Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

Grief Therapy Masterclass: Advanced Skills in Working Through Loss

with Robert A. Neimeyer, Carolyn Ng
Help your clients better navigate life after loss and cultivate the seeds of transformative growth with the rich trove of tools demonstrated in this four-volume series by renowned grief experts Robert Neimeyer and Carolyn Ng. Working with seven clients suffering a range of losses, they’ll guide you through a powerful meaning-based approach to grief therapy that goes far beyond normalizing, educating and symptom management, to nurture growth from grief. 
Counseling Adolescents: Exploring Intersections of Race and Sexuality

Counseling Adolescents: Exploring Intersections of Race and Sexuality

with Sam Steen
How can you work effectively with a young client who is no longer a child but not yet a teenager, especially when complex issues of sexuality and race arise? Learn how to build effective therapeutic alliances with your adolescent clients that will create a safe space for exploration, insight, and growth.
Person-Centered Career Exploration with a Pre-Teen

Person-Centered Career Exploration with a Pre-Teen

with Sam Steen
Learn how to introduce conversations around career direction and skill identification with your pre-teen clients without adding to the pressures they already experience.
Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

with Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers was one of the most influential psychologists and psychotherapists of our time. In this singular presentation, Rogers’ biographer, Howard Kirschenbaum, guides us through Rogers’ life and work and the development of the “client-centered” and “person-centered” approach to counseling, education, group work, and human relationships.
Counseling African American Men, 3-video Series

Counseling African American Men, 3-video Series

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Effective therapy with African American men requires an in-depth understanding of their current and historical struggles, and a willingness to confront topics which may require both therapists and clients to be uncomfortable. This groundbreaking online course combines numerous sessions and expert commentary that will increase your confidence and efficacy in working with Black men.
Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy

Carl Rogers on Person-Centered Therapy

with Carl Rogers, Natalie Rogers
The founder of the person-centered approach reflects on his major contributions and explores his provocative opinions on psychotherapy, education, and social change.
Person-Centered Child Therapy

Person-Centered Child Therapy

with Anin Utigaard
Watch Person-Centered child therapist Anin Utigaard in an actual counseling session with a shy eight-year-old girl.
Expressive Arts Therapy in Action

Expressive Arts Therapy in Action

with Natalie Rogers
Discover the transformative power of moving beyond words as Natalie Rogers demonstrates person-centered expressive arts therapy in two remarkable sessions with a woman struggling with a career decision.
Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

with Natalie Rogers
Watch Natalie Rogers masterfully integrate expressive arts with a client-focused approach in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy

with James Bugental
Watch legendary psychotherapist James Bugental masterfully demonstrate Existential Therapy in an actual therapy session in this 3-part video.
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action

with James Bugental
Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action shows James Bugental, the legendary clinician and teacher, conducting two actual psychotherapy sessions with the same client. 
Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

Clinical Interviewing: Intake, Assessment & Therapeutic Alliance

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
How do you do an assessment, collect historical data, develop a treatment plan and create a warm working alliance with clients all in the first session? Learn from experts John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan how to quickly create the foundation for a successful therapy and engage clients collaboratively in the treatment process.
Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

Counseling and Psychotherapy Theories in Context and Practice

with John Sommers-Flanagan, PhD & Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD
Finally, some examples of the major psychotherapy theories all in one video! John and Rita Sommers-Flanagan present eleven of the best-known approaches to counseling and psychotherapy side-by-side, with real therapy sessions and extensive commentary covering theory, strategy, and effective techniques.
Counseling African American Men, Volume 2: Anger and Identity

Counseling African American Men, Volume 2: Anger and Identity

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Appreciating what it means to be Black in a racialized society and the pernicious impact of racism on emotional development and identity is essential for therapeutic success with African American clients.
Counseling African American Men, Volume 1: Developing Cultural Competency

Counseling African American Men, Volume 1: Developing Cultural Competency

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Understand the cultural and historical challenges African American men face daily, increase your confidence and learn key skills for establishing the strong alliance necessary to work with this population.
Counseling African American Men, Volume 3: A Complete Course of Therapy

Counseling African American Men, Volume 3: A Complete Course of Therapy

with Darrick Tovar-Murray
Honest exploration of the complexities and challenges of life as an African American man requires a unique combination of empathy and insight that you will gain by watching this in-depth therapeutic encounter.
Art Therapy: The Person-Centered Way

Art Therapy: The Person-Centered Way

with Liesl Silverstone
Liesl Silverstone provides the background and theory of Person-Centered Art Therapy before offering an art therapy exercise demonstrating the approach with two women and their images.
Interpersonal Connection: Noticing the Needs of Others

Interpersonal Connection: Noticing the Needs of Others

with David H. Rosmarin
Noticing others’ needs goes beyond improving their wellbeing; our own connection benefits as well when we develop finely-tuned empathy for other people.
Holding Two Worlds Together—Apart: On the Duality of Being a Therapist

Holding Two Worlds Together—Apart: On the Duality of Being a Therapist

with Anna Zonen
Safeguarding our clients’ stories is a rare privilege that enhances our therapeutic bond and deepens our humanity. We take them with us and carry them outside of the therapy room. The resonances that work to create neural circuitry and bond the hearts and minds of our clients do the same for us—if we allow them to.
Accurate Empathy is the Heartbeat of Rogerian Psychotherapy

Accurate Empathy is the Heartbeat of Rogerian Psychotherapy

with Blake Griffin Edwards
Keep your clinical practice vital by mastering empathy, the heartbeat of therapeutic change.
John Sommers-Flanagan on Clinical Interviewing and the Highly Unmotivated Client

John Sommers-Flanagan on Clinical Interviewing and the Highly Unmotivated Client

Clinical Interviewing expert, John Sommers-Flanagan, offers strategies for the initial stage of therapy and tips for engaging the resistant client.
After the Diagnosis: Helping Patients Cope With their Emotions

After the Diagnosis: Helping Patients Cope With their Emotions

with Gary McClain
Psychotherapist Gary McClain discusses the importance of understanding clients' reactions to new diagnoses, the three main responses they have, and advocating for them with healthcare providers.
Maria Gonzalez-Blue on Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

Maria Gonzalez-Blue on Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

An expressive arts therapist discusses the person-centered foundations of her work, and recounts transformative experiences with individual clients as well as in groups and international settings.
The Path to Wholeness: Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

The Path to Wholeness: Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy

with Natalie Rogers
Therapist Natalie Rogers shares an overview of this growing field of humanistic psychotherapy.
Trusting the Client as the Agent of Change

Trusting the Client as the Agent of Change

with Tracy A. Knight
Reflections on the client's capacity for change, including a case study of a successful single-session therapeutic intervention.
Sidestepping the Dependency Dance in Psychotherapy

Sidestepping the Dependency Dance in Psychotherapy

with David Prucha
Four steps mental health professionals can use to directly address client dependency in this digital age and set the stage for positive therapeutic outcomes.