"[This video] presents a fine example of living Gestalt Therapy. Polster is a master, and his video bears repeated watching for the technique and for the heart."
-- Will Handy, MSSW, Reviewed in the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter
"Thanks for your super quick reply! I love that video. I think it's the best individual therapy demonstration I have seen."
-- Nick Gazzola, PhD, Coordinator, Educational Counselling University of Ottawa, Canada
"This powerfully dramatizes an effective approach to therapy with a highly resistant, intellectualized client. Consisting of vibrant, even humorous exchanges, this video will be helpful to therapists of a variety of theoretical orientations"
-- Todd Corywell, PhD, Psychologist, Seattle, Washington
"Polster's video was riveting, leading to considerable class discussion. The encounter between therapist and client was often provocative and encouraged much lively class discussion and debate. As such, the video was particularly instructive and covered a broad range of sessions that allowed the viewer to witness client-therapist change and growth over time."
-- Tom Mabee, PhD Adjunct Graduate Psychology Faculty, Nova Southeastern University, Florida
"This video is a marvelous teaching instrument for demonstrating the efficacy of the full presence of a master therapist. It will inspire every psychotherapist, irrespective of orientation."
-- Rich Hycner, PhD, Author, Between Person and Person: Toward a Dialogical Psychotherapy
"In this video we can see a master psychotherapist working with humanity and elegance tackling one of the most difficult challenges: The patient that steadfastly resists treatment. Polster has much to teach any therapist about the power of the therapeutic relationship."
-- Yaqui Andrés Martínez Robles, PhD, Director, Existential Therapy Studies Circle, Mexico City
"...for therapists who really struggle with those extremely intelligent, cynical, arrogant and challenging male clients this could be a life-saver."
-- Tony Verner, Reviewed in Psychotherapy in Australia
"[This video] presents a fine example of living Gestalt Therapy. Polster is a master, and his video bears repeated watching for the technique and for the heart."
-- Will Handy, MSSW, Reviewed in the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter
"Thanks for your super quick reply! I love that video. I think it's the best individual therapy demonstration I have seen."
-- Nick Gazzola, PhD, Coordinator, Educational Counselling University of Ottawa, Canada
"This powerfully dramatizes an effective approach to therapy with a highly resistant, intellectualized client. Consisting of vibrant, even humorous exchanges, this video will be helpful to therapists of a variety of theoretical orientations"
-- Todd Corywell, PhD, Psychologist, Seattle, Washington
"Polster's video was riveting, leading to considerable class discussion. The encounter between therapist and client was often provocative and encouraged much lively class discussion and debate. As such, the video was particularly instructive and covered a broad range of sessions that allowed the viewer to witness client-therapist change and growth over time."
-- Tom Mabee, PhD Adjunct Graduate Psychology Faculty, Nova Southeastern University, Florida
"This video is a marvelous teaching instrument for demonstrating the efficacy of the full presence of a master therapist. It will inspire every psychotherapist, irrespective of orientation."
-- Rich Hycner, PhD, Author, Between Person and Person: Toward a Dialogical Psychotherapy
"In this video we can see a master psychotherapist working with humanity and elegance tackling one of the most difficult challenges: The patient that steadfastly resists treatment. Polster has much to teach any therapist about the power of the therapeutic relationship."
-- Yaqui Andrés Martínez Robles, PhD, Director, Existential Therapy Studies Circle, Mexico City
"...for therapists who really struggle with those extremely intelligent, cynical, arrogant and challenging male clients this could be a life-saver."
-- Tony Verner, Reviewed in Psychotherapy in Australia
"[This video] presents a fine example of living Gestalt Therapy. Polster is a master, and his video bears repeated watching for the technique and for the heart."
-- Will Handy, MSSW, Reviewed in the Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter