Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

with Peter Levine
What can psychotherapists and counselors do to help clients relieve their suffering by accessing the healing power of their bodies? Learn how, regardless of your therapeutic orientation, to help clients tap into the wellspring of their body’s energy by watching renowned clinician and researcher, Peter Levine, demonstrate his groundbreaking methods. 
Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer, Carolyn Ng
Help your clients better navigate life after loss and cultivate the seeds of transformative growth with the rich trove of tools demonstrated in this four-volume series by renowned grief experts Robert Neimeyer and Carolyn Ng. Working with seven clients suffering a range of losses, they’ll guide you through a powerful meaning-based approach to grief therapy that goes far beyond normalizing, educating and symptom management, to nurture growth from grief. 
Crisis Counseling: 7 Steps to Effective Intervention

Crisis Counseling: 7 Steps to Effective Intervention

with Derrick Paladino
How can you provide immediate relief to clients devastated by a crisis? This online course provides therapists and counselors with a blueprint they can use to confidently intervene, stabilize and support clients overwhelmed in the wake of crises.
Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

with Peter Levine
Therapists know how difficult it can be to help clients heal from trauma, especially when using traditional cognitive or insight-oriented approaches. Learn powerful techniques for treating trauma from Peter Levine, developer of Somatic Experiencing®, as he demonstrates his body-oriented trauma therapy with an Iraq War veteran diagnosed with severe PTSD.
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 2: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 2: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer
One of the greatest challenges to working with grieving clients is helping to free them from the pain of the “event story,” or the circumstances and details of their loved one’s death — especially when the loss is traumatic. In this video, the second in a four-volume series, clinicians will learn to skillfully and compassionately help grieving clients gain some therapeutic distance from the event story of their loss through the process of restorative re-telling.
Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

with Frank Ochberg
Watch a veteran’s two-year-long therapeutic process of healing from chronic PTSD, and enhance your skills in working with traumatized populations.
Bessel van der Kolk on Understanding Trauma

Bessel van der Kolk on Understanding Trauma

with Bessel van der Kolk
Each year, thousands of people are traumatized, many of whom will seek relief through therapy. Learn from renowned and outspoken researcher and clinician Bessel van der Kolk how to improve your clinical effectiveness with these clients by remembering that “the body keeps the score.”
Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

with Jason Buckles

How can clinicians obtain essential diagnostic information while establishing and maintaining therapeutic rapport? Watch clinical demonstrations of some of the most common disorders therapists encounter— Adjustment, Panic, Generalized Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders—and learn how to gather diagnostic data without compromising client care.

Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

Trauma and the Body: A Psychodramatic Approach

with Tian Dayton
Watch expert psychodramatist Tian Dayton work with group participants to help work through the traumas they carry within their bodies.
Look Back to Move Ahead: Social Work for Survivors of Trauma

Look Back to Move Ahead: Social Work for Survivors of Trauma

with Carol Tosone
Two vignettes portray social work students working with clients affected by trauma and learning from their supervisors how to approach the sensitive material these clients present.
PTSD in Children: Move in the Rhythm of the Child

PTSD in Children: Move in the Rhythm of the Child

with Frank Ochberg
Learn about symptoms, circumstances and therapeutic techniques for children with acute post-traumatic stress disorder.
Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

with Frank Ochberg & Angie Panos
Watch two trauma experts offer family and community members clear, useful information about the nature and symptoms of PTSD, as well as concrete advice about how they can assist their loved ones in the recovery process.
Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

with Frank Ochberg, Angelea Panos
Learn how to psychoeducate clients and their loved ones and caretakers about PTSD as well as the basic building blocks of PTSD treatment.
PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

with Frank Ochberg
Leading expert Frank Ochberg discusses what every therapist needs to know when treating vets with PTSD--what resources they already have in their professional toolkit that they can draw on, and what new skills are needed.
Explaining PTSD & The Counting Method (2-Video Series)

Explaining PTSD & The Counting Method (2-Video Series)

with Frank Ochberg & Angie Panos
In this engaging 2-video series, learn how to educate patients and their loved ones about PTSD, structure a coherent course of treatment, and employ Frank Ochberg's "counting method," a simple yet effective tool used to master the flashbacks and intrusive recollections so common in PTSD.
When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers

