Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
How do you do an assessment, collect historical data, develop a treatment plan and create a warm working alliance with clients all in the first session? Learn from experts John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan how to quickly create the foundation for a successful therapy and engage clients collaboratively in the treatment process.
Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

Psychiatric Diagnosis and Interviewing

with Jason Buckles
Is it possible to get the diagnostic data you need during the first session in a way that leaves clients feeling like they want to come back for a second session? This video takes a close look at how the DSM-5-TR and the diagnostic process can be used to improve mental healthcare. Through step-by-step clinical demonstrations, you’ll develop client-oriented diagnostic interviewing skills that lay the foundation for a strong therapeutic alliance and successful course of treatment. 
Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

with Peter Levine
What can psychotherapists and counselors do to help clients relieve their suffering by accessing the healing power of their bodies? Learn how, regardless of your therapeutic orientation, to help clients tap into the wellspring of their body’s energy by watching renowned clinician and researcher, Peter Levine, demonstrate his groundbreaking methods. 
Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

Masterclass in Advanced Psychotherapy Skills, Vol 1: Deepening Client Self-Discovery

with Orah Krug, Victor Yalom
Asking “How do you feel?” is a typical way we try to help clients expand their internal awareness. But unfortunately, it’s often a dead-end, and many therapists don’t know how to follow up. In this masterclass, you’ll learn powerful techniques to help clients accelerate the internal discovery process so they can gain additional resources to tackle the problems bringing them to therapy. 
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 2

with Victor Yalom
Therapists can easily fall back on intellectual discussions, abstractions, and analyzing thoughts with anxious or depressed clients, when the real struggle is connecting with their feelings and, in turn, with others. Learn to harness the therapeutic power of the here-and-now to free clients who are walled off from themselves and others so you can help them begin to live authentic, connected lives.  
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach

with Travis Heath
What if, rather than focusing on presenting problems, symptoms, diagnoses and other traditional approaches to working with clients, we embraced a culturally democratic approach that invites clients to speak on behalf of their own healing? Discover how to go beyond listening and emphasizing, and learn how to collaborate with clients using their existing strengths, traditions and heritage.
Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 1

with Victor Yalom
What can psychotherapists do to help clients fully experience their emotions and, in the process, improve their relationships? Learn to use powerful here-and-now therapy techniques so clients can fully access their inner emotional worlds while deepening their connections with others in their life. 
Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

Powerful Ideas for Developing Your Best Therapeutic Self

with Victor Yalom
There’s a powerful tool that you can use to improve client outcomes regardless of therapeutic issue, modality or population. And the best part? You've already got it. It’s you. Victor Yalom shares insights on how to hone your clinical self.
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel?" - Laura: Stuck in Despair

with Victor Yalom
When clients are battling depression, it can be challenging to know how they can share their emotions in a way that promotes growth. Learn powerful here-and-now techniques to connect with clients and move sessions forward by inviting them to fully experience their world of emotions.  
Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

Experiential Techniques for Moving Beyond "How Do You Feel" — Hamed: Prompting Self-Discovery

with Victor Yalom
What do psychotherapists and counselors do when clients want to explain rather than experience their feelings? Learn simple but powerful techniques for helping clients expand their inner awareness and discover new things in every session.
What Works in Psychotherapy

What Works in Psychotherapy

with Scott Miller
What works in psychotherapy? In this interview by Randall C. Wyatt, Miller shares everything he knows about psychotherapy outcomes, including simple practices that significantly improves outcomes.
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 2: Beverly

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 2: Beverly

with Travis Heath
What do you do when you meet with a client who has no presenting problems? For many therapists, their approach is so pathology-oriented that such sessions can feel unfocused and disarming. Discover a Contemporary Narrative Therapy approach that shifts the focus to people, not problems, and invites you to engage with your client’s stories with a curiosity and creativity that cultivates hope and healing. 
Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals: Revised 2020

