James Bugental: Live Case Consultation
by James Bugental
This video presents a rare and invaluable opportunity to view renowned existential-humanistic psychotherapist James Bugental demonstrate his unique group consultation style.
James Bugental, the author of classic text "The Art of the Psychotherapist" clearly demonstrates his mastery and brilliance as he consults on a real case.

This video presents a rare and invaluable opportunity to view renowned existential-humanistic psychotherapist James Bugental demonstrate his unique group consultation style. Watch as Bugental asks seasoned psychotherapist Orah Krug to role-play her client “Joe,” allowing the case to come alive in the room. Bugental hones in on the client’s resistance, and demonstrates his mastery of bringing the subjective experience of both the therapist and the client to the forefront. Rather than assuming the role of expert in the supervision process, Bugental helps Orah discover her own truths about where Joe is stuck, and use her discoveries from the role-play to further deepen the therapeutic work.

Then watch as the group comes together for enlightening discussion—Bugental elucidates the critical importance of subjectivity in both psychotherapy and consultation, and explains the therapeutic process of inner searching through personal stories and therapeutic anecdotes. Also included are four bonus tracks, where Bugental relates inspiring, touching and often funny stories from his lifetime of knowledge and therapeutic experience.

What therapists are saying…

"James Bugental is a master of the living moment. In this revelatory video, Bugental demonstrates his art of case consultation through key here-and-now enactments of therapeutic processes. The result of this approach is remarkable, both to therapists, who learn intimately about themselves, and to clients, who reap the rewards of such illuminations."

-- Kirk J Schneider, PhD - Editor, Journal of Humanistic Psychology
"This DVD is an invaluable resource to those who are interested in learning more about Jim’s existential-humanistic mode of treatment, as well as those who are interested in gaining knowledge of the existential-humanistic method of supervision/consultation. A highly useful and accessible addition to any psychotherapy video library."

-- Stefan E. Schulenberg - PhD, Department of Psychology, The University of Mississippi
In Depth
There are many ways to develop your skills as a therapist, and certainly one of the most powerful ways is to observe a true master in action. Those who had the chance to know or study with Bugental declare unequivocally that he indeed was one of the greats in our field. His writings are brilliant--although not always easy--but watching him at work is a lesson in clinical mastery.  

Psychotherapy.net got its humble start when Victor Yalom decided to capture Bugental's work, at the age of 80, in Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy in Action. One thing led to another, and Psychotherapy.net was founded. In James Bugental: Live Case Consultation you'll have a chance to see Bugental apply his skills in case consultation, and share his wisdom through numerous touching stories.

From watching this video, you will:

• Understand the therapeutic importance of focusing on the subjective worlds of both the therapist and client in the consultation process.
• Learn new techniques to deepen your clients’ inward search process of self-discovery.
• Increase your skills to identify and work effectively with client resistance in psychotherapy.

Length of video: 1:08:00

English subtitles available

Individual ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-013-9

Individual ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-013-2

Group ISBN-10 #: 1-60124-014-7

Group ISBN-13 #: 978-1-60124-014-9

James F.T. Bugental, PhD (1915-2008) was a leading spokesman for existential-humanistic psychotherapy since the publication of his ground-breaking book The Search for Authenticity. He followed with classics such as Psychotherapy and Process, The Art of the Psychotherapist, and Psychotherapy Isn't What You Think. Recipient of numerous awards, and influential trainer to thousands of psychotherapists, he truly made a substantial and enduring contribution to the field of psychology.

See all James Bugental's videos.

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