When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers

with Charles Figley
Six noted therapists and experts offer their stories and advice on dealing with Compassion Fatigue, and discuss ways of recognizing and addressing this condition in yourself and others.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Clients suffering from PTSD continue to feel the terror of traumatic events long after they’ve experienced them, and need skillful clinical support to manage the pervasive, everyday triggers they face. In this video, learn to diagnose and treat this unsettling disorder.
Children of the Camps: The Documentary

Children of the Camps: The Documentary

with Satsuki Ina
A powerful, thought-provoking video perfect for use in cultural competency and awareness classes. We are sure it will provide you and your students a deeper understanding of the impact of racism, and discussions that travel far outside the classroom.
The Counting Method: A Treatment Technique for PTSD

The Counting Method: A Treatment Technique for PTSD

with Frank Ochberg
Learn how to use a powerful technique for treating PTSD by watching an actual therapy session in the middle of a long-term course of treatment.
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

with Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue Johnson has been hailed as “the most original contributor to couples therapy to come along in the last 30 years.” Now you’ll have the chance to watch her conduct an actual session with a challenging couple haunted by the “echoes of war.” 
Creative Healing in Mental Health

Creative Healing in Mental Health

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Here is a rare opportunity to witness world-famous art and drama therapists working with clients from all walks of life on their journeys to healing, including an adolescent boy with Asperger’s, families affected by cancer, an Alzheimer’s patient, and combat veterans. 
He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

He Wouldnt Turn Me Loose: The Sexual Abuse Case of 96-Year-Old Miss Mary

with Terra Nova Films
This video provides an intimate look into the traumatic story of Mary, an elderly woman abused by her adult grandson. As she bravely speaks about her experience, you’ll learn about the dynamics of elder abuse from advocates and professionals who worked with and supported Mary.
Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

Healing Childhood Abuse and Trauma through Psychodrama (2-Video Series)

with Tian Dayton
In these extremely powerful live group sessions, master clinician and psychodramatist Tian Dayton works with group participants to confront childhood abuse, and work through trauma that they are carrying in their bodies.
Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One: An REBT Approach

Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One: An REBT Approach

with Albert Ellis
Learn to use Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) from the man who developed the method in a therapy session with Roseanne, whose husband committed suicide in front of her and her baby daughter ten years ago. 
Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

Freeing Ourselves from the Ghosts of Our Past

with Monica McGoldrick
When clients don’t confront and mourn their losses and family tragedies, they become stuck, fixed in time and unable to move forward. In this riveting narration of the life and work of pioneering family therapist Norman Paul, Monica McGoldrick teaches us how to help clients examine, explore, and ultimately break free from the unacknowledged and unmourned losses in their families, so that they may live fully in the present.
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 3: Realigning Relationships with the Deceased

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 3: Realigning Relationships with the Deceased

with Robert A. Neimeyer
Working with grieving clients who enjoyed a positive relationship with their lost loved one usually centers around sadness, yearning, and separation distress. This video, the third in our four-volume series, will deepen clinicians’ skills in working with this form of “adaptive grief” while also helping other clients navigate the more challenging terrain of complicated bereavement, dominated by prolonged, and debilitating loss-related symptomatology. 
Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 4: Reinventing the Self After Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass Volume 4: Reinventing the Self After Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer, Carolyn Ng
Therapists working with grief may become overly focused on the loss, missing out on growth opportunities for the client. This video, the final in our four-volume series, will further prepare clinicians to work with grieving clients by guiding them in the reconstruction of their identity and relationships as they begin to integrate their loss.    
An Archived ITR Graphic Narrative Session

An Archived ITR Graphic Narrative Session

with Linda Gantt
This session demonstrates the core of ITR for treating trauma. Linda helps Diane to create a “Graphic Narrative” – a trauma story done in a series of drawings on separate pieces of paper, based on the Instinctual Trauma Response – ITR. A “before” and an “after” drawing serve as bookends to make the story complete and – most importantly – to finally bring the trauma to an end.
Art as Therapy for the Trauma of War

Art as Therapy for the Trauma of War

with Judith Aron Rubin
This is a grouping of films with the common thread of how art has been used throughout history as therapy for the trauma of war. From prisoners in World War II to those that survived the War in Vietnam, the collection shines a light on veterans who turned to art to help them process their intense feelings. 