Legal and Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals: Revised 2020

with Stephen Feldman
Finally, a video program to fulfill your legal and ethical CE requirements that is not only indispensable for daily practice, but also engaging, entertaining and informative. Updated 2020 to include changes in laws, use of technology, and more!
The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates (4-video series)

with Jason Buckles
The best clinicians seamlessly combine diagnostic interviewing and rapport-building during the initial session, and in this series, you’ll learn how to do just that. Through rich discussions and clinical demonstrations, you’ll learn how to gather the information you need while building the alliance you want. 
Telehealth: Legal and Ethical Issues

Telehealth: Legal and Ethical Issues

with Stephen Feldman
Learn about the legal and ethical issues surrounding telehealth, and discover specific, practical solutions for providing effective, compliant telehealth services to your clients in this discussion with Stephen Feldman, JD.
Conducting an Effective Mental Status Exam

Conducting an Effective Mental Status Exam

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Learn how to elicit important information from clients during the initial stages of treatment, while leveraging therapeutic listening, empathy and intuition to deepen rapport and create therapeutic alliance.
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Finally, some examples of the major psychotherapy theories all in one video! John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan present eleven of the best-known approaches to counseling and psychotherapy side-by-side, with real therapy sessions and extensive commentary covering theory, strategy, and effective techniques.
Diagnosing Anorexia, Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder

Diagnosing Anorexia, Schizophrenia and Borderline Personality Disorder

with Jason Buckles
Schizophrenia, Anorexia, and Borderline Personality Disorder are often challenging for clinicians to treat, and an accurate diagnosis is key to establishing treatment. Through a series of discussions and clinical sessions, you’ll learn specialized skills for gathering information from clients while attending to the therapeutic relationship. By laying the foundation for a strong alliance, you’ll build better outcomes for clients struggling with these difficult disorders.
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 3: Ian

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 3: Ian

with Travis Heath
How can you bring yourself to the room more fully as a person, offering more than just empathy? Discover how to become an active participant in the process of moving clients beyond the limits of their worlds as they know them. Using a Contemporary Narrative Therapy approach, you can help clients trace the profound impact of systemic racism, and redefine not just their own stories, but the limits they have set for themselves.
Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

Diagnosing Depressive, Bipolar, and Alcohol Use Disorders

with Jason Buckles
With symptoms that often overlap, depressive disorders, bipolar, and substance use disorders can be hard to distinguish from one another. In Volume 3 of The DSM-5 and Psychodiagnostic Interviewing, with TR Updates you’ll learn a systematic approach to accurately diagnosing these conditions while at the same time building a solid therapeutic alliance.
Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Diagnosing PTSD, Adjustment, Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorders

with Jason Buckles

How can clinicians obtain essential diagnostic information while establishing and maintaining therapeutic rapport? Watch clinical demonstrations of some of the most common disorders therapists encounter— Adjustment, Panic, Generalized Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders—and learn how to gather diagnostic data without compromising client care.

Becoming a Therapist: Inside the Learning Curve

Becoming a Therapist: Inside the Learning Curve

with Erik Sween
In this candid video a group of new therapists reveal the challenges they faced during their first year of seeing clients. Especially useful for preparing beginning therapy students.
Couples Therapy: An Introduction

Couples Therapy: An Introduction

with Ellyn Bader, Dan Wile
In this video, two renowned couples and marriage experts, Ellyn Bader and Dan Wile discuss what couples therapy is and what it is not. A valuable resource beginning therapists, and for clients this to help them get their couples therapy off on the right track.
Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

Tools and Techniques for Family Therapy

with John Edwards
John Edwards has spent the last twenty years distilling the intricacies of family systems theory into a user-friendly approach that has enhanced the work of thousands of clinicians and educators in North America.

Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

Developmental Aspects of Group Counseling: Process, Leadership, and Supervision

with Rex Stockton
Gain new skills for leading psychotherapy groups in this video featuring seasoned group expert, Rex Stockton, supervising two students as they lead a 16-week group to deeper insight, connection, and personal engagement.
Building a Successful Career in Counseling and Psychotherapy

Building a Successful Career in Counseling and Psychotherapy

with Sherry Smith, PhD & Susan Smith, LPC
Amid an ever-changing field, what are the most important things a beginning therapist should know? In this video, six seasoned clinicians discuss career paths, benefits and pitfalls of the work, successful business practices, and ways to prevent burnout.
The Essence of Change

The Essence of Change

with Virginia Satir
Watch renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir present her pioneering views on the essential ingredients of successful therapy to a group of four students.

Effective Psychotherapy with Men

Effective Psychotherapy with Men

with Ronald Levant
In this dramatic recreation of key moments in a 12-session course of therapy with Raymond—a man who at mid-life cannot feel excitement at the prospect of his impending fatherhood—Dr. Levant demonstrates an unconventional, yet very effective approach to working with men. 
Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

Living with PTSD: Lessons for Partners, Friends, and Supporters

with Frank Ochberg & Angie Panos
Watch two trauma experts offer family and community members clear, useful information about the nature and symptoms of PTSD, as well as concrete advice about how they can assist their loved ones in the recovery process.
The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

The Therapeutic Relationship, Individualized Treatment and Other Keys to Successful Psychotherapy

with John C. Norcross
In this compelling interview with one of the most prominent psychotherapy researchers of our time, Dr. John Norcross presents the results from fourteen meta-analyses that reveal the secrets to successful therapy.
Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 2: Revised 2020

Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 2: Revised 2020

with Stephen Feldman
Finally, a pragmatic, informative and engaging video that offers solutions and suggestions for the most common legal and ethical dilemmas confronting mental health practitioners. Updated 2020 to include changes in practices due to use of technology and other trends.
Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 1: Revised 2020

Legal & Ethical Issues for Mental Health Professionals, Volume 1: Revised 2020

with Stephen Feldman
Finally, a video program to fulfill your legal and ethical CE requirements that is not only indispensable for daily practice but also engaging, entertaining and informative. Updated 2020 to include changes in laws, use of technology, and more.

The Virginia Satir Series: 5-Video Series

The Virginia Satir Series: 5-Video Series

with Virginia Satir
In these dynamic videos from the Virginia Satir Series, watch renowned psychotherapist Virginia Satir present her pioneering views on the essential ingredients of successful therapy to a group of students, then conduct therapy with families struggling with abuse, substance use, and parenting conflicts.
Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

Mental Health in Hospitals and Treatment Centers: 5-Video Series

with Brad Hagen
What are the most essential skills and techniques for succeeding with patients in hospitals and treatment centers? Discover the difference between novice unskilled and expert work care for a range of severe conditions in this 5-part video series.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning: 12-Video Series

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Whether you’re seeing clients with eating disorders, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, depression or anger control problems, having a clear, well-developed case formulation can sustain your clinical efforts and maximize chances for a successful outcome. Learn the essentials of evidence-based treatment planning in this video series with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who provide key definitions, clinical demonstrations, and expert commentary for a wide range of challenging conditions.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Depression

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Learn everything you need to know about creating detailed, practical evidence-based treatment plans for depressed clients in this one-of-a-kind video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview and accompanying demonstrations of depression’s most empirically supported treatment methods.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Panic Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
What exactly is evidence-based treatment planning, and how do you do it? Find out in this comprehensive video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present an overview, clinical vignettes, and commentary on empirically supported treatment for panic disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Social Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Social anxiety disorder is the most common anxiety disorder and one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders today, so you’re very likely to encounter clients in need of skilled, thorough treatment planning for their isolating symptoms. Learn how to build an effective, evidence-based plan in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Clients suffering from PTSD continue to feel the terror of traumatic events long after they’ve experienced them, and need skillful clinical support to manage the pervasive, everyday triggers they face. In this video, learn to diagnose and treat this unsettling disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Left unchecked, the distressing symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can condemn its sufferers to a rigid and severely diminished quality of life and without proper training, it is almost impossible for therapists to help clients with OCD overcome their symptoms. Learn the fundamentals of successful treatment in this video.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Addiction is one of the most challenging issues therapists face, yet so few therapists are adequately trained to work with addicts and alcoholics. Learn to build thorough evidence-based treatment plans in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who offer expert instruction on a prevalent disorder.
Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Evidence-Based Treatment Planning for Generalized Anxiety Disorder

with Timothy Bruce, Arthur Jongsma, Jr.
Improve your grasp of evidence-based treatment planning in this video with Drs. Timothy Bruce and Arthur Jongsma, who present a comprehensive overview of GAD along with step-by-step planning outlines, live clinical vignettes, and detailed commentary.
Managing Depression

Managing Depression

with Brad Hagen
What are the most essential skills and techniques for working with severely depressed patients? Find out what to do—and what not to do—in this two-part demonstration of a mental health practitioner interviewing a suicidally depressed hospital patient.
Managing Aggression and Delusions

Managing Aggression and Delusions

with Brad Hagen
When patients threaten to become verbally or physically aggressive, it takes a special set of skills to work safely and effectively. In this video, watch two health care providers demonstrate how these skills—or the lack thereof—impact their work.

Managing Mania

Managing Mania

with Brad Hagen
When working with patients experiencing mania, clear boundaries and goal-oriented communication can help you maintain control. Learn from a pro—and empathize with a novice—in this two-part video demonstrating successful treatment of manic patients.

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

Working in the Here and Now: Deepening Therapeutic Encounters Part 3

with Victor Yalom
In this third and final session with Heather, Victor Yalom continues to work in the here-and-now of the therapeutic relationship to help her access and explore deep emotions which relate to her therapeutic goals. As you'll see, focusing on what’s happening in real time in the therapist-client relationship requires courage and vulnerability from both therapist and client.
Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 1 Vinodha

Reimagining Multiculturalism: A Contemporary Narrative Approach, Volume 1 Vinodha

with Travis Heath
Do you want to know your clients beyond the constrictive labels of presenting problems, diagnoses and other traditional constructs of psychotherapy? Using a Narrative Therapy lens, Travis Heath will show you a culturally democratic approach to therapy that draws upon existing client strengths, traditions and other resources to foster deep understanding, insight and connection.
Reimagining Narrative Therapy: Rewriting Stories and Reclaiming Identities

Reimagining Narrative Therapy: Rewriting Stories and Reclaiming Identities

with Travis Heath
Travis Heath presents his work with three clients who have stood up to racism in their own unique ways and shares contemporary techniques to help your clients move beyond constricting narratives about pathology, race, and identity, to live in more authentic and meaningful ways. 
Avoiding Burnout Traps: Managing the Conflict between Empathy and Exhaustion

Avoiding Burnout Traps: Managing the Conflict between Empathy and Exhaustion

with David Prucha
A seasoned clinician explores how caring too much can lead to exhaustion, and offers suggestions for avoiding common burnout traps.
How to Master the Art of Developing Your Therapeutic Voice

How to Master the Art of Developing Your Therapeutic Voice

with Michael Alcee
Effective psychotherapy requires that the clinician find their true voice, much like the artists’ journey.
How Do You Maintain Compassion and Respect for Your Clients?

How Do You Maintain Compassion and Respect for Your Clients?

with Nicole Arzt, LMFT & Jeremy Arzt, LMFT
In an excerpt from their book, For the Love of Therapy, Nicole and Jeremy Arzt guide fellow clinicians in a journey of empathy.
A Crash Course in Psychotherapy: Moving through Anxiety and Self-Doubt

A Crash Course in Psychotherapy: Moving through Anxiety and Self-Doubt

with Charlotte Dailey
A challenging client plunges a beginning therapist into a state of anxiety.
Deploying Therapeutic Airbags to Enhance Clinical Outcome

Deploying Therapeutic Airbags to Enhance Clinical Outcome

with David Prucha
Therapy carries inherent risk, and eventually we’ll get into accidents, but what if we abandon the “do no harm creed” and build strategies into therapy for damage-reduction?
The Wisdom of Therapist Uncertainty

The Wisdom of Therapist Uncertainty

with Maggie M. Jackson
Internationally renowned author, Maggie Jackson, tells us that developing “uncertainty tolerance” in both clinician and client is key for building better outcomes.
Surrounded by the Village Idiots

Surrounded by the Village Idiots

with Catherine Gildiner
In an excerpt from Good Morning Monster, psychotherapist Catherine Gildiner recalls the painful lesson learned from her first day as a therapist.
Preventing Psychotherapy Dropouts with Client Feedback

Preventing Psychotherapy Dropouts with Client Feedback

with Tony Rousmaniere
One beginning therapist shares his success with the Session Rating Scale in improving his practice.
Jude Austin on Wisdom for Counseling Students and Educators

Jude Austin on Wisdom for Counseling Students and Educators

Counselor educator/clinician Jude Austin offers wisdom and survival tips for both student and teacher from the trenches of graduate school.
What Do I Say Now? Coping with Uncertainty in Unstructured Psychotherapy

What Do I Say Now? Coping with Uncertainty in Unstructured Psychotherapy

with Michael R. Jackson
A seasoned clinician and psychology instructor explores his professional relationship with clinical uncertainty…and wonders.
Scott Miller on Why Most Therapists Are Just Average (and How We Can Improve)

Scott Miller on Why Most Therapists Are Just Average (and How We Can Improve)

Scott Miller, expert researcher on what makes a good therapist, breaks down the difference between the masters and the rest of us.
Daryl Chow on Reigniting Clinical Supervision

Daryl Chow on Reigniting Clinical Supervision

Clinician, researcher and author Daryl Chow teaches us how to reignite the fire of supervision in order to improve client outcomes.
Therapy with a Condom On

Therapy with a Condom On

with Lori Gottlieb
A therapist confronts a clinical imbroglio when she discovers her own therapist is treating her client’s spouse.
The Gossamer Thread: My Life as a Psychotherapist

The Gossamer Thread: My Life as a Psychotherapist

with John Marzillier
Using three different case studies with clients, a British therapist describes his personal journey from his early career as a behavioral psychologist, to his later years, where he embraced a more intuitive and reflective psychodynamic approach.
Psychodynamic Therapies: How Did We Get Here & Where Are We Going?

Psychodynamic Therapies: How Did We Get Here & Where Are We Going?

with Allen Frances, MD
Psychiatrist Allen Frances reviews the past and present contributions of psychodynamic therapies, and offers hope for therapists pursuing this rewarding career path.
Couch Fiction

Couch Fiction

with Philippa Perry and Junko Graat
Couch Fiction allows you to peep through the key-hole of the therapy room door and read the mind of the protagonists.
Sleep and the Therapist: A Poem

Sleep and the Therapist: A Poem

with Esther W. Wright-Wilson
A therapist poetically chronicles an underreported occupational hazard.
The Anxiety Disorder Game

The Anxiety Disorder Game

with Reid Wilson
Anxiety Disorder expert Reid Wilson, PhD, offers a unique twist on traditional cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders. 
Healing the Authoritarian Wound Through Writing: 8 Writing Exercises to Share with Clients

Healing the Authoritarian Wound Through Writing: 8 Writing Exercises to Share with Clients

with Eric Maisel
Experiencing authoritarian wounding leaves lasting scars, but Eric Maisel offers useful therapeutic insight and tips to help clients mitigate its impact.
Psychotherapy and the Care of Souls

Psychotherapy and the Care of Souls

with Thomas Moore
Famed Care of the Soul author, Thomas Moore, offers insights into what makes a good therapist. Hint: You can't learn it from a manual.
The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry

The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry

with Gary Greenberg
In this excerpt from his best-selling exposé, The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry, psychotherapist Gary Greenberg pulls back the curtain on the DSM's surprising evolution and deconstructs the very notion of "diagnosing" our clients.
What Remains: The Aftermath of Patient Suicide

