The Transformative Power of Empathy in Therapy By Ashleigh Duncan on 10/2/24 - 7:24 AM

Therapy as a Place of Safety and Respite

Each person’s therapeutic process will be unique, as will their stories, experiences, and needs. With that in mind, the approach I take with each of my clients varies. I offer a bespoke approach, tailored to the individual needs of each client, built around their personality and presentation. But regardless of their differences and needs, I will always use, and deeply value softness.
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I have come to realise the immense importance of being gentle with my clients. Life, with all its challenges and hardships, can often leave individuals feeling battered, tired, and worn. Many of them seek therapy in a state of heightened vulnerability. It is during these moments that therapy becomes a sanctuary, one that offers them a soft place to land.

As a therapist, I believe deeply that it is my duty to create an environment of warmth, understanding, and compassion. I recognise that my clients may be carrying heavy burdens, and that it is my role to offer them temporary solace and respite from the outside world. I strive to be a gentle presence, providing a safe space where they can lower their defences and be truly seen and heard.

In this gentle space, I encourage my clients to explore their emotions at their own pace. I do not rush or push them to confront their pain before they are ready. Instead, I hold space for their vulnerability, allowing them to express themselves without judgment or criticism. I offer a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and a genuine desire to understand their experiences.

In moments of distress, I remind my clients that it is okay, and perhaps even necessary, to be gentle with themselves. I encourage self-compassion and self-care as essential tools for navigating life’s challenges. Together, we explore gentle practices such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and self-soothing strategies that can provide comfort and support during difficult times.

Being gentle in therapy also means recognising and respecting each client’s unique journey. I understand that what works for one person may not work for another. I adapt my therapeutic approach to meet the needs and preferences of my clients, honouring their autonomy and empowering them in their healing process.

Through gentle guidance and unconditional support, I aim to instil hope in my clients. Life may be hard, but therapy can be a refuge amidst the storm. It is a place where they can find solace, gain clarity, and develop the strength to face their challenges with resilience and grace.

In the gentle space of therapy, I strive to be a source of comfort and empowerment for my clients. I believe in their inherent worth and their capacity for growth and healing. By offering them a soft place to land, I hope to help them navigate life’s complexities with kindness, understanding, and a renewed sense of hope.

As a therapist, I am privileged to witness the incredible resilience and strength of the human spirit. Every day, I can guide individuals on their unique journey towards healing and self-discovery. One such client who stands out in my mind is a past client, Emily.

The Use of Compassion and Kindness in Therapy

When Emily first entered my office, I could sense the weight she carried on her shoulders. Her eyes held a mixture of pain, fear, longing for relief, and a need to understand and be understood. It was clear that she had been through significant hardships and was in desperate need of support.

With empathy as my compass, I created a safe and nonjudgmental space for Emily to explore her emotions and share her story. I listened intently, acknowledging the depth of her pain and validated her experiences. I understood that healing begins with feeling seen and heard, and I made it my priority to provide those for Emily. Emily’s hardships had clearly and profoundly taken their tolls—she was tired, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Through our sessions, I encouraged Emily to delve into her emotions and confront the underlying traumas that had shaped her life. It was not an easy process, as she had built walls of self-protection to shield herself from further pain. However, with gentle guidance, she was gradually willing and increasingly able to navigate through the layers of her past and unravel the patterns that held her back.

As our therapeutic relationship grew, Emily began to trust me and felt safe enough to peel back the layers of her vulnerability. She shared her deepest fears, insecurities, and darkest moments with me. In those moments, I realized the immense responsibility I held as her therapist, and I vowed to hold space for her pain and support her in her journey towards healing. There were moments when Emily faced overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume her. She felt lost, as if she would never find her way out of the darkness. In those moments, I provided a steady presence, a beacon of hope, reminding her that healing takes time and that she was not alone in her struggles.

Together, we explored various therapeutic techniques and coping strategies that would help Emily regain control over her life. We worked on building her resilience, nurturing self-compassion, and cultivating healthier ways of relating to herself and others. It was a collaborative process, and I marvelled at Emily’s courage and determination to confront her pain and grow from it. Over time, her wounds began to heal, and I witnessed her transformation into a resilient and empowered individual. She reclaimed her sense of self-worth and discovered her true potential.


Emily’s story serves as a reminder to me of the transformative power of therapy. It reaffirms my belief that every individual has the capacity to heal and grow, given the right support and guidance. As a therapist, I am honoured to walk alongside my clients, witnessing their strength and resilience as they navigate their path towards self-discovery and emotional well-being.

Questions for Thought and Discussion

In what ways is the author's orientation to therapy similar to your own?

How do you assure that therapy will be a place of safety for your clients?

How do you address situations where clients enter therapy feeling very unsafe?  

File under: The Art of Psychotherapy, Musings and Reflections