Art Therapy in a Military Hospital

Art Therapy in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
The Art and Activities Therapy Programs introduces participants to the power of self-expression, self-understanding and introspection, as well as helps them cope with stress, ameliorate feelings of isolation, increase self-esteem and self-worth, and solicit mutual support.
Arts Interviews with Four Young Women

Arts Interviews with Four Young Women

with Carole Kunkle-Miller, Myra Levick, Rosemarie Perla
Two art therapists demonstrate three different approaches while working with four young women to  identify and address problems they are experiencing. Through drawing, they gain insight into the issues involved as well as ways of confronting them.
Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
This informative film shows two sessions from an open-ended art therapy group from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. All soldiers in this group were leaving the military and each had to decide and make a personal commitment to attend the group. Paula Howie, HLM, ATR-BC, is the art therapist.
Breakthrough: Art, Analysis, and the Liberation of the Creative Spirit

Breakthrough: Art, Analysis, and the Liberation of the Creative Spirit

with Judith Aron Rubin
This film, sponsored by the Lucy Daniels Foundation, captures the intimate experience of eight artists who have had psychoanalytic treatment. 
No Unwounded Soldiers

No Unwounded Soldiers

with Rebecca L. Abbott
This documentary follows a group of American war veterans as they explore the deep and lasting effects that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars had on them, their families, and their communities, and how the arts can help with their healing.
The Journey of Butterfly

The Journey of Butterfly

with Robert E. Frye
Cine Golden Eagle award winning The Journey of Butterfly weaves together music, art, poetry and the history of children imprisoned in the Ghetto Terezin from 1941 to 1945, where they created the art, performed operas and concerts. 
Dancing on Blood

Dancing on Blood

with Arthur Robbins
Dr. Arthur Robbins, a pioneer in art therapy, demonstrates how aesthetic communication transforms psychodynamic treatment.
Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy

Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy

with Hadar Lubin
In this lecture, Dr. Hadar Lubin, PhD, presents an in-depth foundational overview of the principles and techniques of Trauma-Centered Psychotherapy.
Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

Visual Memories: Japanese-American Internment Survivors and Art Therapy

with Janice Hoshino
Visual Memories: Internment Survivors and Art Therapy is a documentary following six individuals who had been sent to internment camps during World War II and what they recall of these experiences while making art.
Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

Womens Rites & Body Speaks: Expressive Arts Groups for Growth

with Georgina Jahner, Comer Rudd-Gates
This video is a compilation of two films—gemstones of information for those valuing the expressive arts as avenues of treatment for persons seeking healing in mental health settings. 
Art Interviews by Child Psychiatrists

Art Interviews by Child Psychiatrists

with Multiple Therapists
In this video, several noted psychiatrists use art in their work with children, illustrating the nature of their interaction, how they develop a relationship, and their use of interpretation.
Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults

Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults

with James Consoli & Robert Ault
Featuring noted art therapists James Consoli and Robert Ault, Case Studies: Art Therapy with Adults shows experts working with adult clients in art therapy. Consoli works with a woman with a phobia that kept her from working and going to school, while Ault’s client, also a young woman, was able to draw how she felt at times and was eventually able to overcome her urges to injure herself through regular participation in art therapy sessions. Through interviews and excerpts of sessions we watch as lives are changed.
Mary Jo Barrett on the Collaborative Treatment of Incest and Complex Developmental Trauma

Mary Jo Barrett on the Collaborative Treatment of Incest and Complex Developmental Trauma

Join internationally renowned expert Mary Jo Barrett in a riveting conversation with our editor, Lawrence Rubin, on the collaborative treatment of incest and complex developmental trauma.
Peter Levine on Somatic Experiencing

Peter Levine on Somatic Experiencing

Master somatic therapist Peter Levine discusses the physiological origins of trauma, and how his Somatic Experiencing approach provides effective treatment.
Frank Ochberg on Treating PTSD

Frank Ochberg on Treating PTSD

Dr. Ochberg, a leading PTSD and trauma specialist, discusses the Japan tsunami, veteran issues, Stockholm syndrome, therapist burnout, and the importance of a comprehensive treatment approach for trauma survivors.
Emotional Flashback Management in the Treatment of Complex PTSD

Emotional Flashback Management in the Treatment of Complex PTSD

with Pete Walker
Pete Walker provides a convincing argument for the recognition and proper treatment of emotional flashbacks and complex PTSD, which result from childhood neglect and emotional abuse.
Katja-Writing: Being Author and Audience to Fictionalized Stories of Trauma- Part I

