At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

At The Breaking Point: Family Caregiving and Dementia

with Terra Nova Films
In this video you’ll experience the most heartbreaking and joyful moments in the lives of several families caring for a loved one with dementia. Watch to see how families struggle, compromise, and learn to connect through this difficult life transition.
Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

Person-Centered Dementia Care: Stories and Examples

with Terra Nova Films
This video explores a residential facility that celebrates older people with dementia and aids the viewer in learning to connect with people who have lost the connection to themselves.
Managing Dementia and Anxiety

Managing Dementia and Anxiety

with Brad Hagen
In this video, learn to work calmly and efficiently with patients experiencing the severe agitation of dementia or anxiety. Here, two vignettes contrast the differences between inexperienced and experienced providers, including a counterintuitive method for soothing dementia patients.

Do Not Go Gently

Do Not Go Gently

with Melissa Godoy
Narrated by Walter Cronkite, this award-winning film illustrates the benefits of incorporating creativity and expressive arts into the lives and treatment of elders. 
Why I Hate Alzheimer’s

Why I Hate Alzheimer’s

with Christine Hammond
Reflecting upon personal experience, therapist Christine Hammond takes us into the personal and professional world of working with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Spilling Over Modernity’s Borders and Boundaries: A Decolonial Story About Alzheimer’s, Family, and Migration

Spilling Over Modernity’s Borders and Boundaries: A Decolonial Story About Alzheimer’s, Family, and Migration

with marcela polanco
Traveling with her mother through the ravages of Alzheimer’s, a therapist rediscovers the power and magic of therapy stripped of modernity’s barriers.