Kevin Hull, PhD

Kevin Hull, PhD Dr. Kevin Hull has 25 years of counseling experience and has been a professor for 15 years. Dr. Hull has published Play Therapy and Asperger’s Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal through the Art of Play (2011, Jason Aronson); Bridge Building: Creating Connection and Relationship between Parents and Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2012, Liberty Press); Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum (2014, Jason Aronson); and Where There is Despair, Hope (2015, Liberty Mountain Publishing). Dr. Hull enjoys swimming, golf, long walks, biking, and spending time with his wife, Wendy and their four children.

Play Therapy and the Pandemic:

By Kevin Hull, PhD