Katja-Writing: Being Author and Audience to Fictionalized Stories of Trauma- Part I

with Christoffer Haugaard, Irene and David Epston
Join Christoffer Haugaard and David Epston as they work with Irene to build stories through which she heals from brutal childhood trauma
Donald Meichenbaum on Coping with Loss and Traumatic Bereavement

Donald Meichenbaum on Coping with Loss and Traumatic Bereavement

Join renowned clinician and researcher Donald Meichenbaum in a riveting and very personal conversation with our editor, Lawrence Rubin, on grief, trauma, bereavement, and resilience.
Supporting Recently Traumatized Youth in a Crisis of Dissociation and Self-Harm

Supporting Recently Traumatized Youth in a Crisis of Dissociation and Self-Harm

with Julian D. Ford
A skilled therapist guides us through a riveting session with a young, brutally traumatized client as she struggles to regain a foothold into her previous life.  
Can You See Me? Arab Immigrants’ Quests for Identity and Belonging

Can You See Me? Arab Immigrants’ Quests for Identity and Belonging

with Lama Khouri
A Palestinian analyst shares her poignant experiences as an immigrant, and the personal and professional challenges they brought. 
Janina Fisher on Innovations in Treating Trauma

Janina Fisher on Innovations in Treating Trauma

Trauma expert and clinical psychologist, Janina Fisher, shares her wisdom from decades of treating clients with trauma and complex PTSD.
Providing Culturally Sensitive Narrative Therapy and EMDR to Original Peoples

Providing Culturally Sensitive Narrative Therapy and EMDR to Original Peoples

with Juliette Jacobs & Linda Moxley-Haegert
A culturally sensitive therapist connects deeply with an indigenous client, using Narrative Therapy techniques and EMDR to support her in healing herself and her community. 
Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy originator Francine Shapiro describes the components of the psychotherapy and the latest research supporting its efficacy for a wide range of mental health issues.
Transforming War Trauma: The Healing Power of Community

Transforming War Trauma: The Healing Power of Community

with Joseph Bobrow
Psychoanalyst and Zen master, Joseph Bobrow, PhD, describes his groundbreaking work providing healing retreats for traumatized veterans and their families. 
Healing Trauma Through the Body: The Way In is the Way Out

Healing Trauma Through the Body: The Way In is the Way Out

with Ariel Giarretto
Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing Approach is brought to life in this in-depth case study of body oriented therapy.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

with Bessel van der Kolk
Read an excerpt from the highly acclaimed new book by world renowned trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, MD.
Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

with Pete Walker
In this excerpt from his newly-released book, Pete Walker offers therapists an accessible, compassionate and refreshingly de-pathologizing framework for treating clients whose childhood abuse and neglect have created lifelong suffering and instability.
Edna Foa on Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Edna Foa on Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Edna Foa discusses Prolonged Exposure Therapy for the treatment of PTSD, OCD, and other anxiety disorders.
Thomas Doherty on Ecopsychology and the Ethical Imperative of Ecotherapy

Thomas Doherty on Ecopsychology and the Ethical Imperative of Ecotherapy

Clinical and environmental psychologist, Thomas Doherty, invites – or better yet, compels – clinicians to bring concerns about the natural world into therapy.
Shades of Gray: When a therapist and her client are survivors of child abuse

Shades of Gray: When a therapist and her client are survivors of child abuse

with Lisa Cassidy
When are we far enough down the path of our own healing that we can safely go back and help someone else along? A therapist shares the story of confronting this urgent question with a traumatized client suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder.
9/11 One Year Later: A Psychotherapist Reflects on His Experiences at Ground Zero

9/11 One Year Later: A Psychotherapist Reflects on His Experiences at Ground Zero

with Tab Ballis
We weren't expected to have any words of wisdom... and nobody did.
Psychotherapy with Former Cult Members

Psychotherapy with Former Cult Members

with Patrick O'Reilly
A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population.
Encounters with Suicide: A Psychotherapist Remembers Not to Forget

Encounters with Suicide: A Psychotherapist Remembers Not to Forget

with Catherine Ambrose
A psychotherapist treating a suicidal client struggles with memories--and forgetting--of suicide in her own family.
The Imprisoned Brain: Psychotherapy with Inmates in Jail

The Imprisoned Brain: Psychotherapy with Inmates in Jail

with Sudhanva Rajagopal
Sudhanva Rajagopal, a clinical psychology graduate student, ponders our animal nature as he relates the poignant complexity of working with inmates in jail.
Mardi Horowitz on Psychotherapy Research and Happiness

