Nicholas Sarantakis

Nicholas Sarantakis Dr. Nicholas Sarantakis is a Counseling Psychologist living and working in Milton Keynes (UK).He has been practicing as an integrative psychotherapist within a humanistic philosophy for more than10 years with individuals, couples and families and groups. He is also the Programme Leader of the Counselling Psychology Doctorate and Senior Lecturer at the Metanoia Institute/Middlesex University (London, UK) and he
has previously worked at the universities of Northampton, Teesside and York St. John and as a scientific consultant for the Greek Green Party and as an employment mediator for the Ministry of Labour (Greece). He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and professional websites about various topics, such as pluralistic, family and group therapy and an anti-discriminatory stance in psychotherapy. He possesses a professional doctorate in Counselling Psychology, a professional qualification in group, family and couple's therapy, a degree in Sociology and a diploma in Jazz composition (Berklee College of Music, Boston, USA). Recently, he has been exploring the psychotherapeutic experience through poetry and he is writing a book of psychotherapy tales., 

Where Do the Therapist’s Tears Come From

By Nicholas Sarantakis