Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

Peter Levine on Adding Somatic Techniques to Your Practice

with Peter Levine
What can psychotherapists and counselors do to help clients relieve their suffering by accessing the healing power of their bodies? Learn how, regardless of your therapeutic orientation, to help clients tap into the wellspring of their body’s energy by watching renowned clinician and researcher, Peter Levine, demonstrate his groundbreaking methods. 
Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

Psychotherapy for Chronic PTSD

with Frank Ochberg
Watch a veteran’s two-year-long therapeutic process of healing from chronic PTSD, and enhance your skills in working with traumatized populations.
PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

PTSD and Veterans: A Conversation with Dr. Frank Ochberg

with Frank Ochberg
Leading expert Frank Ochberg discusses what every therapist needs to know when treating vets with PTSD--what resources they already have in their professional toolkit that they can draw on, and what new skills are needed.
Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

Resolving Trauma in Psychotherapy: A Somatic Approach

with Peter Levine
Therapists know how difficult it can be to help clients heal from trauma, especially when using traditional cognitive or insight-oriented approaches. Learn powerful techniques for treating trauma from Peter Levine, developer of Somatic Experiencing®, as he demonstrates his body-oriented trauma therapy with an Iraq War veteran diagnosed with severe PTSD.
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action

with Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue Johnson has been hailed as “the most original contributor to couples therapy to come along in the last 30 years.” Now you’ll have the chance to watch her conduct an actual session with a challenging couple haunted by the “echoes of war.” 
Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

Integrating Therapy with 12-Step Programs

with Joan Ellen Zweben
See Joan Ellen Zweben demonstrate how to integrate therapy with 12-step programs in an actual counseling session with a client struggling with addiction.

Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

Explaining PTSD: Lessons for Mental Health Professional

with Frank Ochberg, Angelea Panos
Learn how to psychoeducate clients and their loved ones and caretakers about PTSD as well as the basic building blocks of PTSD treatment.
Creative Healing in Mental Health

Creative Healing in Mental Health

with Judith Rubin, PhD & Eleanor Irwin, PhD
Here is a rare opportunity to witness world-famous art and drama therapists working with clients from all walks of life on their journeys to healing, including an adolescent boy with Asperger’s, families affected by cancer, an Alzheimer’s patient, and combat veterans. 
No Unwounded Soldiers

No Unwounded Soldiers

with Rebecca L. Abbott
This documentary follows a group of American war veterans as they explore the deep and lasting effects that the Afghanistan and Iraq wars had on them, their families, and their communities, and how the arts can help with their healing.
Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

Studio Art Therapy Group in a Military Hospital

with Paula Howie
This informative film shows two sessions from an open-ended art therapy group from Walter Reed Army Medical Center. All soldiers in this group were leaving the military and each had to decide and make a personal commitment to attend the group. Paula Howie, HLM, ATR-BC, is the art therapist.
Transforming War Trauma: The Healing Power of Community

Transforming War Trauma: The Healing Power of Community

with Joseph Bobrow
Psychoanalyst and Zen master, Joseph Bobrow, PhD, describes his groundbreaking work providing healing retreats for traumatized veterans and their families. 
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

with Bessel van der Kolk
Read an excerpt from the highly acclaimed new book by world renowned trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, MD.
Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Bessel van der Kolk on Trauma, Development and Healing

Internationally acclaimed clinician, educator and researcher Bessel van der Kolk, shares some observations from his 40-year passion for understanding and treating people who have experienced trauma.
Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

Francine Shapiro on the Evolution of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy originator Francine Shapiro describes the components of the psychotherapy and the latest research supporting its efficacy for a wide range of mental health issues.
Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

Robert J. Lifton on Political Violence, Activism and Life as a Psycho-Historian

Famed psychiatrist, psycho-historian, writer and activist Robert J. Lifton talks about being a witness to an extreme century, combining scholarship with activism, the psychology of violence, and the next great threat to the planet: climate change.
Frank Ochberg on Treating PTSD

Frank Ochberg on Treating PTSD

Dr. Ochberg, a leading PTSD and trauma specialist, discusses the Japan tsunami, veteran issues, Stockholm syndrome, therapist burnout, and the importance of a comprehensive treatment approach for trauma survivors.
Bret Moore on Military Psychology and Getting the Mission Done*

Bret Moore on Military Psychology and Getting the Mission Done*

Military psychologist and prescriber Bret Moore shares his rich trove of clinical insights and experiences earned during both peacetime and war.
Beyond Resilience: Addressing Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Beyond Resilience: Addressing Moral Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic

with Melissa Abraham, PhD & Rachel E. Smith, MS, PA-C
In the coming months, psychotherapists will need to work knowledgeably and compassionately with clients wrestling with moral distress. 
Stephen Schueller on the Power and Promise of Mental Health Apps

Stephen Schueller on the Power and Promise of Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps offer many promises, but there are warning signs to be heeded.