What Remains: The Aftermath of Patient Suicide

with Margaret Clausen
Psychologist Margaret Clausen shares poignantly about the loss of her client to suicide,  the steps she took to heal her grief, and the isolation and shame that many clinicians needlessly suffer in the wake of client suicide.
The Imprisoned Brain: Psychotherapy with Inmates in Jail

The Imprisoned Brain: Psychotherapy with Inmates in Jail

with Sudhanva Rajagopal
Sudhanva Rajagopal, a clinical psychology graduate student, ponders our animal nature as he relates the poignant complexity of working with inmates in jail.
Bad Therapy: When Firing Your Therapist Is Therapeutic

Bad Therapy: When Firing Your Therapist Is Therapeutic

with Charlotte Fox Weber
Therapist Charlotte Fox Weber describes an agonizing 5-year therapy as the client of a cold and withholding therapist, and the lessons she learned about what NOT to do with her own clients.
Michael Lambert on Preventing Treatment Failures (and Why You're Not as Good as You Think)

Michael Lambert on Preventing Treatment Failures (and Why You're Not as Good as You Think)

Dr. Michael Lambert's groundbreaking work on tracking client outcomes has revealed a huge blindspot for psychotherapists: We don't notice when our patients are getting worse. But he's got the solution if you're willing to try something new.
John Sommers-Flanagan on Clinical Interviewing and the Highly Unmotivated Client

John Sommers-Flanagan on Clinical Interviewing and the Highly Unmotivated Client

Clinical Interviewing expert, John Sommers-Flanagan, offers strategies for the initial stage of therapy and tips for engaging the resistant client.
Anita Barrows on Love, Poetry and Autism

Anita Barrows on Love, Poetry and Autism

Psychologist, poet, translator and autism specialist, Anita Barrows, PhD, shares about the pain that first led her to psychotherapy, the importance of bringing love into our work, her identity as a poet, and entering the world of autistic children.
Lynn Ponton on the Challenges and Joys of Working with Teens

Lynn Ponton on the Challenges and Joys of Working with Teens

Teen expert Lynn Ponton, MD, shares wisdom from over three decades of working with children and adolescents, and describes how technology has changed the life of teenagers and those who work with them.
On Quitting The Practice of Psychotherapy

On Quitting The Practice of Psychotherapy

with Michael Sussman
Former psychotherapist Michael Sussman discusses the perils of psychotherapy practice and the wisdom of knowing when to quit.
Gary Greenberg on the DSM and Its Woes

Gary Greenberg on the DSM and Its Woes

Psychotherapist and muckraking author, Gary Greenberg, shares the critical insights—and skepticism—that formed the basis of his two best-selling books, Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease and The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry.
Brian McNeill on the Art of Supervision

Brian McNeill on the Art of Supervision

Psychologist and supervision expert Brian McNeill explains his developmental approach to supervision, the challenges that all therapists face while learning their craft, and what supervisors can and must do to support beginning therapists in navigating these challenges.
In Praise of the Life of a Psychotherapist

In Praise of the Life of a Psychotherapist

with Catherine Ambrose
Looking beyond day-to-day rigors and challenges from behind the couch, seasoned clinician Catherine Ambrose reflects on the gratitude and growth she continues to experience helping others.
Sidestepping the Dependency Dance in Psychotherapy

Sidestepping the Dependency Dance in Psychotherapy

with David Prucha
Four steps mental health professionals can use to directly address client dependency in this digital age and set the stage for positive therapeutic outcomes.
Psychotherapy Status Report: Past Achievements/Current Failures/Future Disruptions

Psychotherapy Status Report: Past Achievements/Current Failures/Future Disruptions

with Allen Frances, MD
Taking the long view, behavioral sciences expert, Allen Frances offers a pointed review of psychotherapy’s failures and achievements, with suggestions for a hopeful future.