Mardi Horowitz on Psychotherapy Research and Happiness

Mardi Horowitz discusses his research on psychotherapy for stress and trauma, his recent book on happiness, and what therapists can teach their clients about attaining it.
Tara Brach on Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Awakening

Tara Brach on Mindfulness, Psychotherapy and Awakening

Buddhist meditation teacher and clinical psychologist, Tara Brach, PhD, discusses her evolution as a clinical psychologist and spiritual teacher, the painful illness that inspired her latest book, her commitment to help heal the planet and to love life—no matter what.
Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Internationally acclaimed clinician, educator and researcher Bessel van der Kolk, shares some observations from his 40-year passion for understanding and treating people who have experienced trauma.
Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

Famed psychiatrist, psycho-historian, writer and activist Robert J. Lifton talks about being a witness to an extreme century, combining scholarship with activism, the psychology of violence, and the next great threat to the planet: climate change.
Louis Cozolino on the Integration of Neuroscience into Psychotherapy—and its Limitations

Louis Cozolino on the Integration of Neuroscience into Psychotherapy—and its Limitations

Psychologist and neuroscience researcher Louis Cozolino describes the many twists, turns and theoretical orientations he's traversed in his over four decades in the field, the need for psychotherapists to be less passive, and the applications of neuroscience to psychotherapy both now and in the future.
Cathy Cole on Motivational Interviewing

Cathy Cole on Motivational Interviewing

An expert MI trainer and practitioner discusses the foundations and applications of Motivational Interviewing. Learn how MI can be used with clients struggling with addiction and PTSD, and get a sneak peek into the MI training process.
Reflections of a Psychology Resident in Trauma and Acute Care

Reflections of a Psychology Resident in Trauma and Acute Care

with Nina Silander, PsyD
En route to becoming a psychologist, a resident reflects on her clinical trials by fire in a Level-1 trauma center.
Janelle Johnson on College Counseling

Janelle Johnson on College Counseling

Janelle Johnson helps us to understand the complexities and challenges of counseling college students.
Trauma and the Reproductive Story

Trauma and the Reproductive Story

with Janet Jaffe
Clinician Janet Jaffe works with clients who have experienced traumatic reproductive loss, helping them to rewrite their narrative on the road to healing.
Usha Tummala-Narra on Living Multicultural Competence

Usha Tummala-Narra on Living Multicultural Competence

Clinician and researcher Usha Tummala-Narra addresses the challenges of not only practicing, but of living multicultural competence. 
Integrating Technology into Mental Healthcare: Theory and Practice

Integrating Technology into Mental Healthcare: Theory and Practice

with Russell DuBois
Integrating technology into mental health care is no longer a distant frontier.
Bret Moore on Military Psychology and Getting the Mission Done*

Bret Moore on Military Psychology and Getting the Mission Done*

Military psychologist and prescriber Bret Moore shares his rich trove of clinical insights and experiences earned during both peacetime and war.
Beyond Resilience: Addressing Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Beyond Resilience: Addressing Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

with Melissa Abraham, PhD & Rachel E. Smith, MS, PA-C
In the coming months, psychotherapists will need to work knowledgeably and compassionately with clients wrestling with moral distress. 
Treating the Somatic Sequelae of Moral Injury

Treating the Somatic Sequelae of Moral Injury

with George Kraus
Psychotherapist George Kraus utilizes dynamic integrative somatic psychotherapy to help his client overcome moral wounding rooted in childhood abuse.
Imagine If We Could All Love This Way: Connection, Healing and Love in the Therapeutic Relationship

Imagine If We Could All Love This Way: Connection, Healing and Love in the Therapeutic Relationship

with Anna Zonen
Therapist Anna Zonen is not afraid to love her clients.
Dangerous Intimacies: Racism, Risk, and Recovery

Dangerous Intimacies: Racism, Risk, and Recovery

with Rebecca J. Lester
Rebecca Lester shares her powerful clinical work with a client at the intersection of social work and cultural anthropology.
Emergent Anxiety: Facing a Post-COVID Life

Emergent Anxiety: Facing a Post-COVID Life

with Jeffrey Chernin
As COVID recedes, new anxieties emerge and therapists will be on the front line to help.
Therapeutic Reflections of a Former Gang Member

