced trauma.
The Value of Evidence-Based Treatment That Fails

The Value of Evidence-Based Treatment That Fails

with Seth Gillihan
Considering both the successes and limitations of his methods, psychotherapist Seth Gillihan concludes that it is the caring that counts.
Louis Cozolino on the Integration of Neuroscience into Psychotherapy—and its Limitations

Louis Cozolino on the Integration of Neuroscience into Psychotherapy—and its Limitations

Psychologist and neuroscience researcher Louis Cozolino describes the many twists, turns and theoretical orientations he's traversed in his over four decades in the field, the need for psychotherapists to be less passive, and the applications of neuroscience to psychotherapy both now and in the future.
Scott Miller on Why Most Therapists Are Just Average (and How We Can Improve)

Scott Miller on Why Most Therapists Are Just Average (and How We Can Improve)

Scott Miller, expert researcher on what makes a good therapist, breaks down the difference between the masters and the rest of us.
Tony Rousmaniere on Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists

Tony Rousmaniere on Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists

Psychotherapist and expert on experts, Tony Rousmaniere, explores the importance of "deliberate practice" (you know, what musicians and athletes do to master their crafts) for psychotherapists.
Ronald Siegel on Integrating Mindfulness into Psychotherapy

Ronald Siegel on Integrating Mindfulness into Psychotherapy

Mindfulness expert and psychotherapist, Ronald D. Siegel, shares his insights about how—and when—to integrate mindfulness practices into psychotherapy.
Bruce Wampold on What Actually Makes Us Good Therapists

Bruce Wampold on What Actually Makes Us Good Therapists

Expert clinician and researcher Bruce Wampold talks about his "contextual model" of psychotherapy which, rooted in the most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific research, incorporates the most effective elements across all therapy modalities.
Preventing Psychotherapy Dropouts with Client Feedback

Preventing Psychotherapy Dropouts with Client Feedback

with Tony Rousmaniere
One beginning therapist shares his success with the Session Rating Scale in improving his practice.
David Jobes on Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality

David Jobes on Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality

Researcher and clinician David Jobes discusses what works and what doesn't when in the treatment of suicidal clients, and how to manage suicidality with his CAMS program.
The Anxiety Disorder Game

The Anxiety Disorder Game

with Reid Wilson
Anxiety Disorder expert Reid Wilson, PhD, offers a unique twist on traditional cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders. 
Embracing Your Demons: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Embracing Your Demons: An Overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

with Russell Harris
ACT trainer Russell Harris distills the essential components of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into a simple framework, with case studies to help illustrate the theory and practice of ACT.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

with Bessel van der Kolk
Read an excerpt from the highly acclaimed new book by world renowned trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, MD.
Allan Schore on the Science of the Art of Psychotherapy

Allan Schore on the Science of the Art of Psychotherapy

Psychologist Allan Schore shares his research on the neuroscientific underpinnings of psychotherapy, the art of integrating neuroscience and psychoanalysis, and recent scientific attempts to “find” the unconscious mind.
Losing Faith: Arguing for a New Way to Think About Therapy

Losing Faith: Arguing for a New Way to Think About Therapy

with Scott Miller
Psychologist Scott Miller, who has spent years researching what works in psychotherapy, details the dark days after losing his faith in the profession, and his long journey back to loving and believing in his vocation once again.
Edna Foa on Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Edna Foa on Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Edna Foa discusses Prolonged Exposure Therapy for the treatment of PTSD, OCD, and other anxiety disorders.
Larry Beutler on Science and Psychotherapy

Larry Beutler on Science and Psychotherapy

Larry Beutler discusses how to incorporate scientific findings into psychotherapy practice and teaching, and what horse training has to do with any of this.
John Gottman on Couples Therapy

John Gottman on Couples Therapy

The preeminent couples therapy researcher John Gottman discusses what works in couples therapy, what makes for happy marriages, and what he learned from his own marriage.
Gary Greenberg on the DSM and Its Woes

Gary Greenberg on the DSM and Its Woes

Psychotherapist and muckraking author, Gary Greenberg, shares the critical insights—and skepticism—that formed the basis of his two best-selling books, Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease and The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry.
Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Donald Meichenbaum on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Renowned expert Donald Meichenbaum discusses Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), treatment for trauma, and the search for expert psychotherapists.
Mardi Horowitz on Psychotherapy Research and Happiness

Mardi Horowitz on Psychotherapy Research and Happiness

Mardi Horowitz discusses his research on psychotherapy for stress and trauma, his recent book on happiness, and what therapists can teach their clients about attaining it.
Kenneth Doka on Grief Counseling and Psychotherapy

Kenneth Doka on Grief Counseling and Psychotherapy

A leading expert on grief counseling and therapy, discusses how understanding individual grieving styles is essential to grief counselors and all therapists helping clients deal effectively with loss.
Sue Johnson on Emotionally Focused Therapy

Sue Johnson on Emotionally Focused Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy founder Sue Johnson discusses the attachment underpinnings of EFT, the approach's core techniques, and the new science of love.
Cathy Cole on Motivational Interviewing

Cathy Cole on Motivational Interviewing

An expert MI trainer and practitioner discusses the foundations and applications of Motivational Interviewing. Learn how MI can be used with clients struggling with addiction and PTSD, and get a sneak peek into the MI training process.
Philip Kendall on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Philip Kendall on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

CBT scholar and expert Dr. Philip Kendall discusses the evolution of CBT theory over the years, his work with Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck and his empirically validated treatment program for kids and adolescents with anxiety.
Reid Wilson on Strategic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Reid Wilson on Strategic Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

Leading anxiety disorder expert Reid Wilson, PhD,  discusses strategic cognitive therapy and his paradoxical interventions and exposure techniques that target some of the most vexing and treatment-resistant anxiety disorders.
Michael Lambert on Preventing Treatment Failures (and Why You're Not as Good as You Think)

Michael Lambert on Preventing Treatment Failures (and Why You're Not as Good as You Think)

Dr. Michael Lambert's groundbreaking work on tracking client outcomes has revealed a huge blindspot for psychotherapists: We don't notice when our patients are getting worse. But he's got the solution if you're willing to try something new.
Steven Hayes on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Steven Hayes on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) founder Steven Hayes discusses the history and evolution of ACT and its use as a force for social justice in our complex and pain-filled modern world. 
Bethany Brand on the Identification and Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Bethany Brand on the Identification and Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Acclaimed researcher and clinician, Bethany Brand, shares her knowledge of, and experience with patients impacted by trauma, suffering from dissociation and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).