Therapeutic Reflections of a Former Gang Member

with Steve Alexander, Jr.
Learn from a former gang member, now therapist, how to capitalize on hard-learned life lessons.
A Path Towards Self-Compassion and Healing

A Path Towards Self-Compassion and Healing

with Teresa Gill
Help victims of childhood abuse thrive by giving them the opportunity to value themselves and teaching them how to create compassionate connections with the people in their lives.
Stefani Goerlich on Becoming a Kink-Affirming Therapist

Stefani Goerlich on Becoming a Kink-Affirming Therapist

Becoming a kink-affirming therapist is critical to practicing in a diverse clinical arena.
How to Avoid Burnout and Find Joy in Corporatized Care Settings

How to Avoid Burnout and Find Joy in Corporatized Care Settings

with Ezra Lockhart
A look at the paradox of providing mental health care in corporatized settings, and what it would take to improve the wellbeing of providers and those they serve.
Confusion of Tongues

Confusion of Tongues

with Galit Atlas
Therapists working with abuse survivors will learn invaluable lessons about the intergenerational transmission of trauma in this powerful excerpt from Galit Atlas’ Emotional Inheritance.
Truth and Fiction in Psychotherapy

Truth and Fiction in Psychotherapy

with Keith Fadelici
Therapists can best serve their clients by listening for their realities rather than pursuing elusive truths.
Survival Strategies

Survival Strategies

with Louis Cozolino
The challenge of therapeutic competence requires basic survival strategies that Louis Cozolino shares in his latest, The Making of a Therapist: A Practical Guide for the Inner Journey.
On the Continuum of Real to Imagined Abandonment

On the Continuum of Real to Imagined Abandonment

with Pamela Garber
A therapist’s personal struggles can provide a roadmap not only for their own growth, but for that of their clients.
Stephen Schueller on the Power and Promise of Mental Health Apps

Stephen Schueller on the Power and Promise of Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps offer many promises, but there are warning signs to be heeded.
Self-Esteem is Overrated. Here's Why Self-Compassion is Better

Self-Esteem is Overrated. Here's Why Self-Compassion is Better

with Robert N. Johansen
Ditch the binary metrics of good and bad self-esteem. When you and your clients focus on self-compassion instead, you’ll build better outcomes, nurture empathy and develop a more authentic therapeutic presence.
Healing Conversations: Giving Life to the Life of a Person Who Died by Suicide*

Healing Conversations: Giving Life to the Life of a Person Who Died by Suicide*

with Linda Moxley-Haegert
A compassionate therapist gently and skillfully guides suffering parents through the shadow of their son’s suicide.
Using A Holistic Approach to Therapy with Clients Experiencing Chronic Illness, Disability, and Mental Health Challenges

Using A Holistic Approach to Therapy with Clients Experiencing Chronic Illness, Disability, and Mental Health Challenges

with Lavinia Magliocco
Working with clients at the intersection of chronic health problems, disability, and mental health issues offers great challenges and powerful benefits.
Challenging a Beloved Therapist: A Catalyst to Growth

Challenging a Beloved Therapist: A Catalyst to Growth

with Vivian Conan
Poignant and instructive for both clients and clinicians, Vivian Conan shares her 29-year therapeutic journey from fragmentation and fear to wholeness and connection.
Teaching Prisoners to Lead Grief Support Groups

Teaching Prisoners to Lead Grief Support Groups

with Helene Chen, M.D & Marilyn A. Mendoza, PhD
A talented and compassionate clinician teaches prison inmates innovative support group methods to comfort their terminally ill peers.
A Unique Mental Health Conference That Supports People With DID

A Unique Mental Health Conference That Supports People With DID

with Vivian Conan
The Healing Together conference compassionately unites people with Dissociative Identities, their loved ones, and the mental healthcare professionals who treat them.
Reasons Why Safety Precedes Forgiveness for Survivors of Abuse

Reasons Why Safety Precedes Forgiveness for Survivors of Abuse

with Amanda Ann Gregory
In this excerpt from her You Don’t Need to Forgive, Amanda Gregory offers useful guidance to fellow therapists working with survivors of trauma and abuse.
Bethany Brand on the Identification and Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Bethany Brand on the Identification and Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Acclaimed researcher and clinician, Bethany Brand, shares her knowledge of, and experience with patients impacted by trauma, suffering from dissociation and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).